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Oakland, CA, youth organization takes next step in systems change to heal trauma

In a room in East Oakland, Calif., photos of children are projected on a screen. “Who is that?” asks Briana Moore, a licensed clinical social worker in private practice and a master trainer for the East Bay Agency for Children’s Trauma Transformed program. “Bill Clinton,” responds one of the 20 employees of the East Oakland Youth Development Center (EOYDC).

Webinar: Leveraging Advances in Science to Achieve Breakthrough Impacts at Scale for Young Children Facing Adversity

DATE: Thursday, February 21, 2019 TIME: 11:00-11:45am Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, will address how new science is changing how we think about early childhood adversity and resilience – and how early experiences affect lifelong health and development. He will emphasize the need to address (and measure) individual differences in response to adversity and to intervention in very young children. He will also show how we can move...

How Houston has Virtually Ended Homelessness Among Veterans []

Inside an abandoned warehouse on the northern end of downtown Houston is an encampment where approximately 20 homeless people stay each year. The ground is covered with cardboard, old newspapers, and plastic bottles of water coated in grime. On one wall, a mural reads: "Look for the Beauty Within the Most Frightening." At the moment, there's no one here. The people who live in this "community," as retired Houston Police Sergeant Steve Wick describes it, have been asked to clear out for the...

To Truly Transform Health in California, We Need to Invest in Healthy Communities []

Gavin Newsom kicked off his term as governor by unveiling several health care proposals on his first day in office—a welcome development for the many California residents who, according to recent polls , say universal health care is one of their top priorities. But to truly transform health and achieve health equity in our state, we need to address the community conditions that determine whether we will be healthy and safe in the first place, long before the medical system gets involved.

The Orange County Register Replies To Richard Wexler’s Op Ed About “Crack Baby Journalism” []

Earlier this month, child welfare expert Richard Wexler wrote an Op-Ed for WitnessLA titled, “As The New York Times Condemns “Crack Baby” Journalism, The Orange County Register Revives It.” The op-ed had to do with a recent eight-part New York Times editorial series that, as Wexler pointed out, has “important implications for child welfare – and for journalism.” In particular, Wexler wrote about parts four and five of the series, which examined the tendency of child welfare policies to “zero...

Latest ACEs science research from PubMed, February 5, 2019

Associations between childhood deaths and adverse childhood experiences: An audit of data from a child death overview panel. Grey HR, Ford K, Bellis MA, Lowey H, Wood S. Child Abuse Negl. 2019 Feb 1;90:22-31. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2019.01.020. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30716652 Rewriting stories of trauma through peer-to-peer mentoring for and by at-risk young people. Douglas LJ, Jackson D, Woods C, Usher K. Int J Ment Health Nurs. 2019 Feb 1. doi: 10.1111/inm.12579. [Epub ahead of print]...

Why I believe Gregory Williams and his book, Shattered By The Darkness, will help save lives and revolutionize healthcare.

When you first hear about it, it sounds unlikely, fact that something that happened to someone in utero, at the age of two months, or four years, or any time in childhood, is what is killing them as an adult, or making them want to die, or making them want to hurt themselves or others. Yet the connection between childhood trauma and adult disease, mental illness, addiction, suicide, violence – most all of society’s ills – is as irrefutable as the myriad truths revealed about it in the...

Finding the True Self: The Enneagram Prison Project

This is a link to a group Zoom interview/discussion moderated by Susan Olesek of the Enneagram Prison Project, based in Santa Clara, California and doing outreach to people who are incarcerated in several prisons in the US and soon to be expanding to other countries (~1 hr. long). The special guests include Dr. Gabor Mate, a physician and author with expertise on addiction. The other guests are people who have been incarcerated and who have lived with addiction. The revelations about who...

Jack Shonkoff, MD to testify on family separation before a House of Representatives subcommittee hearing

Jack Shonkoff, MD, Director of the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University, will testify on Thursday before the Oversight Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the Administration's family separation policy. He will present on a panel with representatives of the American Civil Liberties Union, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association among others. The first panel will include officials from the U.S. Government Accountability...

What will it take to place relationships at the center of schools []

A recently released report from the Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development provides a roadmap for putting relationships at the center of education. While the concept is widely accepted, the question is: Do we have the will to make a relationships-first approach real in every school across the country? This approach is important for every student, and it is especially urgent for students facing the most adversity and instability. Brain science on...

Look to the medicine wheel for mental health, Elders advise in First Nations study []

The traditional medicine wheel, symbolizing balance and interconnection, can serve as a framework for improving the mental well-being of First Nations people in Manitoba. That's the key recommendation from a mental-health study conducted by eight First Nations communities in partnership with the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba (FNHSSM) and researchers from the University of Manitoba. "Traditional teachings have to come back in order [for us] to know who we are and how...

Learn How To Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Own Happiness []

How do you handle good things that happen to you? Do you relish in the success or let your mind go to something that brings you down? You might be inadvertently sabotaging your own happiness by allowing negative thoughts to creep in when something good comes your way. For instance, consider something good in your life – a small accomplishment on your work project, the desire for the chocolate ice cream cone you are ordering, the joy of your team winning a game, or the connection you feel...

New emergency room readying for mental health patients []

A place to turn in crisis. Nashville’s new psychiatric ER is days away from accepting patients full-time. It doesn’t look like an ER, but Adam Graham doesn’t want it to. Take away the flashing lights and harsh sounds, and The Mental Health Cooperative has created an environment tailored to mental health crisis. “If we were in a crisis, if a loved one of ours was in a crisis, what would we want it to be like for them?’” Graham, Director of Emergency Psychiatric Services, said. “From the...

Creative Communities Are Addressing Social Isolation []

It’s only January and already, I’m counting down the days to spring when warm weather will arrive. The long, cold months of winter can be isolating—the snow and subzero temperatures make it difficult to get out and about. Winter is particularly tough for children who can’t go outside to play, and for newcomers from warmer climates who are not accustomed to the cold. For people who don’t have meaningful social connections, the cold weather season can exacerbate the isolation they face...

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