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Shutting Down Immigration Myths []

News right now is dominated by rhetoric that casts immigrants as dangerous and is likely leaving Americans of many identities, including some of your students, feeling fearful and angry. Today, consider using these resources to teach your students about the long legacy of mistrust and discrimination immigrants from many countries have endured and how we can all use our voices to resist myths and misinformation. [For more on these resources, go to...

Parental CPTSD increases transmission of trauma to offspring of Tutsi genocide survivors []

Nearly 25 years after the genocide against the Tutsi of Rwanda took the lives of up to one million victims, the offspring of Tutsi survivors, who weren't even born at the time, are among those most affected by trauma, according to a new study published by researchers at Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with a Rwandan therapist and genocide survivor. The study assessed complex PTSD (CPTSD) among Tutsi genocide survivors and its impact on their offspring. The researchers found that the...

Milwaukee's violence prevention director joins the effort to tackle trauma epidemic []

Reggie Moore has been held up at gunpoint in an alley. He’s been shot at. And he's seen a friend bleeding from a bullet wound on the sidewalk outside the public housing where he grew up in Milwaukee. He was 14 at the time. Today, at age 41, Moore runs the Office of Violence Prevention, an arm of Milwaukee's Health Department. An inveterate collaborator, Moore spends his days, evenings and weekends networking his agency into “an ecosystem of collective impact." He works with anyone who helps...

Miscounting Poor Students []

THE NUMBER OF POOR students enrolled in a particular school or living in a certain school district is one of the most important education data points that exists, and the stakes are high for getting the count right. The figures are used to direct billions of dollars in federal and state aid, and they're a pillar of K-12 accountability systems that ensure disadvantaged students are keeping up with their wealthier peers. But the method that's traditionally used to track them – how many...

Endless Addiction []

In an innocuous meeting room on the south side of Newark, a small city in central Ohio, about 20 people, members of the Newark Think Tank on Poverty 's leadership team, are gathered on a Sunday afternoon in late October. They are deciding on a new campaign, and Eric Lee is hoping it will focus on addiction —hoping that, as an organization, it will begin to advocate for equal treatment for all users, whether their drug of choice is opioids or methamphetamine. The think tank, focused primarily...

The Relentless School Nurse: Chris Amidon is "Not Throwing Away Her Shot"

Meet the incomparable Chris Amidon, BSN, RN, NCSN. We met on Twitter, connected by the power of purpose. Chris's profile got my attention because of the intentional way she described herself. Chris shared what she believed in , what an inspiring introduction. This is Chris's Twitter profile description: Chris stands for all of these things not only in words but in action. She volunteers tirelessly for those who are marginalized and she speaks for those who have no voice. I admire her...

My Aha! Moment....I'm not broken and being a human is hard!

As one year comes to an end, the tradition of creating resolutions for ourselves in the next begins. How do you decide on what goal to work towards? This year, my 2019 resolution is going to come from looking back on 2018. I used the passion planner this year, a combined journal and organizer, so the highs and lows were easy to identify. The highlights include completing my coursework at school, setting clear boundaries with my time, exercising, and cutting back on some not helpful habits...

How do you teach children to be resilient? Ask a limbless veteran []

When the IRA bomb exploded, Darren Swift , an army dog handler in Belfast, had several split-second decisions to make. One of his legs had been blown off; the other, along with two fingers, was hanging by a thread. His first instinct was to shoot himself, he now readily admits, but unusually, as he was feeding his dog at the time, he was without a weapon. The second was to rip off his remaining leg to enable him to drag his body more quickly to safety. It is gory, vivid and explicit material...

Niswonger program aims to help traumatized children []

Community engagement is a wonderful thing, especially when it creates a new avenue to provide intervention and prevention methods that can reduce the impact of childhood trauma, or for that matter, prevent the trauma itself. Trauma-informed care has become a movement of sorts in the Johnson City area, and with a newly created position at Niswonger Children’s Hospital, there is potential for that system of care to impact the huge healthcare footprint now occupied by Ballad Health.

A Simple Proposal to Revive the American Dream []

During the industrial age, when high school was the gateway to the American dream, public-school systems covered the costs of earning a diploma. Today, however, as associate’s degrees have replaced high-school diplomas as the indispensable ticket into the middle class, families are forced to cover the costs of tuition and more. If the information-age economy demands a workforce with additional training, we need to begin cutting students and families the same deal: Anyone willing to work hard...

Celebrating Growth and Resilience

I have been browsing the community, and am delighted to find so many books, ministries, and the wide variety of resources that everyone has created regarding trauma recovery. I can see that my life has been an exercise in survival, and my education in ACEs was designed to teach me to teach the lessons I learned during the process of learning to build my own resilience. In my younger days, I was an "old-school" Sunday School teacher, but my recovery has taught me that I am an artsy, crafty...

Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Series Overview

Due to demand, more slots have been added to session 1 of "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL)" , an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions. If you are not a current online community manager, please know that ALL are welcome. This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs intiatives. "Starting &...

Tell Gov’t: Address Childhood Trauma in Healthy People 2030! []

Childhood trauma. Adverse childhood experiences. Toxic stress. Trauma-informed. These are NOT FOUND anywhere in the proposed objective s for Healthy People 2030. We need you to speak up for childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences to ensure the Healthy People 2030 objectives guide our nation in addressing the leading public health concerns. [For more on this campaign, go to ]

Trauma in early childhood boosts the risk of teen obesity, study says []

Teenagers who have suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — such as physical or emotional abuse, or having a parent who is incarcerated or addicted to drugs or alcohol — are at greater risk of being overweight or obese, according to a new study . In fact, the study found that the more kinds of adverse experiences children endured, the more likely they would have excessive weight issues by middle school or high school. “This study adds to our understanding of childhood overweight and...

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