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Significant Ways to Improve Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Dealing with traumatic childhood events can be challenging as one grows into adulthood. If left untreated, adverse childhood experience (i.e. trauma), can cause significant strains on the well-being of the individual. Mental health concerns, substance abuse, relationship issues, and physical pain and illnesses. It is important for individuals to become aware and process their hurts and pains from previous traumatic events. In this article, I have provided several steps to healing adverse...

Don't Miss CRI's Conference 2023: Pathways to Resilience

Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) is presenting its first in-person conference after gathering online over the past three years due to COVID restrictions. This year’s conference takes place from July 20 to 21, 2023 at the beautiful Hotel Roanoke Conference Center in Roanoke, VA. Entitled Pathways to Resilience , the conferenc e offers a multitude of talks, presentations, activities and workshops focused on processing the collective trauma we all have lived through over the past few years...

Child Labor Is On The Rise []

By William Finnegan, Illustration: João Fazenda/The New Yorker, The New Yorker, June 4, 2023 You may think that child labor was abolished a century ago, at least in the United States. That was never quite true. The Fair Labor Standards Act, passed during the New Deal, outlawed “oppressive child labor” but exempted agricultural work from many of its restrictions, which, in the decades since, has left hundreds of thousands of children in the fields. In every industry, enforcement of the law...

This Texas Community Has Waited Decades for Running Water. Could Hydro-Panels Help? []

Olga Thomas and other residents of Hueco Tanks rely on a private company to haul water to their neighborhood. Now she can count on her hydro panels for drinking water. Credit: Omar Ornelas/El Paso Times By Martha Pskowski, Inside Climate News, June 5, 2023 Olga Thomas has a story about every plant in her garden. The creosote that her mother would brew into a medicinal tea. The ocotillo planted from seed that now towers over her. The prickly pear cactus that blooms yellow each spring. Thomas,...

Bringing nature inside can improve your health. Here’s how to do it. []

By Stacey Colino, Photo: Wenjia Tang/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, June 2, 2023 If you’ve watched even a few minutes of HGTV or skimmed a handful of real estate listings, you’re likely acquainted with the notion of “bringing the outdoors in.” But the concept is much more than just a home decorating cliché. “As a species, we are part of the natural world and we have an inherent need to connect with nature, whether we realize it or not,” says psychotherapist Patricia Hasbach,...

Men: Here Are the Health Screenings You Need []

By Kirstie Ganobsik, Photo: Adobe Stock, HelathDay, June 5, 2023 Many men will put off going to the doctor unless they are really sick, but men's health screenings help catch problems before symptoms appear. The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Library of Medicine offer several men's health screening and preventative care recommendations . Many of these recommendations are guided by the U.S. Preventive Services Task...

US life expectancy problem is ‘bigger than we ever thought,’ report finds []

By Adrianna Rodriguez, Photo: from article, USA TODAY, June 2, 2023 The country’s life expectancy problem gained renewed attention in recent years during the COVID-19 pandemic after seeing the largest drop since World War II. As U.S. life expectancy continues to plummet , a new report found the country has been at a life expectancy disadvantage since the 1950s, and it has only gotten worse since then. The study , published Thursday in the American Journal of Public Health , also shows more...

Wholistic Health Equity Determinants and the LGBTQIA++ Community:

Too little emphasis has historically been placed on this population’s challenges in addressing these determinants, as in accessing quality concordant health and behavioral health care, managing their psychosocial health and reflective resource needs, and activating action to mitigate their abysmal health outcomes. Systemic racism further perpetuates each of these disparities, triggers trauma that activates physical illness, while also compromising individual safety. Time to shift this trend!

Updated "Help lines and other info" packet.

Hi. This is the link to the updated PDF for “Help lines and other info 06.03.23”. It has national hotlines and their websites; a place to put local info; and some possibly helpful apps and techniques. For both the PDF, and the correlative “If you need help” sections on the website: info is up-to-date; did edits; added a bit; and worked on accessibility. Link to PDF: Help lines and other info 06.03.23, PDF You can also go directly to the Connect All website. All the information is in the “If...

Their high school canceled an LGBTQ play. These teens put it on anyway. []

Students in Fort Wayne, Ind., weren’t going to give up after their school canceled an LGBTQ play. But could they figure out how to put on the show themselves? (Video: Hadley Green/The Washington Post) By Hannah Natanson, The Washington Post, May 31, 2023 Sydney Knipp, 16, tiptoed to stage’s edge and peered around the black curtain at the nearly 1,500 people waiting for the play to start. It was the largest audience she had ever seen. In a few minutes, Sydney was supposed to stride before...

Administrators can and must act to nurture LGBTQ leaders []

By Kevin Leonard, Photo: Screenshot from article, Times Higher Education, June 1, 2023 Many US colleges and universities boast robust policies that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, but members of the LGBTQ community remain under-represented among academic leaders. The small number of LGBTQ leaders on campuses leave LGBTQ faculty, staff and students feeling excluded and marginalised. Higher education needs to implement programmes to eliminate...

This Pride Month, Environmental Justice Needs To Be A Part Of The Conversation []

By The Climate Reality Project, Photo: Screenshot from article, The Climate Reality Project, May 23, 2023 There’s no denying it: We’re all feeling the effects of rising global temperatures. But the climate crisis impacts some communities – many of which already suffer the effects of inequitable societal systems – more than others. In the US, LGBTQIA+ people have historically been the victims of state and federal policies that have led to widespread discrimination in the housing, employment,...

Pervasive Abuse of LGBTQ+ People and Those With HIV in Justice System: Report []

By Trudy Ring, Photo: Shutterstock, Advocte, April 22, 2023 LGBTQ + people and people living with HIV experience alarming rates of abuse in the criminal legal system, says a new report from Lambda Legal in partnership with Black and Pink National. The report, “Protected and Served? 2022,” is based on a survey of more than 2,500 people who had interacted with police, courts, jails, prisons, and other governmental institutions, and it includes quantitative data as well. It “provides an...

No One Knows How Many L.G.B.T.Q. Americans Die by Suicide []

Utah’s chief death investigator, Cory Russo, in Salt Lake County’s medical examiner’s office. Ms. Russo is one of the few U.S. death investigators routinely collecting data on sexual orientation and gender identity.Credit...Kim Raff for The New York Times By Azeen Ghorayshi, The New York Times, June 1, 2023 Cory Russo, the chief death investigator in Utah, is used to asking strangers questions at the most excruciating moments of their lives. When she shows up at the scene of a suicide, a...

It’s Pride Month. Here’s how LGBTQ rights fared around the world this year. []

LGBT supporters in Cuba, Uganda, the United States and South Korea gather to fight for their rights as they celebrate and protest their countries' laws. (Video: Reuters) By Victoria Bisset and Ellen Francis, The Washington Post, June 1, 2023 Communities across the globe are marking Pride Month in June, after a year in which several countries have passed legislation affecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people. “The past year has witnessed an ever-increasing sense of othering, exclusion, and...

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