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Good intentions but the right approach? The case of ACEs

There are of course lots of examples of fine work going on around ACEs, but there are also aspects of the ACE movement that make me feel a little uncomfortable. I worry that what is clearly a well-intentioned desire to just do something might not do good and could cause harm. My concerns are absolutely not meant as a criticism of the motivation and altruism underlying the ACEs movement, but as a cautionary nudge to make sure that, in our enthusiasm to do good, we don’t run before we can walk.

Another tool to improve student mental health? Kids talking to kids []

TAOS, N.M. — Standing in front of 240 freshmen and 80 fellow seniors in her school’s gymnasium, a slight 17-year-old with her hair in pigtail braids took a long shuddering breath. Her audience was still. The girl had just revealed that she’d spent most of her middle-school years feeling suicidal, had been hospitalized for her own protection and spent two years in therapy before finally telling her mother the cause of her deep depression and thoughts of self harm: She’d been raped by a man...

New Study Shows Wealth Inequality Hits Communities of Color Hardest []

The story of the growing inequality in the United States has many dimensions. There is the overarching story of the last four decades of polarizing income, wealth, and opportunity. But the many ways these inequalities manifest depend on people’s gender, race, age, immigration status, and other experience. One piece of the story is to understand how 40 years of public policies have worsened the racial wealth divide and enriched the top 1 percent. [For more on this story by Chuck Collins, go...

A Marshall Plan for Trauma []

HillRag Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Between Academic Success and Failure: Unresolved Trauma, Part 3 “We’re only now becoming facile in the language of trauma,” said DC Attorney General Karl Racine, who is heartened by the District’s progress. “This is an opportunity to throw a Marshall Plan out there.” A $12 billion, post-World War II initiative, the Marshall Plan was designed by the United States to prevent the spread of Communism and to assist European countries in restructuring their...

Top 10 Harm Reduction Names You Should Know []

You wouldn’t let your son or daughter trap themselves in the basement because they’re afraid of the deadly sun, would you? No. You’d probably just tell them to put on some sunscreen and wear a hat. Well, good for you. I’d like to welcome you to the world of harm reduction. Harm reduction typically refers to any non-judgmental, compassionate and shame -free policy, program, or practice that seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, compulsive behaviors , potentially dangerous...

One-third of gun injuries in America are treated in non-trauma centers []

Of the roughly 74,000 emergency department visits for gunshot injuries in the United States every year, a third are treated in community hospitals that are not trauma centers, according to new research published today in JAMA Surgery. While public health efforts to better understand gun violence in the United States have increased, until now there has been relatively limited research on non-fatal gun injuries, which far outnumber fatal injuries, and where patients are treated. The recent...

Across U.S., graduation rates are rising, with little connection to test scores []

Alabama’s high school graduation rate was one of the lowest in the country in 2011. Today, it’s one of the highest. Over that same period, though, Alabama students have continued to perform among the worst in the nation on federal math and reading tests. That leaves the state with a jarring disconnect between its students’ academic skills and the share of diplomas it hands out. And while Alabama’s numbers are outliers , that disconnect exists in many other states. [For more on this story by...

School Discipline Practices: An Issue Brief on a Public Health Crisis and Opportunities for Reform []

Early childhood education sets the foundation for a student’s future well-being and success. However, the widespread use of exclusionary school discipline (ESD) aggravates pre-existing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and deprives students of essential opportunities for learning and growth. Examples of harmful and counterproductive ESD practices include suspensions, expulsions, referrals to law enforcement, and corporal punishment. These practices can compound feelings of isolation and...

The Relentless School Nurse: Learn the Mission of Think-Feel-Do Sensory Bears

These bears are meant to be imperfectly perfect. In our house, they have been accepted for who they are, with their differences embraced and their TFD message is being shared with many people our children come into contact with. -Think.Feel.Do. This is the message that tugged at my heart when I first came across Think-Feel-Do Sensory Bears through Twitter. In my preschool world, I just knew that these bears would find a home in some of my classrooms. I set out on a quest to find out how I...

Claire’s Story: She didn’t know how to be a mom. Part 5

Claire’s Story: Part 5 By K. Hecht, A. Hosack, & P. Berman Dad is coming but he is mad. What is he going to do to me if Davy cries in the car? How can I survive without Nurse Karin? Claire felt confused and worried and she sat and waited to be taken home. Nurse Karin noticed how Claire looked and was concerned; Davy was finally healthy enough to come home. Claire and her family should be so happy. Nurse Karin asked Claire if something was wrong. Claire didn’t tell Nurse Karin about her...

Poignant Memoir/Self-Help Digs into the Process of Healing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) through Storytelling and Shared Discovery []

Research has proven Adverse Childhood Experiences, known as ACEs, can have a long-lasting detrimental effect well into adulthood. Those struggling with repeating patterns, autoimmune diseases, and behaviors such as addiction and difficulties in relationships now have a profound and personal resource in author Christina Beauchemin’s new book, “Let My Legacy Be Love: A Story of Discovery and Transformation: Tracing Adult Issues to Childhood Hurts”. In this memoir/self-help hybrid, Beauchemin...

Scots officers being trained to understand impact of ‘toxic’ childhoods []

Police officers are being trained to understand the impact of “toxic stress” caused by childhood trauma amid evidence it can dramatically increase a person’s likelihood of offending. Officers and staff from Police Scotland’s Ayrshire division are among the first in the country to become “trauma informed” by learning about the effect of so-called Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). According to the Scottish Government, someone who has experienced four or more ACEs is 14 times more likely to...

Report: Extended Foster Care in California Boosts Wealth, Stability []

California foster youth who remain in extended foster care after they turn 18 have more savings and are more educated than their peers who exit foster care at 18, according to a report released late last year by the University of Chicago-based research group Chapin Hall. In 2012, Assembly Bill 12 extended foster care from age 18 to age 21 for eligible California foster youth. University of Chicago professor Mark Courtney and his team found that each additional year that a foster youth was in...

Michael Pritchard came to visit us in Lake County

Michael Pritchard came to visit us in Lake County on December 8, 2018 for two shows about 90 minutes each. The 2 pm show was directed to children, parents and teachers. Most who showed up didn’t know what to expect, they knew he is a comedian and that he talks to kids about bullying, but they weren’t really sure what they were going to get from him. What Michael gave was his heart. While he sat and made funny noises stemming from his Star Wars character voice overs, children laughed, and...

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