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How I Healed From Childhood PTSD: Free Techniques That Help Re-Regulate Your Brain and Emotions

Lately, a lot of people have been writing to ask me about no-cost options for healing Childhood PTSD. For more than two years, I’ve beens sharing the two free techniques I used to recover, but the instructions are spread out on different blog posts, and so this week, I’m putting the whole sequence in one post! Some background: We used to think that the symptoms of Childhood PTSD were primarily psychological. But we now know that abuse, neglect and chronic stress in childhood tend to cause...

The Relentless School Nurse: Help Make ACEs its Own Topic in Healthy People 2030!

For the past four decades, the mission of the Department of Health and Human Services, Healthy People Initiative, was to present overarching, science-based health goals for the upcoming decade. Healthy People was launched in 1990, with a focus at that time of decreasing infant and adult mortality as well as increasing independence among older adults (Green & Fielding 2011.) Over time Healthy People has grown in scope and expanded its reach. Healthy People 2020 included the following...

Receiving a Rock for Christmas: ACEs Parenting 101

I have been collecting hearts for a few years now. My friends will send me photos of hearts they find. I will post pics on social media of my heart finds . I even recently wrote an e-book, Stop Thinking . . . Just Love , filled with over six hundred heart photos. I have a collection of hearts on their own page on my website . And in my sacred writing space, I have a collection of special hearts given to me by loved ones, friends, and therapists. Christmas 2018 I added a special Rocky...

TIC: News and Notes for the Week of December 24, 2018

ACEs, Adversity's Impact A Sociologist and a senior collaborate to update research on adverse childhoods Shocking stories about Indigenous women and coerced sterilization Toxic stress Video: Elaine Miller Karas trauma summit interview Don't ask a homeless person 'what's wrong with you?' - ask 'what happened to you?' says Worcester hostel boss There's something wrong with Scotland but we just can't see it - Karyn McCluskey Boys need better access to mental health care. Why aren't they getting...

Believe in the Magic

Christmas is about giving for the sake of giving, opening our hearts, and sharing what we have. That our children trust us enough to share their longing and to let us hold their pain, is a bittersweet gift. It may not be what we hoped to find under the tree, but it is real.

New loans for home repair may be lifeline for Philly ‘small landlords’ — and their tenants []

Sherri Lee’s toilet started flooding in late September. Less than a month later, the unfinished basement in her South Philadelphia apartment was a full-blown health hazard. “It actually ended up pushing out feces,” said Lee during a recent visit to the Snyder Avenue row home she shares with her family. A white utility sink on the opposite end of the room backed up too, sending raw sewage onto the floor and all over Lee’s clothes. [For more on this story by Aaron Moselle, go to...

When Kids Kill []

All in prison for years, if not decades. All for killings that happened in Duval County when they were still kids. It's a problem with a high cost. Taxpayers spend more than $2.3 million a year to house, feed and care for them. Communities lose even more. There was Jose Lau, a Chinese immigrant who was delivering food on the Westside when he was fatally shot. Grady Williamson was stabbed in the chest for the $3 he had on him. Timothy Robertson gave a light to a stranger and ended up dead.

Lawsuit Targets Illinois’ Child Welfare Agency Over Children Languishing in Psychiatric Hospitals []

The Acting Cook County Public Guardian filed a class-action lawsuit Thursday on behalf of hundreds of children and teenagers in state care who have been held in psychiatric hospitals after they had been cleared by doctors for release, calling the practice inhumane and unconstitutional. The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services has a constitutional responsibility to ensure that children in the department’s care, whose lives are already marked by trauma, are not unnecessarily...

Managing Mental Wellness During Stressful Holiday Times

I'm a psychotherapist with an expertise in childhood sexual abuse and was asked to participate in an interview series about " How To Optimize Mental Wellness During Stressful Family Gatherings." Not everyone's holiday is filled with comfort and joy. If you come from a family where you experienced ACES, the holidays can be difficult. Here's an excerpt from the article with five tips that will help. Managing mental health in high stress situations is challenging and although holiday gatherings...

As the World Heats Up, It Becomes More Violent for Women []

Since covering Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, I’ve noticed the underlying current of violence against women increasing under the weight of recovery. Almost biweekly now, my social media shows a news article from the island about women who are found dead, with the common refrain, “otra más” (yet another). It appears, as Grist’s Greta Moran writes, that “as the world heats up, it’s also becoming more violent,” particularly for women. We know by now those who are already...

How Native and White Communities Make Alliances to Protect the Earth []

Resistance to the North Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock brought greater media and public attention to Native peoples and our struggles with environmental injustice. It also provided a means for the public to express fears over the environmental threats posed to the Earth by unchecked corporate and governmental exploitation of fossil fuels. Native Americans, however, have been hollering for generations about the global impact of fossil fuels and the poisoning of water, land, and fish...

How Housing and Neighborhood Quality Affect Children’s Mental Health []

How does the quality of where we live affect our children’s development? The impact of housing and neighborhood quality on physical health has long been studied in the public health field, but studies that aim to assess those same impacts on mental health are less common. This study examined the relationship between the physical quality of housing and neighborhoods and their interactive effect on the mental health and motivation of children from elementary school through young adulthood.

The Cost of Juvenile Trauma []

Twelve-year-old Talayia Richardson wore a lovely flowered sun dress that complimented her milk chocolate-colored skin; her long black hair was perfectly coifed; the sun seemed to burst across her smiling face as DC Attorney General Karl Racine (D) introduced her at a 2018 youth roundtable organized with Ward 6 DC Council member Charles Allen (D). Showcasing local winners of the “Do the Write Thing” essay contest, the event featured voices of students from traditional and charter schools,...

Boy’s battered feet offer harrowing image of migrants’ journey []

Last fall, an 8-year-old boy I’ll call Mateo came to the pediatric clinic in South Los Angeles where I was working. He was thin, with sun-parched skin and very quiet. He seemed fearful of everyone and everything. His mother brought him in because his feet were hurting. When I removed Mateo’s tattered tennis shoes and socks, his feet were inflamed and the skin was flaking off the soles. His toes were covered in black eschars, pieces of dead tissue. I couldn’t believe he was able to walk. I...

London wants to treat violent crime like a disease []

In November 2018, five people were stabbed to death on the streets of London in the space of six days . Three of the victims were teenagers. That spate of killings followed a summer filled with harrowing reports of knife violence. After several years of decline, knife offences in England are on the rise again. According to the most recent crime figures from the Office of National Statistics , offences involving a knife or a sharp instrument are at the highest level ever recorded, at almost...

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