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When Mental Illness Is Your Family Heirloom [The Root]

Psychiatric disorders definitely have a genetic component. And that, in addition to the trauma that most black people, particularly black women, endure in their lifetimes means that what may lie dormant is invariably loosed. Sometimes it looks like your auntie, who has barely left her room in 15 years. Sometimes it looks like your daddy, whose rage is so palpable that you can actually feel it; sometimes it’s drinking every night to take the edge off. Read more .

MAY 15TH- Trauma-Informed Awareness Day in Illinois!

The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative is excited to honor the first Trauma-Informed Awareness Day in Illinois! Conceived by the Community Behavioral Health Association of Illinois and supported by research conducted by the Collaborative, Trauma-Informed Awareness Day is sponsored by State Senator Julie Morrison of Deerfield, as well as numerous others who have joined the senator in recognizing the importance of trauma-informed care and resilience. Trauma-Informed Care Day calls upon the...

Therapy Dog Thank You: Sammie Brings Joy to Schools

Every Tuesday morning this school year, Sammie and I have visited the kids at Terrace Park Elementary school. Sammie melts my heart as I witness her work her therapy dog magic with these sweet little humans. The idea of helping a child who is experiencing anxiety or feelings of overwhelm touches me on a soul level. I know how much small gestures of kindness and gentle acceptance meant to me as a child.

Who's Legally Responsible for Prison and Jail Suicides? []

When Jose Luis Garza was arrested for threatening his brother during an intoxicated argument, his mother begged the police to keep watch of him. "I'm afraid of him hurting himself," she told the arresting officer early one morning in February of 2016. Watchfulness did not ensue. Despite his mother's warnings, the local jail in the border town of Donna, Texas, took no mental-health precautions. Instead, in the hours after Garza covered the camera in his cell with wet paper towels, no one...

Virginia Suburb Shows That Diversion, Victim-centered Agreements Work []

Over the last several years, the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court (JDRDC) of Fairfax County, Va., has been working on transformative efforts around juvenile justice in an effort to keep low-risk youth from entering the system and address disparities for youth of color. One large area targeted by these efforts was the diversion programming and Juvenile Intake Office. In Virginia, intake officers are decision-makers. It is their responsibility to review charges from petitioners...

Firing Up the Neural Symphony []

The research on brain stimulation is advancing so quickly, and the findings are so puzzling, that a reader might feel tempted to simply pre-order a genius cap from Amazon, to make sense of it all later. In just the past month, scientists reported enhancing the working memory of older people, using electric current passed through a skullcap, and restoring some cognitive function in a brain-damaged woman, using implanted electrodes. Most recently, the Food and Drug Administration approved a...

The Impact of Environmental Chronic and Toxic Stress on Asthma []

Several factors have been associated with the development of asthma and asthma-related morbidity and mortality. Exposures in the environment such as allergens and air pollutants have traditionally been linked to the risk of asthma and asthma outcomes. More recent literature has identified chronic psychosocial stress as an additional environmental exposure to consider in relation to asthma. Adverse childhood events (ACEs) and chronic and toxic stress have been associated with chronic diseases...

Why Trauma-Informed Care Is Creating Hope For Kids In Wisconsin []

In 2012, Waupaca County's health and human services department was hemorrhaging employees, particularly within its child protection and juvenile justice programs. "There was just a lot of turnover," said Chuck Price, who took over as director of the department around that time. "We needed a culture of change." Price and his colleague, deputy director Shannon Kelly, recalled a culture that seemed to place a higher value on bureaucratic outcomes than on fostering positive human connections.

The Relentless School Nurse: Meet Annie, Edutainer & Creator of Blooming Buddies Workshop

Once in a while, you come across a special person who lights up a room, even virtually. This describes Annalyce D'Agostino (Annie) who is the creative mind behind Blooming Buddies Workshop. Imagine Blue's Clues meets Tinker Bell, that is what I think of when I watched Blooming Buddies first episode. Annie is our guest blogger this week. I am passionate about early education and bringing the best and most innovative experiences to my students. When I showed my preschool students Blooming...

Call for submissions: UN OHCHR Thematic report on medical education and health workforce strengthening

Deadline is May 20, 2019 The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health will present a thematic report to the 74th UN General assembly in October 2019 on the role of medical education in strengthening the health workforce, including doctors and other health workers. For a detailed explanation of the feedback sought, please see the relevant extended note . In a snap-shot the Special Rapporteur...

Nashville, TN declares May 14th Adverse Childhood Experiences Awareness Day!!! []

In a culmination of 3 years of the collective impact work of ACEs Connections' online community ACE Nashville , Nashville's mayor David Briley made the following proclamation: Mayor Briley has declared May 14 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Awareness Day to underscore the importance of understanding, preventing and treating childhood trauma in order to improve the health and future prosperity of our entire community. ACEs describes stressful or traumatic childhood experiences that are...

ACEs Science Champions Series: First 5 San Mateo County (CA) Forges Ahead with Trauma-Informed Initiative

Each year for the past 20 years, First 5 San Mateo County has spent nearly $7 million to help meet the needs of children from birth through age five, and support their families. In 1998, First 5 was established and funded in California by Proposition 10, which funneled tobacco tax dollars into transforming the early childhood system and guaranteeing better outcomes for all counties in the state. In January 2018, the First 5 San Mateo County started a planning committee based on incorporating...

What is equitable resilience? []

The concept of resilience has gained prominence in recent years as a key goal of efforts to adapt to climate change and to reduce disaster risks. This view holds that while some stresses and shocks may be unavoidable, resilient societies will be better prepared to cope, recover and adapt – or even to make fundamental changes for transformation. Yet for all the interest in resilience, it has been criticized for failing to account for power relations and how the complexity of social dynamics...

Psychodrama in London: “Finding a Part of Myself”

What if we could connect with the parts of ourselves that are hidden inside of us. The kid in us who wants attention, who is creative and spontaneous. The artist in us, the story teller, the writer, the visionary, the helper. Or for people who have grown up with addiction in their childhoods, that part might be the forgotten kid who lives inside, with their head still hanging down. Who is still waiting to be noticed. The child in them who is still in pain, still mistrusting of deep...

Why Does It Suddenly Seem Like EVERYONE Has PTSD?

PTSD, Complex PTSD, Childhood PTSD -- why does it seem like SO many people have it these days? Are people actually experiencing more trauma in this generation, or is something else going on? In this video I give you ten guesses why so many people feel they have it, and how our culture can change to support people in healing. More Resources: If you were affected by abuse and neglect in your childhood, you may want to take my course, Healing Childhood PTSD. If past trauma is affecting your...

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