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CDC ACEs Research & Evaluation Fellowship application due April 24

This is a reminder that applications for the CDC Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) Research & Evaluation Fellowship ( announced last month on ACEs Connection ) are due April 24. The new fellowship position reflects a growing ACEs capacity within the CDC. The announcement states “The selected candidate will assist with research related to evaluating comprehensive community-based prevention strategies for primary prevention of ACEs (i.e., potentially traumatic experiences, such as child...

Announcing Trauma and Resilience Competencies for Nursing Education

The authors are pleased to announce the Trauma and Resilience Competencies for Nursing Education. These competencies serve as a guideline of minimal expectations and reflect essential knowledge, skills and behaviors for three levels of nursing education: 1) undergraduate, 2) graduate, and 3) psychiatric nurse practitioner programs. The Trauma and Resilience Competencies, developed in 2018 at the Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies at Fairfield University in Connecticut by an Expert...

17 states collect ACEs data in 2018; total now 42 states and DC

The US Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated information about the states' inclusion of the ACE module in the BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey). The CDC reports that “…since 2009, 42 states plus the District of Columbia have included ACE questions for at least one year on their survey.” In 2018 alone, 17 states included the ACE module, four of them (Idaho, Indiana, New Jersey, and West Virginia) for...

It's Nothing But a Neuron...

Have you ever walked by a pie shop and, upon smelling a fresh baked pumpkin pie, been transported back in time to a fond memory of Thanksgiving? Or maybe caught a glimpse of a stranger with certain features and found yourself thinking about that girl or guy from way back when? How about a significant other who one day playfully wrestles with you, and all of a sudden you find yourself lashing out at him without really understanding why? What exactly is occurring neurologically and what are...

Claire’s Story: Claire is afraid she will flunk out. Part 33

By A. Hosack & P. Berman & K. Hecht Will I be bullied again? Is it possible to make friends ? Claire had tossed and turned all night, with terrifying dreams about school. She didn’t like to think about how she had been bullied before Larry rescued her. There was no Larry to protect her now. The Carsons kept saying encouraging things about school. They talked about her making friends . They even said she might find other women with children who could be playmates for Davy. Claire...

House passes Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 with specific trauma-related amendments

The House of Representatives approved H.R. 1585, Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 on April 4 by a vote of 263-158 and included a number of trauma-specific amendments. This action demonstrates the continuing growth of bi-partisan support for trauma-informed approaches in Congress. Of the 40 amendments offered, four amendments (all passed) specifically addresse trauma. One amendment requires law enforcement to take a trauma-informed approach into the initial response to and...

Preventing A Relapse

If you are a recovering alcoholic and drug addict like me, the thought and urge to relapse is always there, especially in early recovery. We fight so hard every day to not pick up a drink or drug. It might not take much for us to be triggered. A bad day at work, problems with family or personal relationships could drive us to a point of relapse. It can be even more difficult for those who struggle with mental health issues. A lot of us used drinking and drugs to self-medicate. In my case, it...

Free Trauma Webinar: FST Stabilization vs. Trauma Work - Setting the Goals for Therapy

The chicken-and-egg expression refers to situations in which it is unknown what happened first. In trauma treatment, a critical "chicken-or-the-egg" decision occurs after the diagnostic assessment. Trauma therapists must choose to begin with stabilizing extreme symptoms or engaging in active trauma treatment. Join Dr. Sells for a free webinar to explore this treatment decision.

Developmental Trajectories of Early Life Stress and Trauma: A Narrative Review on Neurobiological Aspects Beyond Stress System Dysregulation

My colleague, Brad Kammer, shared a great journal article on the long term effects of ACEs on our physiology. The graphic alone that they created is super helpful in seeing visually how ACEs affect us holistically. I have attached the graphic here so you can see the whole image. From the article: The identification of factors related to risk and resilience in the wake of child abuse is a matter of central importance for public health interventions ( 465 ). Understanding the pathways...

Beautiful Poem Poster ~ Suicide Prevention & NAMI WALKS

Need your help! Beautiful Poem Poster supporting Suicide Prevention and NAMI Walks (National Alliance on Mental Illness). With a change in the date and year it can be used across the USA for all NAMI state and local chapters as well as all people and organizations In support of mental health well-being. Please share your ideas and connections on people and places to whom I should reach out. Many thanks!

Rider Off the Horse

All of us have rider off the horse moments. Many times we need a trusted other to help us get our riders back on (like when you have a tough day and call your mother/brother/partner/sister/roommate/friend to tell them about it). Who are your trusted others in your school or workplace? Let them know you appreciate them!

Mitigating the Effects of Trauma among Young Children of Immigrants and Refugees: The Role of Early Childhood Programs []

A child’s early years are a time of exceptional growth, and ones that can be profoundly affected by traumatic experiences. Research has firmly disproven the idea that infants and toddlers are “too young” to be affected by such experiences, leading to an increased awareness of the need for trauma-informed services for children. Early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs have the potential to play a central role in identifying and addressing the effects of trauma, with lifelong...

VYFS aims to create ‘trauma informed community’ []

With a grant from King County’s Best Starts for Kids, Vashon Youth & Family Services plans to help Vashon become a “trauma informed community” in an effort to improve the overall health and resilience of islanders. “With this program, we see a unique opportunity to create a culture shift,” Roderick McClain, VYFS’ grantwriter, said. “The ultimate goal is for individuals and organizations to be better equipped and organized to deal with those experiencing the effects of trauma.” The roots...

Parkland, PTSD, and Suicide []

In the past few weeks, we tragically lost two Parkland mass shooting survivors—Sidney Aiello and Calvin Desir—to suicide . Around the same time, Jeremy Richman , whose daughter was killed in the Newtown mass shooting, died by suicide too. These heart-wrenching losses have prompted public discussion about connections between suicide and trauma . What is PTSD ? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) defines trauma as exposure to actual or threatened...

Claire’s Story: Claire is pining for Larry. Part 32.

By K. Hecht , A. Hosack & P. Berman Wouldn’t Davy be better off with a dad? Maybe Larry could learn more patient in jail, and then they could be a happy family when he got out? Claire was sending letters to Larry in secret. She would post the letters on her way to school. She understood what the Carsons and Ms. Alexandra were saying about Larry being dangerous. She was as determined as ever that Davy never be hurt by Larry again. She had read an article Ms. Alexandra gave her and...

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