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For the undocumented shut out of Medi-Cal, Newsom’s health insurance for all plan could be a godsend []

Rosa Franco, a farm worker living in the rural community of Huron, suffers from many conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. To Franco, one of her gloomiest moments was when her doctor told her she had cancerous cysts. Due to her immigration status and lack of health coverage, Rosa has not been able to undergo surgery. She is one of the 1.1 million undocumented immigrants who do not have Medi-Cal, not even for emergency care. According to data from UC Berkeley, there are...

Reimagining Capitalism: How The Greatest System Ever Conceived (And Its Billionaires) Need To Change []

Sitting in a modest room in New York’s ­immodest Peninsula Hotel, the richest person in the world for most of the past 20 years ponders an existential question suddenly in vogue among the left’s confiscatory set: Should he even exist? “It is fascinating,” says Bill Gates, “that for the first time in my life, people are saying, ‘Okay, should you have billionaires? ’ ” Dispassionately, he begins to unpack that thesis. “I’m afraid if you really implemented something like that, that the amount...

California AG Xavier Becerra to announce results of his Stephon Clark investigation []

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra is poised to release the results of his Stephon Clark shooting investigation at 11 a.m. Tuesday, three days after Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert announced she would not file criminal charges against the two Sacramento police officers who shot him to death one year ago. Becerra’s office schedule a news conference at his office as Sacramento officials contend with growing unrest among activists angered over the death of Clark, an...

Woo-woo or Science?

You've maybe heard of EMDR, neurofeedback, EFT (tapping) or practiced yoga. Maybe you've taken part in traditional healing ceremonies or religious rituals that are part of your culture. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Do these things really heal the hurts that we acquire during life and can we trust our recovery to something other than pharmaceuticals or the therapists' couch? There are plenty of communities that say yes .

parenting tips bumper stickers

Advancing Parenting now has about $100,000 in requests for our parenting tips bumper stickers! Wow! They come from pediatricians' offices, family resource centers, child abuse prevention councils, head starts, community action partnerships, etc. Sadly, the requests are collecting dust because we haven't the funds to print and ship them! The funding will come in time. Like vaccines this will prevent the children of the future from suffering adverse childhood experiences.

How Harmful Can Childhood Really Be?

The young girl, Anna, described in our book, Anna, Age Eight, lived a life cut short by the most extreme forms of trauma. The story of Anna begs the question: Why are our children being traumatized? We all realize that life isn't perfect. Chances are, you endured various forms of adversity as a child. Some of it could be shrugged off as, “tough times I got through.” But for many children, these tough times evolve into daily forms of abuse and neglect that continue to haunt them through...

Join us for a March 14 Webinar “Strategic Advocacy: Winning Policy Change without Crossing the Lobbying Line”

Please join ACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) for a free webinar to learn how to drive public-policy change without violating the restrictions on non-profit organizations or the requirements of funders. It will beheld on Thursday, March 14 (9:00-10:30 am PT/noon-1:30 pm ET). The featured speaker of the webinar, “Strategic Advocacy: Winning Policy Change without Crossing the Lobbying Line,” is attorney Allen Mattison, an expert at helping...

New Group Looks to Unite North America in a Cooperative Economy []

Across North America, movements of people have come together to build economic, social and political systems that are oriented toward healthy communities. Often, that means systems that function outside of the parameters of capitalism. The James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership is one such organization, inspiring thoughtful change and supporting cooperative businesses and education in Detroit, Michigan. Its mission is “to nurture the transformational leadership...

Patrick — Personalized Learning on the Rise: What I’ve Learned After Visiting 80 Schools Where Teachers and Principals Are Rethinking Their Classroom Culture []

I regularly visit schools as part of my work at iNACOL, but over the past two years, my 80-plus visits have been part of an investigation on the transformation of instructional practices toward personalized learning in schools across the United States. We saw classrooms break free of stifling practices like uniform rows of desks, teachers standing and delivering lessons to passive learners, and students being dulled into submission by bells and other traditional cues. In their place at these...

Exposure to trauma impacts ability to squash bad memories []

People exposed to trauma are less able to suppress unwanted emotional memories due to neural and behavioral disruptions in their brain that may contribute to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD is characterized by intense reliving of the trauma that is repetitive, intrusive and incapacitating. The intrusive nature of these hallmark symptoms suggests that the inability to suppress unwanted memories may be a strong contributor to the behavioral manifestation of PTSD.

Parental Disengagement in Childhood and Adolescent Male Gun Carrying []

OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between parental disengagement in childhood and adolescent gun carrying and determine whether this association is accounted for by externalizing problems and affiliation with delinquent peers during early adolescence. METHODS: The sample included 503 boys (55.7% African American, 40.6% white, 3.7% other) recruited from first-grade classrooms in Pittsburgh public schools. Multi-informant assessments were conducted regularly (semiannually then annually)...

The Role of Family Wealth in Reinforcing Generational Divides []

One way that extreme inequality shows up in our lives is unequal opportunity in homeownership. And for millennials, these inequalities are compounded by the absence of publicly-supported mortgage programs, such as those that helped white boomers buy their homes after World War Two. Both of us – Jessicah Pierre and Chuck Collins from the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies – were interviewed for an article in the “Style Section” of the The New York Times, “ Fly on My...

Reckoning With Violence []

When Chicago’s police chief, Eddie Johnson, looked out at the sea of journalists to share the breaking news that Jussie Smollett, a well-known and beloved actor, had allegedly staged a violent racist and homophobic attack against himself, he said with great emotion: “Guys, I look out into the crowd, I just wish that the families of gun violence in this city got this much attention.” Chicago is besieged by horrific levels of violence , including thousands of shootings and hundreds of...

Indigenous Knowledge has Been Warning us About Climate Change for Centuries []

The most common introductory example we use when we teach kids about interdependent ecosystems is insects . They may seem gross and small compared to the charismatic megafauna, we say, but insects play all sorts of important roles: pollinating plants, breaking down organic matter, feeding bigger animals. Without insects the whole web would collapse. I don't think many of us who have given this lesson actually contemplated the mass death of the world's insects as a possibility, imminent or...

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