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Minneapolis & St. Paul NAACP chapters unite to target state’s racial wealth gap []

A new plan is being formed to help address the racial wealth gap in Minnesota. Last month, the National NAACP announced the creation of an Economic Inclusion Plan (EIP) for the Twin Cities. The forthcoming plan aims to address the myriad racial disparities and issues affecting Black communities in the Twin Cities — from mass incarceration and economic injustice to entrepreneurship and rising education costs. The national organization previously released plans for three cities in February...

Report: Probation, Parole Linked To Incarceration In Wisconsin []

In Wisconsin, high rates of probation and parole are contributing to its growing, racially disparate prison population, according to a new report from Columbia University's Justice Lab. Wisconsin has the highest rate of parole supervision among its neighboring states, and the lengths of parole are nearly twice the national average. "Probation and parole, collectively called corrections or community supervision, has been a bit of an invisible arm of correctional control in the United States,"...

2019 Iowa ACEs Policy Priorities

The Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition is poised to meet with Iowa elected officials next week to advocate for our 2019 legislative priorities. Key focus areas are: 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative Children's Mental Health Prenatal Home-Visitation Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System Medicaid and Children's Health Click here for an overview of our priorities. Visit for more information on our collaborative policy efforts.

In Davos, Prince William Calls for Action on Mental Health []

LONDON — Prince William, who has long spoken publicly about his emotional struggles, has taken his campaign for mental health awareness to Davos, Switzerland, urging global leaders to help break the stigma. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, who is second in line to the British throne, spoke candidly on Wednesday about the difficulty he faced in trying to get celebrities to sign on to his cause, revealing — without naming names — that not one had initially offered to join the mental...

Childhood trauma affects brain and increases risk of substance use in adolescence, study finds []

A new study led by FIU researchers at the Center for Children and Families found that traumatic childhood experiences like domestic violence, abuse and parental incarceration impact brain functioning and increase the risk of substance use during adolescence. The study was led by social work professor Nicole Fava, from the Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work, and psychology professor Elisa Trucco, from the College of Arts, Sciences & Education, in collaboration with...

Relationship between college, health in later life explored by researcher []

There’s a familiar correlation in social science: more education is associated with increased health in society. Now a WSU researcher will use a new grant from the Evidence for Action Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to examine whether more education can actually contribute to better health later in life. Ben Cowan, an associate professor in the School of Economic Sciences, leads the study with colleague Nathan Tefft at Bates College in Maine. Cowan said the dramatic increase in...

Epigenetics: what impact does it have on our psychology? []

In the battle of nature versus nurture, nurture has a new recruit: epigenetics - brought in from molecular biology to give scientific heft to the argument that genes are not destiny. The overwhelming evidence for genetic effects on our psychological traits conjures up a fatalistic vision for many people, one in which we are slaves to our biology, not in control of our own psyche and our own behaviour. Epigenetics, a mechanism for regulating gene expression, seems to offer an escape from...

Why Does Gavin Newsom Want to Move Juvenile Justice Out of the Department of Corrections? []

While visiting a youth correctional facility in Stockton on Tuesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced his administration will begin legislation to move the California Division of Juvenile Justice out of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (the same agency that oversees adult prisons) and into the Health and Human Services Agency. Currently, 20 states place juvenile justice under their health or child welfare agencies, 18 have independent juvenile justice agencies, and...

‘Exercise Snacks’ Through The Day Can Boost Health []

Just a few minutes of stair climbing in short bursts throughout the day can improve cardiovascular health, according to a new Canadian study published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. The research, conducted by kinesiologists from McMaster University and the University of British Columbia (UBC) Okanagan, reveals that short bursts of exercise is enough to improve fitness levels in people who are otherwise sedentary. “The findings make it even easier for people to...

Mass Incarceration Threatens Health Equity in America []

Mass incarceration disproportionately impacts lower-income communities, communities of color, and persons with disabilities, creating a barrier to achieving health equity. People who are incarcerated face greater chances for chronic health conditions, both while confined and long after their release. Incarceration exposes people to a wide range of conditions, such as poor sanitation and ventilation and solitary confinement, that are detrimental to long-term physical and mental health. After...

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Series - Why Take Course One and Course Two?

Community Resilience Initiative is officially launching a new series of blog posts, building to our 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers conference on June 25th - 27th. We’ll cover a range of topics relevant to conference material, events, and inspirations. In addition to the regular conference, CRI is offering two training add-on options on Tuesday June 25, 2019 prior to the conference: Resilience-Based Trainings, Course One and Two . “A group of...

Ellen, Slow Drivers, & Why #WeAdapt

Sitting on my bookshelf in my office is a framed copy of Time Magazine from April 14, 1997. On the cover is a picture of Ellen DeGeneres with the headline “Yep, I’m Gay,” When President Obama awarded Ellen the Presidential Medal of Freedom in November 2016, he said “It’s easy to forget now just how much courage was required for Ellen to come out on the most public of stages 20 years ago.”

It’s Time for Compassionate Release []

The US is home to nearly one out of every four prisoners in the world. There are 2.1 million prisoners in the US, including 1.2 million people incarcerated in state prisons. Nearly 180,000 are behind federal prison bars, and 704,500 are in local jails. The number of US prisoners serving life sentences is four times of what it was in 1984 . In light of a system that is not only immoral and unethical, but also ineffective and unsustainable, these circumstances cry out for decarceration. One...

Host Of The Prison Podcast 'Ear Hustle' Reflects On His 27 Years Behind Bars []

Earlonne Woods and Nigel Poor started the podcast Ear Hustle when Woods was a prisoner in San Quentin. Woods' sentence was recently commuted, but the two continue to tell stories of life behind bars. GROSS: That's the sound of the San Quentin prison door slamming as my guest Earlonne Woods was released in late November after being incarcerated there for seven years. The sound was recorded because he's the co-host and co-producer of the podcast Ear Hustle, which features interviews with San...

Five Ways Sleep Is Good for Your Relationships []

I’m a sleep lover. I like going to bed at the same time every night and getting a full night’s sleep. Deprive me of just one hour of blessed sleep, and things quickly go downhill—just ask my husband. I become bad company—snarky and irritable, hardly able to keep up my end of a conversation, let alone negotiate difficult issues. Sleep is clearly important for our health, helping our bodies function at their best. It’s also key to our productivity, helping us stay fresh and focused the...

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