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Pollution is bad for your health and the environment. It’s also bad for schools, two recent studies show. []

Late last year, the Trump administration moved to roll back Obama-era regulations designed to improve air quality and limit pollution. No one thought of it as an education story. But new research suggests it is, at least in part. While the health risks of air pollution have long been documented, two recent studies are among the first to directly connect two different forms of pollution to lower test scores and higher absence rates among exposed schoolchildren. Schools across the country —...

Surrounded []

E ven as crime has dropped in L.A. over the last two decades, there are thousands of children who grow up with a constant drumbeat of death while navigating safe paths to schools in neighborhoods where someone has been killed nearby. The impact of close-up violence can be devastating and costly for students, schools and communities: Some students suffer PTSD-like symptoms. Schools have begun incorporating the inevitability of trauma into their design, with curriculum addressing stress...

Adaptive Change to REBUILD Your Organization

Keeping your organization afloat in challenging conditions... Following up on "Adaptive Change in Behavioral Health Organizations Serving Survivors of Trauma" (posted 2/20/19), here is the first of 3 webinars Villa of Hope presented through the Alliance for Strong Families & Communities. It's called "REBUILD: Adaptive Change to Rebuild the Perspective, Courage, & Leadership of Your Organization." Enjoy!

Major conference to tackle childhood trauma []

Experts from the world of child mental health are coming to Scotland to find solutions to help overcome the impact of childhood trauma. Children’s charity Kibble is hosting the European Federation of Conflict Management in Education and Care (EFeCT) conference in May in Glasgow. The event focuses on research and best practise in trauma informed care for young people. [For more on this story by Susan Smith, go to ]

Rockford city leaders consider becoming a trauma-informed community []

ROCKFORD - Monday, the City of Rockford's planning and development committee passed a resolution to adopt a proclamation to become a trauma informed community. The Winnebago County Health Department is leading a collaborative effort towards becoming a better place for those who experience trauma. "It takes a look at how the adverse childhood experiences our trauma," said Winnebago County Health Department public health administrator Dr. Sandra Martel. "How it impacts and [how it] can be...

Students at this Spokane elementary school find peace of mind by stretching their bodies []

Take a deep breath and consider this: Perhaps the most innovative pilot program at Spokane Public Schools is commanded by a captain who tells his audience to reach for the sky. He also wears a flower in his hair and speaks passionately about the power of yoga. This is no ordinary captain. “My whole mission is friendship,” Captain Pat said after a mindfulness class last week with fourth-graders at Regal Elementary. “Yoga is pure friendship, loving and befriending yourself.” [For more on this...

Claire’s Story: Should she speak up? Part 17.

By K. Hecht, A. Hosack, & P. Berman I hate Davy. I hate myself. It’s his fault! It’s my fault! What do I do? She had hit Davy. He had been driving her crazy refusing to listen. Davy was asleep now, looking so sweet and making her feel more horrible about herself. Claire had trouble all day in school; she couldn’t concentrate and she might have blown a math test because of it. She had been nagged all day by the fear that she was turning into her mother. What could she do to stop this? She...

Thank you to ACEs Connection - an AMAZING Resource

This is just a quick note to thank ACEs Connection for the incredible resources that are offered simply as a result of joining the website. In Vermont we are busy with our "Building Flourishing Communities" initiative, built on Laura Porter's Self-Healing Communities model. We are 18 months into our work and have just secured a second round of funding by being part of a federal grant that our Child Development Division won. We are very small, and have very little bandwidth for anything other...

Greener Childhood Associated With Happier Adulthood []

The experience of natural spaces, brimming with greenish light, the smells of soil and the quiet fluttering of leaves in the breeze can calm our frenetic modern lives. It's as though our very cells can exhale when surrounded by nature, relaxing our bodies and minds. Some people seek to maximize the purported therapeutic effects of contact with the unbuilt environment by embarking on sessions of forest bathing , slowing down and becoming mindfully immersed in nature. But in a rapidly...

Is Housing in Your City Getting Unaffordable? Here’s How You Can Help []

At a time when inner cities are facing mounting pressure to preserve affordable housing, the nation’s 1 million public housing apartments are at a critical turning point, with aging properties, a multi-billion dollar backlog of deferred maintenance, declining federal funds and pressures from private-sector developers who are salivating at the chance to buy them out. And yet, for every shocking evening news story of public housing’s moldy apartments or leaking roofs, there are thousands of...

The Gun Violence That’s a Bigger Threat to Kids Than School Shootings []

Gun violence has killed nearly 1,200 children in the United States since the school massacre in Parkland, Florida, one year ago. Few of these deaths became the focus of the nation’s attention. Maybe that’s because these killings were so mundane, so normal, in the 21st-century United States. A few weeks after the Parkland shooting, a 17-year-old high-school student in Birmingham, Alabama, named Courtlin Arrington, who’d long dreamed of becoming a nurse , was shot and killed in class, just...

Killings of Black Men by Whites are Far More Likely to be Ruled “Justifiable” []

When a white person kills a black man in America, the killer often faces no legal consequences. In one in six of these killings, there is no criminal sanction, according to a new Marshall Project examination of 400,000 homicides committed by civilians between 1980 and 2014. That rate is far higher than the one for homicides involving other combinations of races. In almost 17 percent of cases when a black man was killed by a non-Hispanic white civilian over the last three decades, the killing...

The Jail Health-Care Crisis []

As a child growing up in Pueblo, Colorado, Jeremy Laintz travelled widely with his father, an aeronautics engineer at Lockheed Martin, who sometimes took his four kids along on business trips. Family vacations included tours of aerospace facilities and, on one occasion, a trip to watch a space-shuttle launch at Cape Canaveral. Laintz’s mother managed a bakery, and Laintz, the youngest child in the family, recalled enjoying a warm home life. He played soccer and football, and spent summers...

What Drives Generous Behavior? []

In January of 2016, Cathryn Townsend set out to live among "the loveless people." So named by anthropologist Colin Turnbull, the Ik are a tribe of some 11,600 hunter-gatherers and subsistence farmers living in an arid and harsh mountainous region of Uganda. Turnbull studied the Ik in the 1960s and famously characterized them as "inhospitable and generally mean" in his book The Mountain People. He documented how young children were abandoned to starve and how people would snatch food from the...

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