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New documentary focuses on trauma faced by first-responders (

“Keeping the Peace,” a new documentary that recently premiered at the University of San Diego, brings to light the trauma often faced by first responders and encourages police officers, firefighters and others in the field to seek counseling when dealing with emotional issues. They’ve lost colleagues to suicide, had people die in their arms, seen horrifying injuries and had to tell family members about a loved one’s death. It takes a toll on law enforcement officers, firefighters and other...

Free Webinar: Safety First Before Trauma Treatment

Safety must be addressed first throughout trauma treatment. This is especially the case with traumatized children and their families because the child is often more vulnerable to abuse or neglect. The FST| Family Systems Trauma Model presents the use of a safety risk scale of 1 to 5 (1= no risk; 5 = high risk) to assess current safety levels within the family. The use of what is called an FST Trauma Safety Playbook is then used if needed to realign a chaotic and disorganized family with...

Open Access link (until July 1) to “A Thinking about Resilience: Open Access link (until July 1) to "A Critical Assessment of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study at 20 Years”

The ACEs research by Drs. Felitti, Anda and colleagues emphasizes only household deficits, not family and community assets. To understand fully the effects of adversity and to build resilience, we need to recognize those assets and their unequal availability to households across divides of race, class, gender and locale. Resilience is not only or mainly a quality of individuals alone; it is a quality of individuals in interaction with resources in their social environments. For more, see the...

Addressing ACEs - A Call to Action - upcoming event July 11.

Please join us in Northeast Tennessee on July 11th for the "Addressing ACEs - A Call To Action" event. Keynote speakers include best selling author, Liz Murray who will be sharing her "Homeless to Harvard" story, internationally recognized clinician, Dr. Stephanie Covington sharing, "Trauma and the Three “Rs”: Recognize, Respond, Recover", Dr. Andi Clements and Becky Haas presenting, "How to Create a Trauma Informed Community" based on the Johnson City model which has gained national...

Why ACES make sense!

It's a long life. One that has many twists and turns. I thought I had all the answers: prayer and meditation every day; and, positive thinking. Little did I know, there was much more to learn. This is my first blog post on ACEs Connection. I was asked to join in the conversation. I am happy to join in. I have written about Adverse Childhood Experiences as part of an Appendix in my book My Courage to Tell . When I learned about ACES from psychologist Dr. Liam Marshall a few years ago, a lot...

Can You Reshape Your Brain's Response To Pain? []

By Patti Neighmond, NPR, June 10, 2019. Jeannine, who is 37 and lives in Burbank, Calif., has endured widespread pain since she was 8. She has been examined by dozens of doctors, but none of their X-rays, MRIs or other tests have turned up any evidence of physical injury or damage. Over the years, desperate for relief, she tried changing her diet, wore belts to correct her posture and exercised to strengthen muscles. Taking lots of ibuprofen helped, she says, but doctors warned her that...

Training Police to Handle Trauma []

By Jaclyn Wallen and Vincent Acevez, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, June 6, 2019. A veteran police officer in Cicero, Illinois, is quick with an answer when the therapist asks him: “What’s the worst thing you’ve witnessed on the job?” Instantly, it’s 2010, an icy Valentine’s Day, and Officer Joseph Melone is staring in horror as flames engulf a three-story house. Melone is an arson specialist, and when the fire subsides, it’s his job to pick through the rubble. Seven people are missing. The...

Trauma in adulthood can begin in the first 2 months of life []

By Paul Schoenfeld, HeraldNet, June 9, 2019. Last week, I attended the 30th annual International Trauma Conference in Boston. Several thousand mental health clinicians from around the world attended. It was sponsored by Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost researchers and clinicians in developmental trauma. He wrote an excellent book, “The Body Keeps the Score,” which I highly recommend. In the last 10 years, the field of neuroscience has blossomed. With new imaging...

Durbin, Capito, colleagues introduce bipartisan, bicameral legislation to address childhood trauma [Office of Senator Durbin of IL]

The following is a press release issued by the office of U.S. Senator Durbin (D-IL) on Monday, June 10, announcing the introduction of bipartisan bicameral legislation that builds on last year’s opioid legislation SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act and recommendations from a recent GAO report. A link to the bill and other information will be provided as soon as possible. In the meantime, an earlier draft of the bill and a section by section are attached to this post. For Immediate...

Recap: NW Conference on Behavioral and Addictive Disorders

It is no secret that Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma in childhood have a wide-ranging impact on health-risk outcomes across an individual’s lifetime. This includes behavioral, physical, and mental health impacts, such as smoking, alcoholism, and substance use; depression, suicide attempts, heart disease, and cancer. At the 32 nd Annual Northwest Conference on Behavioral and Addictive Disorders, topics focused on trauma treatment, neuroscience and therapy, and the intersection of...

Recordings: Trauma-Informed "History and Hope" Trainings from Alaska Resilience Initiative

This summer, I am interning at the Alaska Resilience Initiative , a program under the Alaska Children’s Trust . To build resilience around the state, ARI has created a training called History and Hope , covering ACEs, Resilience, and trauma-informed practice. The presentation provides a background on healthy development, ACEs, toxic stress, structural trauma, and inequity, based in science and data and walks participants through the best practices for supporting healthy development and...

ACE Study Conversation with Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

ACE Study co-principal investigator communicating with ACE treatment approaches expert, Dr. Brian Alman. They have collaborated since the beginning days of the ACE Study. They are presently focused on new programs, courses & individual support sessions for parenting, inner resilience, mind-body weight loss & training for doctors as well as counselors. Listen in & join their conversation: Dr. Brian Alman & Vincent Felitti, MD Interview from Trusage on Vimeo .

Ava DuVernay's Central Park Five series isn't just history — it's an indictment of the present []

By Janell Ross, NBC News, June 2, 2019. Last month, after a pair of screenings of the director Ava DuVernay’s Central Park Five series in New York — one audience overwhelmingly white and the other overwhelmingly black — a general reaction could be heard. The series was good, but hard, audience members said as they filed out of the screenings. It was hard to watch. But the horrific case dramatized in DuVernay’s series was not a 1,000-year flood event, belonging to the country’s past. Elements...

Coming home stressed? Your dog is internalizing those bad vibes too, study suggests []

By Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times, June 6, 2019. Is your dog stressed out? Maybe you’re the one who needs a belly rub. New research finds that throughout a dog’s life, the stress levels of a canine and his or her human tend to rise and fall together. In fact, stress in a dog appears to be more closely linked to the stress of its owner than it to the dog’s own temperament. In the 15,000 years that humans and dogs have lived together, dependence and mutual affection have deepened our bond.

A Family-Centered Program to Break the Cycle of Addiction

" [Celebrating Families!] showed significant impact on family organization, positive parenting, parent involvement, and alcohol and drug use reduction. CF! is shown to be successful in unifying families from family dependency courts and as a prevention program for SUDs when offered by community social service agencies. A preliminary efficacy study illustrates changes within participating families consistent with the goal. ... Results suggest that this family skills program can be an...

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