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FREE MASTER CLASS FOR EDUCATORS: "The Top 10 Truths Every Teacher Needs to Know About Trauma" This 60-minute Master Class is an opportunity for teachers to take their FIRST STEP into becoming "trauma-informed." Learn how trauma impacts your students' brains, bodies and behavior, and the approaches that can make your job easier and less overwhelming! TUESDAY, May 7th @1pm (PST) - ONLINE Certificate of Attendance available for attendees Link for Deets:

When Students Are Traumatized, Teachers Are Too (

"Data shows that more than half of all U.S. children have experienced some kind of trauma in the form of abuse, neglect, violence, or challenging household circumstances—and 35 percent of children have experienced more than one type of traumatic event, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)." "“Being a teacher is a stressful enough job, but teachers are now responsible for a lot more things than just providing education,” says LeAnn Keck, a manager at Trauma Smart...

Claire’s Story: It’s not easy to live on a budget. Part 36.

By A. Hosack , P. Berman, & K. Hecht I really want those ice cream bars. I wonder what I could put back on the shelf so I could afford them. The Carsons’ have been thinking a head till when Claire graduates from school and will be living with Davy in her own apartment . They have opened a bank account for Claire and put money for food and clothing into her account every month; they take this money from the stipend they get from Child Protective Services for caring for Claire and Davy.

Train Your Brain, Change Your Brain (

Less than one hour of brain training with neurofeedback leads to a strengthening of neural connections and communication among brain areas. This is the main finding of a new study conducted at D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), published today in Neuroimage. According to the authors, the study may pave the way for the optimization and development of therapeutic approaches against stroke and Parkinson’s, for example. “We knew that the brain has an amazing ability to adapt...

7 Ways to Help a Child Deal with Traumatic Stress

Traumatic stress feels awful. The body tenses and succumbs to many other physiological changes leading to digestive problems and headaches, for example. Furthermore, children overwhelmed by emotions can’t engage positively in learning as curiosity in the outside world is a byproduct of a calm nervous system, not one that’s in a state of high alert.

A Florida ACEs Tour

RADICAL GRACE – WHAT I LET GOD SEE AND ACCEPT IN ME ALSO BECOMES WHAT I CAN SEE AND ACCEPT IN MYSELF. AND EVEN MORE, IT BECOMES THAT WHEREBY I SEE EVERYTHING ELSE. ~ RICHARD ROHR For the past three months, I’ve been driving through various parts of Florida witnessing events and gatherings of communities committed to creating safe, loving, trauma informed, and trauma healing spaces. On Friday February 22nd, I was in Tarpon Springs, attending the monthly gathering of Robin Saeger’s...

Volunteers knocking on doors offering help and H.O.P.E.

If you are a resident of Meadville, PA, you may have noticed some new faces walking through your neighborhood. Equipped with nothing more than a binder and a smile, our trio has been knocking on doors since November. Maybe you have already spoken with us, maybe you haven’t. Either way, your first thought was probably what do they want? First, rest assured we aren’t selling anything. We have no Omaha Steaks to offer, nor do we promise any discounts on your electric bill. For some of you, this...

The Utter Inadequacy of America’s Efforts to Desegregate Schools []

My best friend in kindergarten, Eddie Linton, did not live in one of the spacious houses on the hill in the Boston suburb where I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, Belmont, which is best known for its stellar schools and abundance of Harvard professors. Eddie, who is black, lived instead in a brownstone in the South End of Boston, alongside his two American-born sisters, plus grandparents and aunts and godparents from Barbados, the country where his parents were born. Every morning, Eddie...

What Survival Looks Like After the Oceans Rise []

Standing sometimes waist-deep in seawater on the shores of the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh, they work to find bricks, dig them out of the sludge and cart them to the side of the road to sell. The job is new, a result of devastating storm surges a little more than a decade ago. In 2007, and then again in 2009, cyclones battered the coastline just south of Kuakata, destroying homes and structures and drowning entire villages. The storms submerged forests of mangroves and left 99 local...

Collaborating for Successful Reentry: A Practical Guide to Support Justice-Involved Young People []

“Collaborating for Successful Reentry: A Practical Guide to Support Justice-Involved Young People Returning to the Community” from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice is a resource to help practitioners reform how youth reenter society and connect with their community. Traditionally, the justice system has used remedies that require youth to go to several classes, complete community service and have frequent meetings with different case managers. This system of reentry can be...

They Found a Way to Use Science in the Fight for Human Rights - and It's Working (

Public health crises. Climate change. Refugee trauma and violence. Human rights groups face daunting tasks that often require swift action, yet they also need to ensure that those actions are informed by scientific fact. “One of the things I’ve told human rights organizations when I’ve worked with them is without the data, you’re just a person with an opinion,” says Mary Gray , a statistician and lawyer at American University. That’s where the American Association for the Advancement of...

Increasing Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Health Psychology: Lessons Learned from Two Expert Panel Discussions Held by Division 38 (

"Representation of racial and ethnic minority psychologists is of special importance to the field of health psychology. Members of racial and ethnic minorities experience health disparities that are closely linked to social, economic, and environmental disadvantages." "A lack of diverse faculty was also identified as a barrier. Minority faculty serve as role models for young minority students. " "The nation is diversifying, and so should the field of health psychology to meet the nation’s...

Unsung Heroes: Haze Mabry; An Inspired Life

Haze Mabry has much to teach us when it comes to leading a happy life. An 80-year-old janitor comes to work expecting to clean. Instead, nearly 800 students sing him… April 1 Haze Mabry, who works as a janitor at an elementary school in Georgia, walks into the building every day and… A few days ago this story by Allison Klein, editor of Washington Post’s Inspired Life, appeared there and has since gone viral. “Haze Mabry”, writes Klein, “who works as a janitor at an...

Claire’s Story: Davy is Grumpy. Part 35.

By K. Hecht , A. Hosack , and P. Berman I want my mommy! Davy was tired after school. On the long bus ride home, he kept thinking about getting a story from his mommy. Now, he as he stepped off the bus and eagerly looked around- she wasn’t there, it was just Mr. Carson. Claire had put Davy on the bus like she had for months but had forgotten to tell him that Mr. Carson would be getting him from now on. She had been so nervous a b out going to her own school that she had put all her energy in...

Kids and Teens in Court Program at the Chadwick Center (

"The Kids and Teens in Court program is one of the many programs at the Chadwick Center designed in accordance with the agency’s mission to provide prevention, intervention, and education programs to children and their families. The program assists children, teens, and their families for the courtroom experience by 1) teaching relaxation skills; 2) providing education about the court process and their rights and; 3) introducing the courtroom and offering an opportunity to participate in a...

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