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North Carolina Is “Primed and Ready” to Institute Reforms To Protect Children from Harm, say Co-Chairs Following First Statewide Trauma Summit

More than 550 researchers, advocates, educators, community stakeholders, clinical and practitioner groups, persons with lived experience, legislators, and representatives from state agencies, among others, attended a statewide summit in Raleigh, North Carolina—“Leveraging North Carolina’s Assets to Prevent Child Trauma,” April 27-28. Diana Fishbein, Ph.D., senior scientist in the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG), University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, and the...

NC Healthy & Resilient Communities (NCH&RCI) Initiative Launches Resilient North Carolina New Website; Will Engage Communities Statewide Around Resilience

RALEIGH- Resilient North Carolina , a website created by the NC Healthy & Resilient Communities Initiative (NCH&RCI), has launched. Resilient North Carolina is intended for all North Carolinians, with the goal of sharing best practices and connecting individuals and organizations building resilience and reducing trauma statewide. NCH&RCI works to build healthy and resilient communities for young children and families, creating resilience across each generation by bringing...

Center for Community Resilience Annual Report Released

The Center for Community Resilience (CCR) is pleased to share its 2022 Annual Report highlighting our latest efforts to advance a national movement building more equitable and just communities for children and families. CCR worked with partners across the country to develop new approaches in narrative change to lift up the truth of structural racism, strengthen power-building to mobilize communities and the organizations that serve their needs and interests, and use science to measure...


Kids Know Books About Abuse Are Not Pornography. ‘Moms’ Should, Too. NY TIMES, Patricia McCormick May 7, 2023 Last year, a parent at a Virginia school board meeting stepped up to a microphone and read a passage from my book, “Sold.” The scene she chose to read, informed in part by my own experiences of sexual abuse , describes the sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl by an older man. There is no graphic language or obscenity in the passage; the story is told from the point of view of a child...

S2.E15: Relationships, Intimacy, & Trauma [podcast]

In this episode, hosts Anne and Alison talk to relationship expert Jayson Gaddis on his path to healing his childhood wounds through the teachings of his romantic relationships. He shares the moment he stopped viewing himself as the victim in his failed relationships and started to take ownership of his life and responsibility for his growth. He's creating a relational world in which people care how their actions impact the way people feel. It's a world we want to live in! We discuss...

Free Honest Sharing Workshop

Date: 7th of May Time: 8-10 pm CET Location: online via Zoom More about Honest Sharing you can read here: This 2 hours workshop is for Honest Sharing newbies. People who are interested in authentic contact and increased capacity and self regulation. Agenda: 4 participants Everybody gets the opportunity to experience Honest Sharing with another participant and receive feedback. Possibilities to raise questions...

May is Asian Pacific American heritage month. What it really means to some AAPI members. []

By Jennifer Sangalang, Image: Screenshot from article, USA TODAY, May 2, 2023 "Maraming salamat po!" "Xiexie!" "Cam on!" "Kamsahamnida!" "Arigato!" "Khob Khun!" Let's begin this roundup by saying "thank you" in various Asian languages − Tagalog, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Thai − to all the Asians and Asian Americans in news and pop culture who influenced so many of us growing up in the States. Perhaps you never realized the impact you had − many of us can relate to being "the...

Discussing Asian American Mental Health This AAPI Month []

By Sam Louie, Photo: Thirteen .J/Unsplash, Psychology Today, April 26, 2023 With Asian American Pacific Islander month upon us this May, I wanted to focus on my specialty in working with Asian Americans. What exactly is Asian American mental health and how is it different from others? Asian Americans struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety , depression , and addiction , just like anyone else. In addition, due to immigration, cultural, and generational patterns, a therapist needs...

How To Talk To Asian Elders About Getting Mental Health Help []

By Michael Flores, Photo: Chris Farias/LAist, LAist, January 25, 2023 Many Asian Americans are questioning the state of mental health in their community after the shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay . Therapy can help with anger management, conflict resolution and negotiation skills, according to Jenny Wang, Ph.D, who is a therapist and author of Permission to Come Home: Reclaiming Mental Health as Asian Americans. “Does therapy prevent all violence? Probably not,” she said. "But...

17 Mental Health Resources For Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders []

By Kendra Cherry, Illustration: Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, January 27, 2023 Mental health resources for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are essential today with the rise of hate and discrimination directed toward these communities. According to a report issued by Stop AAPI Hate, a group that works to track incidents of racially motivated harassment and violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise. Between March 19, 2020, and...

How to Protect the Asian-American Community []

By Ariel Aberg-Riger, Linda Poon, and Sarah Holder, Illustration: Ariel Aberg-Riger, Bloomberg CityLab + Equality, April 19, 2021 In the past year, Asian Americans have been subjected to a spike of hate crimes, verbal assaults, and physical violence, with women and elderly people among the most frequent victims. The discrimination that underlies this recent spate of attacks isn’t new, but it has spurred a new generation of activists and advocates to protect their own communities. We talked...


Iowa governor will sign bill rolling back labor protections for children The measure is the latest in a raft of legislation in several states that aims to loosen restrictions on youth employment By Jacob Bogage , Washington Post, May 4, 2023 at 7:12 p.m. EDT Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on Thursday said she will sign a bill to roll back labor protections for children, allowing them to work longer hours and take jobs that had been prohibited.The measure — championed by conservative lobbying groups,...

Which way ought I to go to become trauma-informed?

“Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to. Alice: I don't much care where. The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go. Alice: ...So long as I get somewhere. The Cheshire Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Originally written in 1865, the message then is still incredibly relevant today. Having a clearly defined...


From CNN Opinion, March 28, 2023 by Jillian Peterson, Ph.D. and James Densley, Ph.D., are co-founders and co-presidents of The Violence Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research center. They are the authors of the award-winning book, “The Violence Project: How to stop a mass shooting epidemic.” The views expressed in this commentary are the authors’ own. View more opinio n on CNN. Since 1996, we have studied the life histories of nearly 200 mass shooters, initially with funding from the...

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