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Claire's Story: Claire reads Larry's letter. Part 56.

By P. Berman & K. Hecht & A. Hosack He wrote me! He hates to write! Has he finally forgiven me? Are my dreams coming true? Claire was walking on a cloud of white, she saw Larry ahead of her with his arms opened. She walked into his arms and he wrapped his arms around her. Larry whispered in her ear but then…. the daydream ended. Claire looked down at her letter- still unopened. She wanted to believe, just for another few minutes, that Larry had changed, he wanted to marry her, they...

CHCS-ACEs Connection Webinar: Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach into Substance Use Disorder Treatment [CHCS]

Experiencing trauma — events such as parental divorce, living with a family member who is substance dependent, abuse, and neglect — strongly correlate to health-risk behaviors later in life, including substance use. With this understanding, many providers are seeking ways to acknowledge and address trauma as a hidden, underlying risk in patient’s lives. This webinar, cosponsored by the Center for Health Care Strategies and ACEs Connection, highlighted how two providers operating in vastly...

Predicting post-injury depression and PTSD risk []

By University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Science Daily, June 5, 2019. Although injury is unexpected and acute, it can result in long-term health problems and disability. Up to half of all patients experience postinjury depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the months after injury, increasing suboptimal recovery, disability, and costs for care. For patients like urban black men, some of whom have experienced prior trauma, childhood adversity and neighborhood...

How Luxury Units Turn Into Affordable Housing []

By Nolan Gray, CITYLAB, June 5, 2019. There’s a fierce argument about housing affordability and supply that’s raging in the urbanist community. The big question: Does building “luxury” (or market rate) housing in wealthy neighborhoods free up more housing for everyone? Advocates in the “Yes In My Backyard” (YIMBY) movement say it does; others are more skeptical. The market-rate-skeptic’s view, as captured in Richard Florida’s write-up of a new paper by Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Michael...

Who Can Adopt a Native American Child? A Texas Couple vs. 573 Tribes []

By Jan Hoffman, NY Times, June 5, 2019. FORT WORTH — The 3-year-old boy who could upend a 40-year-old law aimed at protecting Native American children barreled into the suburban living room, merrily defying his parents’ prediction that he might be shy. He had a thatch of night-black hair and dark eyes that glowed with mischievous curiosity. As he pumped a stranger’s hand and scampered off to bounce on an indoor trampoline, his Superman cape floated behind him, as if trying to catch up.

Colorado county named healthiest US community [The Nation's Health]

Report scores 3,000 communities on health-related issues Earlier this year, Douglas County, Colorado, was tapped as the healthiest community in the country, moving up from its previous spot at No. 2. “We give all the credit to our citizens for their healthy choices,” Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas told The Nation’s Health. In March, U.S. News & World Report and the Aetna Foundation released their second annual Healthiest Communities report, evaluating nearly 3,000 U.S.

CPTSD and CLINGING: Try Letting Things Come To You...

Childhood PTSD has often left us unconsciously anxious, and one sign is that we tend to grasp at things we do want, and cling despite the fact that these people, situations or places make us unhappy. In this video I talk about testing reality by letting go and allowing things to come to you. You may be surprised at the happy results! More Resources: If you’re ready to move forward with healing trauma from your childhood, register for my online course, “Healing Childhood PTSD.” I have a...

Darrell Hammond, Subject of Cracked Up, Will Be Joining Twitter Chat!!

Saturday Night Live veteran Darrell Hammond will be joining the live Twitter Town Hall i mmediately following the virtual screening of Cracked Up! T he documentary film details the long term effects of childhood trauma, told through Darrell’s personal journey in discovering adverse childhood experiences at the root of his lifelong battle with self-harm, addiction, and misdiagnosis. Please join us for this unique chance to hear directly from Darrell Hammond, joined by the film’s director,...

Why Asian Parents Don’t Talk About Mental Health (and How to Heal From It) (

"For many Asian Americans, talking about mental health issues, especially to their parents, is like pulling teeth. Asian Americans are actually three times less likely to seek mental health services than other Americans, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America . Anxiety, depression, and mental health issues aren’t really topics discussed in Asian households and are considered taboo. Often times, we are told to “ get over it” and “we had it so much worse than you, you...

Navigating the Transition into Caregiving (

Personal transformation is usually an experience we actively seek out - not one that hunts us down. But in the twenty-first century, becoming a caregiver is a transformation that comes at us because today the ‘call to care’ is at odds with the imperative of work and the call to individual achievement. Being a caregiver is not something most people think or dream about, let alone prepare for, even though it’s a role many of us will inhabit, since there are approximately 43 million informal...

Conversations with a Wounded Healer Podcast with Sarah Buino and Brad Kammer

It was a pleasure to be a guest on the Conversations with a Wounded Healer Podcast with Sarah Buino . We are both therapists focused on addressing Complex Trauma. And, we have both experienced our own attachment, relational and transgenerational trauma. On this podcast we discuss the importance of body-mind modalities that go beneath people’s symptoms in order to address the disrupted psychobiological patterns impacted by unresolved trauma. We share our own experiences as therapists,...

‘This is not a child safety crisis. It’s a poverty crisis, a racism crisis.’ – A social worker and former foster youth featured in HBO’s ‘Foster’ shares her vision of societal and system change (

Excerpts from article by Sarah Harris from Rise Magazine . Q: What led you to work in the foster care system? A: I am a former foster youth and I’ve been a social worker at the L.A. Department of Child and Family Services for 5 years. I entered foster care through probation, and I got into probation through survival. I was breaking the law for clothes and food. In foster care, I bounced around a lot. For the most part I was AWOL. I was in group homes but I stayed with family or friends.

A Chat with Youth Leader Jaidyn Probst []

By Nessia Berner Wong, ChangeLab Solutions. Jaidyn Probst is a high school senior living in Redwood Falls, Minnesota. Redwood Falls is a small, rural town of about 5,000 people — small enough that, according to Jaidyn, everyone knows everyone, which is probably her favorite part. She enjoys creating art, reading, listening to music, and spending time with friends and family. Also, she really doesn’t like doing the dishes. Jaidyn is Bdewakantunwan (Spirit Lake Dwellers) Dakota and comes from...

Desperation And Broken Trust When Schools Restrain Students Or Lock Them In Rooms []

By Jenny Abamu and Rob Manning, NPR, June 5, 2019. Every time Jennifer Tidd's son was secluded or restrained at school, she received a letter from his teachers. Her son has autism and behavioral issues, and over three years — from 2013 to 2016 — Tidd got 437 of those letters. "I see this pile of documents that's 5 inches tall that represents hundreds of hours of being locked into a room, and I feel, you know, horrible," Tidd says. She's sitting in her living room in Northern Virginia, her...

Why some practitioners of walk-and-talk therapy think it is especially helpful for teens []

By Carolee Belkin Walker, Washington Post, May 29, 2019. Therapist Jennifer Udler was in the middle of a 50-minute session with a patient when it started to rain. Instead of being in her office, however, she and her teenage patient were outside, walking and talking about anxiety and stress — so they got soaked. But the torrent had an upside. When they made it back indoors, Udler said, “Hey, look at us! We’re fine! We’re a little wet, but, oh well! We got through it! Now you can use that next...

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