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The 'me too.' HBCU Tour []

Be part of the movement to disrupt sexual violence and normalize consent culture on your campus... Join 'me too.' founder Tarana Burke , cultural scholar Yaba Blay (#ProfessionalBlackGirl), and special guests for in-depth conversations and strategy sessions centered around creating safe and accountable communities for students, faculty, administrators. Colleges and universities have been instrumental in the growth of the #metoo movement, bringing increased attention to the pervasiveness of...

‘Change the environment’, reduce kids exposure to trauma, says California Surgeon General at University Hospitals []

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Dr. Nadine Burke Harris first noticed the effects of toxic stress more than a decade ago among the many children with behavioral and learning issues she treated in San Francisco’s low-income Bayview-Hunter’s Point neighborhood, the pediatrician and current California Surgeon General this morning told a standing-room only crowd attending University Hospitals’ Arthur and Edwina Burns endowed lecture in diversity. While the most common diagnosis for kids with attention and...

For Foster Youth in Crisis, Advocates Seek Another Option Besides 911 []

Foster parents often have trouble getting prompt help when a traumatized child in their care acts up or struggles to adapt to a new home. Frequently, they face two unsatisfactory choices, said Jenn Rexroad, executive director of the California Alliance of Caregivers, which represents foster-care families in the state: Figure out how to handle the problem on their own, or call 911 if they fear they or the child are unsafe. “There’s no continuity there between no help and kind of going to the...

Latest ACEs science research from PubMed, March 25, 2019

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs. Schickedanz AB, Escarce JJ, Halfon N, Sastry N, Chung PJ. Am J Prev Med . 2019 Mar 13. pii: S0749-3797(18)32445-0. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2018.11.019. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30905486 Similar articles A Systematic Review of Trials to Improve Child Outcomes Associated With Adverse Childhood Experiences. Marie-Mitchell A, Kostolansky R. Am J Prev Med . 2019 Mar 13. pii: S0749-3797(19)30031-5. doi:...

Helping Women, Babies and Families with a Trauma Sensitive Approach

At the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH), a celebration of support for the Mother-Baby Dyad and Trauma Healing is happening. All month, there have been lectures by esteemed experts in trauma sensitive and trauma healing approaches. From midwives who are trauma sensitive to baby bodyworkers, from family therapists who know how help you recognize trauma attachment to cultural competencies with marginal communities, you will find it in this free lecture...

#Me Too March: Should Michael Jackson's Music be Banned?

What to do with the musical legacy of Michael Jackson? People are taking sides: If you believe he was guilty, his music should be wiped from the face of the earth. If you're a diehard fan (like me!), you’re a tacit collaborator in his abuse. What if it's not that simple? What if Michael Jackson’s musical legacy is not EITHER/OR--but BOTH/AND? In the HBO doc Leaving Neverland, both of Michael Jackson's accusers report that they loved him EVEN WHILE HE WAS ABUSING THEM. They said that the...

Claire's Story: Larry is headed for a tough day in court. Part 27.

By A. H osack , K. Hecht, and P. Berman Larry had no adult criminal record, so his case had started out simply enough. If nothing else had happened since the assault, Mr. Branister could have gotten the charges dropped, or maybe gotten Larry probation . Unfortunately, Larry had resisted arrest. Mr. Branister believed Larry ’s story that he had been drunk when the police knocked on his door and that he had still been able to control himself until one of the officers had insulted him. Larry...

Documentary on Connection Between Foster Care, Homelessness and Human Trafficking []

A new foster care documentary , Breaking the Cycle , explores exactly how intertwined the foster care system is with homelessness and human trafficking. Filmmaker Arzo Yusuf captured multiple perspectives from people with close connections to the pipeline of living in foster care to becoming homeless or being sexually exploited, including a former foster youth and professionals who work with young people in foster care. Personal accounts from former foster youth speak to the circumstances...

Why disaster relief is so hard []

Ten days ago, Cyclone Idai struck Zimbabwe and Mozambique, killing more than 700 people and displacing 500,000. UN officials warned that four times that many people may be displaced by the time they’ve fully accounted for the storm’s devastation . The death toll, too, will almost certainly rise; cases of cholera have now been reported, along with an increase in malaria cases . United Nations meteorologist Clare Nullis has said that Idai could rank among the worst weather-related disasters in...

Pregnant Behind Bars: What We Do And Don't Know About Pregnancy And Incarceration []

There are 111,616 incarcerated women in the United States, a 7-fold increase since 1980. Some of these women are pregnant, but amid reports of women giving birth in their cells or shackled to hospital beds , prison and public health officials have no hard data on how many incarcerated women are pregnant, or on the outcomes of those pregnancies. A study published in The American Journal of Public HealthThursday changes that. The study included 57 percent of the US prison population (New York,...

We Have a Vision for Health Equity in California []

California has made great strides in improving our health care system, and now more than 91 percent of our residents have health insurance. However, coverage does not guarantee health and significant racial inequities persist. For example, in California, Latinos and African Americans have twice the prevalence of type-2 diabetes and are twice as likely to die from the disease. The prevalence of asthma among American Indians and Alaska Natives is three times greater than the state average and...

Can Rent Control Protect Communities? []

For 31 years, Andy Mangels, 52, and his husband, Don Hood, 61, lived in an apartment in the Goose Hollow neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. In December, the owner of their building changed. Hood, who is a disabled veteran who had been working for 12 years as an onsite manager for the apartments, was laid off. Then their rent was raised 113 percent. Mangels said the news was more than just shocking. They were now facing displacement from a neighborhood they had called home for more than three...

Farmworkers Are on the Frontlines of Climate Change. Can New Laws Protect Them? []

On an early February morning just east of Florida’s I-75, sea fog lies low over the fields. It nearly obscures the farmworkers, ghost-like, bent over as they harvest the winter crops. Though the sun’s just coming up, they’ve been laboring for hours. “It’s cool in the early morning, but even the winters are getting warmer,” said Jeannie Economos, project coordinator with the Farmworker Association of Florida . “By the afternoon, it will be in the 80s in the sun.” Most people are unaware that...

The Achievement Gap Fails to Close []

Income inequality has soared in the United States over the past half century. Has educational inequality increased alongside, in lockstep? Of course, say public intellectuals from across the political spectrum. As Richard Rothstein of the liberal Economic Policy Institute puts it: “Incomes have become more unequally distributed in the United States in the last generation, and this inequality contributes to the academic achievement gap.” Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam, citing...

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