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Psychology Needs New Concepts and Healing Models for Racial Trauma []

The American Psychologist journal published a new special issue that features the latest psychological research on racial trauma. Feminist psychologist and clinical practitioner, Dr. Lillian Comas-Díaz and her colleagues, introduced the special issue and its mission to foreground novel conceptual models of racial trauma, promote healing on individual and collective levels, and highlight consideration of historical racial injuries. The special issue provides a contemporary examination of...

CDC's 'Connecting the Dots' Tool

Great new Resource from CDC shared with me from Dr. Kevin Sherin, Health Officer & Director of Florida Department of Health in Orange County, Florida. Welcome to the Connections Selector! This tool makes it easier for you to connect the dots and explore the relationships between multiple types of violence and the risk and protective factors they share at each level of the social-ecological model (SEM). A clear understanding of these connections can help you plan strategies to prevent...

Chicago healthcare providers start center for ACEs science education; aim to reach all medical, health students by 2025

In 2017, Dr. Audrey Stillerman and three other women from the Chicago healthcare community founded the THEN Center . Its goal is lofty: By 2025, it wants every graduating student in medical and health sciences across the United States to apply core concepts of childhood adversity, neurobiology, resilience and health equity into their work. Dr. Audrey Stillerman Today, the THEN Center (The Collaborative Study of Trauma, Health Equity and Neurobiology) is well on its way. Its founders are...

Leaders explore community wide resiliency []

By Emily Thornton | March 10, 2019 Everyone has experienced some kind of trauma, experts say, and people need to know how to work through it to help others also facing traumatic events. That was the message presented to 35 representatives from various local organizations who attended a Community Resilience Initiative training on Friday in the Walla Walla Airport conference room sponsored by United Way of Walla Walla and organized by Walla Walla’s Community Council Speakers discussed...

What Is Imposter Syndrome Really?

“I so don’t belong on this team!” I think to myself swearing under my breath as I sit in a meeting with my colleagues analyzing a problem we are having. One of my colleagues has just described a technical concept in such beautiful depth that I feel completely out of place. When I compare myself to her, I find myself utterly lacking. I tell myself that I was supposed to know that. I feel like a fraud and I just want to hide. I feel myself retreating, less inclined to contribute and more...

Virtual Screening of Broken Places on March 21st & Registration for ACEs Connection Members!

Please join us on Thursday, March 21st for a special virtual screening of Broken Places , the latest U.S. documentary on early childhood trauma and resilience. The film will be offered via a private Vimeo link with passcode to all registered members of ACEs Connection, for free, accessible in the United States and internationally. REGISTER TODAY: To register, please visit : The viewing portal for the film will open on Vimeo at 6am EST and close at 11pm...

Latest ACEs science research from PubMed, March 12, 2019

Relationship between maternal adverse childhood experiences and infant development: A systematic review (protocol). Ximenes RBB, Ximenes JCM, Nascimento SL, Roddy SM, Leite ÁJM. Medicine (Baltimore) . 2019 Mar;98(10):e14644. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000014644. PMID: 30855451 Free Article Similar articles Assessing Adverse Childhood Experiences during Pregnancy: Evidence toward a Best Practice. Nguyen MW, Heberlein E, Covington-Kolb S, Gerstner AM, Gaspard A, Eichelberger KY. AJP Rep . 2019...

Introducing 6 New ACEs Connection Communities: March 2019

Please welcome and explore the six newest communities to join our network in CA, KS, IN, and WA. HOPE's ACEs in Action is Sheldon (WA) Kansas ACEs Connection Witchita State University Community Engagement Institute Lake County (IN) ACEs Connection Resilient Lake County (CA) Siskiyou County (CA) ACEs Connection Tacoma-Pierce ACEs Connection (WA) You can find more details about each one of them below. Follow links for a list of all of our ACEs Connection communities or the process of starting...

Help NM become a leader in child well-being []

Our state is poised to take a vital leadership role. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been part of a national dialogue for over 20 years, since Kaiser Permanente and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted their ground-breaking study in the 1990s. While this public awareness has been important to our understanding of the social and economic consequences of ACEs, and we are making great strides in responses to the crisis, we still have yet to translate that effort...

If Weather Affects Hiring Now, Wait For Climate Change To Get Worse []

It's never a good idea to take a single data point and extract from it. The latest federal jobs report is an example. Only 20,000 new jobs this month, the smallest number since September 2017 , when hurricanes battered the country and a number of its territories, like Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Most people won't be working when winds could lift them up and throw them, their car, and lord knows what else through the air. When floods pick buildings up from their foundations and...

Is Anxiety to Blame for Missed School? []

A team of researchers based in the UK, affiliated with the University of Exeter and the University of Bristol, recently investigated the relationship between mental health and school attendance. Katie Finning and colleagues conducted a systematic review examining overall absenteeism, excused and medical absences, unexcused absences, and school refusal within 11 studies across six countries across North America, Europe, and Asia. Their results point to connections between anxiety, unexcused...

Leaders explore communitywide resiliency []

Everyone has experienced some kind of trauma, experts say, and people need to know how to work through it to help others also facing traumatic events. That was the message presented to 35 representatives from various local organizations who attended a Community Resilience Initiative training on Friday in the Walla Walla Airport conference room sponsored by United Way of Walla Walla and organized by Walla Walla’s Community Council Speakers discussed trauma-informed care throughout the...

Youth climate strikers: 'We are going to change the fate of humanity' []

The students striking from schools around the world to demand action on climate change have issued an uncompromising open letter stating: “We are going to change the fate of humanity, whether you like it or not.” The letter, published by the Guardian , says: “United we will rise on 15 March and many times after until we see climate justice. We demand the world’s decision makers take responsibility and solve this crisis. You have failed us in the past. [But] the youth of this world has...

Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Manual []

In January 2019, the Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care (ITTIC) released its Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Manual. The purpose of the manual is to guide organizations and systems in planning for, implementing and sustaining a trauma-informed organizational change. This manual provides a step-by-step guide with tools intended for anyone interested in implementing a trauma-informed approach. How to Use the Manual The manual begins with a conceptual overview of the different...

Damaged by Hurricanes, a Historic North Carolina Town Plans for a Resilient Future []

Hurricane Matthew made landfall on October 8, 2016, resulting in massive floods across eastern North Carolina. Princeville was one of the many towns devastated by the storm; flooding left 80% of the town underwater. Its location within the Tar River’s floodplain makes it particularly vulnerable to severe damage, and Matthew marked the seventh debilitating flood the town has experienced since 1919. Just a few months ago, town officials and residents braced themselves for yet another monster...

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