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Podcast Episode 47: Sarah Guilfoy - Heart to Heart

Heart to Heart is a free telephone, text, and email service for parents and others experiencing family life or parenting challenges. This nonjudgmental service provides a listening ear, support and guidance to parents and caregivers who are upset or troubled about a family issue, or just need someone to talk to. Heart to Heart is staffed by parent volunteers.

“Where Do We Go From Here?” Philanthropy and What’s Next for the #MeToo Movement []

A persistent challenge of social movements is to translate early energy and activism into long-term changes in policies and institutions. This struggle is much on the minds of advocates and funders a year after the #MeToo hashtag went viral with a tweet from Alyssa Milano in response to the Harvey Weinstein allegations. Over the weekend, a full-page ad appeared in the New York Times, asking “Where Do We Go From Here?” A letter signed by scores of women’s groups, progressive organizations,...

Blackouts and Memory Gaps: How Alcohol and Trauma Affect the Brain []

Sober October has ended and now (hopefully sober) November begins. Fall brings the annual three-fold challenge: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. This year, the midterm elections have created a fourth stressor and some of us are barely muddling through. Recent events have been especially terrifying—mass shootings, pipe bombs, a new report of catastrophic climate change, and the ongoing nightmare that is the Justice Department’s current mandate. Recently, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)...

This Is Your Brain on Nature []

Neurosurgeon Edie Zusman , a real-life Doogie Howser who started medical school at 19 and has completed some 6,000 brain and spinal surgeries, said what landscape architects do saves far more lives than what she does. The early prevention of disease reduces the need for surgeries. Prevention is made possible by eating healthy foods and walking and getting exercise in green environments that lower stress and improve well-being. At the ASLA 2018 Annual Meeting , Zusman and a number of...

The Trauma-Sensitive Parenting Summit & Commentary

"Having a history of trauma or loss does not by itself predispose you to have a child with disorganization. It is the lack of resolution that is the essential risk factor. It is never too late to move toward making sense of your experiences and healing your past. Not only you but also your child will benefit." That's a quote from the book Parenting from the Inside Out: How A Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive, which was published fifteen freaking years ago. It's...

The Power of Forgiveness in Family Recovery

Jerry Moe, M.A., Betty Ford Center National Director of Children’s Programs. Justin is the youngest in his family. He’s a remarkable kid who came into the children’s program with a smile, rolled up his little sleeves, and worked intently throughout. This eight- year-old lives in a “looking-good family”, where trouble and stress lurk just beneath the surface. On the third day, Justin stopped me with a very anxious look on his face. “Will you please come with me to my dad’s group this...

Heal from Trauma - Nature's Way

[ ..... Reframing our cultural understanding of how trauma works is fundamental to creating institutional and personal strategies for healing that truly work ......... While there is a growing awareness in.....workplaces and communities about the prevalence of trauma in both personal and occupational contexts - including with children - a nuanced understanding of healing is still in the early stages..... ] [ ....“There’s tons of people getting trauma-informed out there ..... But people don’t...

The First Guaranteed Basic Income Program Designed for Single Black Moms []

Ebony, a single mother of three, works two jobs to make ends meet and takes in around $11,000 a year. In addition to a part-time job at a beauty supply chain, she works as a communication specialist at a Jackson, Mississippi, nonprofit, a temporary position that could end in December. She’s hoping her employers will keep her on, and she’s doing all she can to inspire them, including showing up for work an hour early. “I want to make a good impression,” she says about showing up to work...

Concentration Camps for Kids: An Open Letter []

In Tornillo, Texas, in rows of pale yellow tents, some 1,600 children who were forcefully taken from their families sleep in lined-up bunks, boys separated from the girls. The children, who are between the ages of thirteen and seventeen, have limited access to legal services. They are not schooled. They are given workbooks but they are not obliged to complete them. The tent city in Tornillo is unregulated, except for guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services. Physical...

A Raw Tribute to Sexual Trauma Survivors []

Recently Unstoppable, a Planned Parenthood initiative that promotes full equality for women and LGBTQ people, released a new animated film by Alexa Lim Haas that brings to life the fundamental belief that your body is your own. Everyday, I is an animated exploration of the ways the trauma and threat of sexualized violence infiltrate the everyday routines of various women. It focuses not on the offenders’ actions, but instead on the longterm reverberations their acts have on their victims'...

Vancouver therapist helps first responders rethink trauma []

VANCOUVER—A local therapist says reframing our cultural understanding of how trauma works is fundamental to creating institutional and personal strategies for healing that truly work. While there is a growing awareness in Canadian workplaces and communities about the prevalence of trauma in both personal and occupational contexts, a nuanced understanding of healing is still in the early stages, says Barbara Allyn, a certified trauma therapist and crisis intervention worker based in...

Researchers find connection between heart rate and peer victimization []

Penn State Scranton assistant professors of psychology Karin Machluf and P. Douglas Sellers II, along with their colleague, Christopher Aults from King's College in Wilkes-Barre, have found in a study that heart rate reactivity is a biological moderator between peer victimization (bullying) and internalizing problems (anxiety/depression) in adolescent girls. The researchers' paper, titled "Adolescent Girls' Biological Sensitivity to Context: Heart Rate Reactivity Moderates the Relationship...

Children may be most at risk of stab injuries on way home from school []

Quite apart from the known links between knife crime and deprivation and male gender, there seem to be distinct temporal and geographical patterns by age group among young stab victims, indicate the findings. The frequency of stabbings spikes between 1600 and 1800 hours, attributable to incidents occurring on school days, the findings show. And nearly half of injuries (47%) in this age group occurred 1-5 km from home, reflecting the average distance from home to school for children living in...

Community Development Innovation Review: Mental Health and Community Development - Volume 13, Issue 1 []

This issue of the Community Development Innovation Review is dedicated to the topic of mental health and community development. It advances the healthy communities conversation by explicitly recognizing the relationship between mental health and physical health as well as the role social factors play in both aspects of overall wellbeing. As the World Health Organization (WHO) says, “There is no health without mental health.” As the articles in this issue of the Review reveal, there are...

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