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New report from the Alaska Children’s Trust addresses impact of ACEs on the state’s economy and workforce—present and future

The Alaska Children’s Trust (ACT) just released a data and image-packed 11-page brief “ Vibrant Economy, Strong Workforce, Thriving Families: A Guide to Trauma-Informed Policy Decision-Making.” The document was developed as a tool to educate a broad range of state and local policymakers about the impact of ACEs on health and social problems. The primary audience is state legislators and their staffs, government administrators, and county and municipal policymakers. Advocates have already...

Border Patrol Apprehensions Are At An 11-Year High. Most Are Families and Children. []

Border Patrol apprehensions on the Mexican border reached an 11-year high in February as families and children from Central America continue to arrive in record numbers, creating “both a border security and humanitarian crisis,” Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said Tuesday. The impact is being felt most acutely in the Border Patrol’s El Paso sector, he said, so CBP will open a new processing center to provide more efficiency and care in handling the modern face of...

How 8 Large California Districts Are Using Data to Decode Social-Emotional Learning — and Predict Students’ Academic Success []

W hen some teachers in the Long Beach Unified School District hear students say they’re bad at math, they rephrase. You’re not bad, you’re just not understanding it yet. It’s not too difficult, it’s just challenging right now. These educators are helping students develop a growth mindset, a belief that they can improve their skills through effort. A growth mindset is one of four social-emotional learning traits the district — along with others in California — are trying to teach their...

Keep these seven lessons in mind when interviewing trauma survivors []

Though I’ve had years of experience interviewing trauma survivors, my National Fellowship project on sex-trafficked foster kids presented a unique set of challenges. For one, the project’s focus was sexually abused children. Even if I could find children who were willing to talk with me, I knew that interviewing them might not be in their best interest, and could potentially be harmful. But as in all forms of gender-based violence, sex trafficking is driven by an abuser’s tactics of power...

A tough childhood has a long-term effect on health []

US-based pediatrician Nadine Burke-Harris had a glut of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) cases at the clinic where she worked in Bayview, a poor area in San Francisco. She felt in her bones that these cases didn’t come out of the blue, and were directly linked to high levels of toxic stress in the community. Toxic stress, experienced through consistent exposure to violence, abuse and the consequences of poverty and inequality, has a lasting effect on the brain, notably in the...

Our Foundation Is Emptying Its Coffers to Support Young People Fighting for Equity []

The past two years have seen an increase in philanthropic support for a diverse range of nonprofits advancing a progressive agenda. Grant makers who have just started awarding money to these causes, as well as longstanding supporters of social-justice organizations, have rallied resources to protect fundamental rights that seemed suddenly in jeopardy after 2016 — giving well-established national organizations such as the ACLU and Planned Parenthood a “ Trump bump .” Newer efforts such as the...

How To Breathe (Why Deep Breathing Will Change Your Life) []

In the language of the Navajo Indians, the word “Nilch’l” translated into the English language simply means “wind, air or the sky”. Of course, no English translation will ever truly be able to express the depths of Navajo philosophy. For the Navajo, “Nilch’I” represents a god, the Supreme Creator, an infinite, boundless force that communicates between all elements of the natural world. It is the Holy Wind that brings movement, energy, sound and love to all things that have found life in this...

How the American Dream Went From Meaning Equality to Meaning Capitalism []

"I'm self-made. I grew up in the projects in Brooklyn, New York. I thought that was the American dream." That was billionaire-turned-maybe-presidential hopeful Howard Schultz, recently tossing around a clichéd phrase that means, per Merriam-Webster, "a happy way of living that is thought of by many Americans as something that can be achieved by anyone in the U.S. especially by working hard and becoming successful." Yet neither that definition of gritty individual achievement, nor Schultz's...

Windows of Opportunity: Providing a Warm handoff to Services in Oklahoma

As a follow-up to the " Are You OK? You Are Not Alone Anymore" Resource Poster , there have been important discussions in many local and statewide coalitions about "Windows of Opportunity" to build trust and provide a warm handoff to these critical services. However, as we know through research, individuals with untreated trauma may have difficulty trusting strangers, organizations or government agencies, even if they are wanting to help. Often times, these individuals are experiencing...

Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Organizing Your ACEs Initiative [Video]

The second session of the Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & IRL (In Real Life) was a success. Many members tuned in and were able to learn more about mission/vision statements, creating norms and strategic planning. I have embedded the video in this post. The third session, Launching Your ACEs Initiative , will take place March 15th. If you have any questions about the series, please contact Ingrid Cockhren , TN & Midwest Community Facilitator.

2019 Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL) Webinar Series

ACEs Connection presents, "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL)", an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions. If you are not a current online community manager, please know that ALL are welcome to engage. This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs initiatives. "Starting & Growing Resilient...

Hospital, Prison to Address Mental Health, Stress, Trauma []

AUGUSTA, MAINE (AP) — Maine 's corrections agency is working with a Massachusetts hospital to address mental health, stress and trauma impacting staffers and inmates. The Maine State Prison will hold wellness meetings Tuesday for staff members led by McLean Hospital clinicians. Such trainings will help staff manage and reduce the stress and trauma of their jobs and develop emotional regulation skills. Female offenders will also receive help advocating for their wellness needs. [For more on...

School safety bill inspired by Santa Fe shooting introduced in Texas []

AUSTIN (Nexstar) — School security experts gave lawmakers their input on legislation that aims to improve safety on Texas campuses. The legislation, Senate Bill 11 , was authored by State Sen. Larry Taylor, R-Friendswood. His district includes Santa Fe, Texas, where a gunman killed 10 people on May 18, 2018. "We say a lot of times that education is the most important thing we do in Texas, but it’s really just right below public safety," Taylor said as he laid out his bill at Tuesday's...

ACLU: COPS AND NO COUNSELORS- How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students

In the wake of high-profile school shootings, many schools over the past decade have invested scarce educational funds into putting more police in schools. School districts have shown a near obsession with “hardening” schools despite federal data revealing that the real crisis of schools isn’t violence, but a broad failure to hire enough support staff to serve students’ mental health needs. Today’s students are experiencing record levels of depression and anxiety and many forms of trauma.

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