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How Tennessee is battling disproportionate minority contact at state and local level []

Tennessee is in the infancy of its comprehensive juvenile justice system reform. However, some lessons have been learned. If racial and ethnic justice is a priority, every proposed provision of the reform must be viewed through a racial and ethnic justice lens. To pass the best legislation possible and potentially avoid challenges to the legislation, key stakeholders within the juvenile justice system must be meaningfully engaged early and often. Adequate thought should be given to not only...

New York’s parent defender model lowers reliance on foster care []

New York City’s brand of wrap-around legal representation may not prevent the removal of children from their families. But they might be getting home much faster, and without any risk to their safety. A much-anticipated study of parent representation released this week found that for parents represented by interdisciplinary law offices (ILO) – which include lawyers, social workers and parent advocates – youth spend about four fewer months in foster care than in cases represented by...

Why Indonesia wants to move its capital out of Jakarta []

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo may finally push forward a long-standing proposal to move the nation’s capital out of the polluted, sinking city of Jakarta, and off the crowded main island of Java. Though details remain scant, the plan he approved last week during a special cabinet meeting is expected to take five to 10 years, at least, and cost $33 billion to complete—if it comes to fruition. The government has not said where the new capital will be, but an official told reporters...

Changing how you think helps the transition from prisoner back to citizen []

Raymond Tillman spent most of his adolescence and early adulthood behind bars. His last release — after three stints inside — was in 2011. When he got out, he had a lot to catch up on — like, the digital age. "When I first came home I was illiterate to technology," he explains. "Didn't know how to turn on a computer, let alone what an email was." But he needed a job, and to get one, he'd need to be able to apply online. A parole officer suggested Tillman go to the Cal State San Bernardino...

Helping Women Recover 3rd edition now available!

We are excited to announce the 3rd edition of Helping Women Recover: A Program for Treating Addiction (with a special edition for criminal justice settings ) is now available. Developed by Stephanie S. Covington, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., co-director of the Institute for Relational Development and the Center for Gender and Justice, Helping Women Recover is an evidence-based, manualized curriculum for treating women with histories of addiction and trauma. It is designed for use in a variety of...

ACEs Within Tribal Communities

Mechuksus, As I write this I am trying to overcome the taboo's within California Tribal Communities that come along with the culturally invasive factors of asking the ACE questions. Our traditional societies had very strict rules on what we talked about between male and female relationships as well as outside of the community unit. Unless you work within the wellness realm or you have pursued your own healing many Tribal Communities are unaware of what ACEs are. This is something that my...

Liberty House Helping the Mid-Valley Children Thrive (Oregon)

Liberty House has played a powerful role in the community since 1999 as a child abuse assessment center and agent of change serving Marion and Polk counties in Oregon. They provide high-quality assessment services to children who may have been hurt by sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect special assessment services in a safe, comfortable, child-friendly environment and child-focused, With compassion and expertise, medical providers conduct complete medical examinations for the children...

The many faces — and aspirations — of all of us at ACEs Connection

All of us at ACEs Connection have experienced ACEs during our childhoods, either in our own families or vicariously through friends; some of us accumulated pretty high ACE scores, with not enough resilience factors, and we’ve suffered the consequences. That history propels us up and out of bed every single morning to grow this network of amazing people (that’s you!) to reach even more people so that kids don’t have to repeat what we went through. We want more of our taxes to go to such...


"So many teachers take home loads of work each night, yet others somehow find themselves going home empty-handed. What’s the difference? While you may be tempted to say this is due to laziness or a lack of effort (which, unfortunately, is sometimes the case), that’s not always true. Some teachers have really learned the art of being ultra-efficient while they’re at work… they can take less home." "6. Focus on efficiency, not speed. If you’re anything like me, when you try to rush &...

CPTSD, PTSD, Childhood PTSD and ACEs: What's the Difference?

Hi ACEs Connection community -- I know most of you are well familiar with the meaning and history of ACEs science. I thought you may find this video helpful to place it in a wider context, for connecting "ACEs" with conditions that in some contexts are more commonly understood (and with which many people identify). READ MORE AND WATCH THE VIDEO HERE.

Behavioral Health Conference and ACEs

May 14, 2019 and May 15, 2019 there is a Behavioral Health Conference hosted by the United Way in Broward County. Be sure to stop by the Children's Services Council/ ACES Broward table to sign up to be a part of the ACE's Broward Community. At the conference, CSC President/CEO Cindy Arenberg Seltzer will be giving a brief introduction about ACE's.

Observing Mother's Day and Father's Day in a Trauma-Informed Church

I recently had two events that caused me to think purposefully about what a responsible approach to the upcoming holidays of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day may be for a church that is seeking to be sensitive to the trauma histories that their worshipping community may have. The first was an invitation to preach at a church in my community that has done a great deal to advance the faith communities awareness to the effects of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and mental health needs within...

The Geography of Brain Drain in America []

Perhaps the biggest problem afflicting America is its widening geographic divide between the winners and losers of the knowledge economy. A raft of studies has documented the growing divergence between places based on their ability to attract, retain, and cluster highly educated and skilled workers and to develop high-tech startup companies. Talented and skilled Americans are the most likely to move by far. While the overall rate of mobility among Americans has declined over the past decade...

Vera Institute’s New Campaign Is to End Incarceration of Girls []

Vera Institute of Justice’s Initiative to End Girls’ Incarceration aims towards getting girls, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming (gender expansive) and youth of color out of confinement by 2029. Juvenile incarceration rates have decreased in recent years; however, many reforms focus on boys in the system and may not be geared to girls and gender expansive youth. The number of girls in the system has been reduced in recent years to less than 46,000 annually nationwide.

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