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Documentary Broken Places uses archival footage to tell stories of ACEs and resilience over time

Why do children exposed to the same level of adversity in childhood have different outcomes? Why do some thrive and others become completely damaged? These were the kinds of burning questions that prompted filmmaker Roger Weisberg to produce the documentary Broken Places , which was shown in a private screening at the 2018 National ACEs Conference in San Francisco. The film delves into the adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that each of the adults profiled in it endured first as children.

Johnson City, Tennessee System of Care Recognized as a Leader by the National Center for Trauma Informed Care

On September 5, 2018 people gathered from 20 different states and from across Tennessee in Johnson City in order to learn more about our growing System of Care. This system now has 35 affiliated organizations who have advanced from being trauma-aware to trauma-responsive. Among those in attendance were Tennessee's First Lady, Crissy Haslam and Delaware's First Lady, Tracy Carney. (l to r) First Lady Tracy Carney, Becky Haas, First Lady Crissy Haslam In 2014, the Substance Abuse Mental Health...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month - The World Bank Group Builds Awareness of Domestic Violence with RESILIENCE [KPJR Films]

The World Bank Group’s Domestic Abuse Prevention Program kicked off Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a screening of RESILIENCE . The film was screened at their Washington DC Corporate Office to an audience of over 100 staff and affiliates. As well, RESILIENCE was screened virtually across approximately 130 World Banks offices with more than 1,400 viewers all over the world. The World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: Five institutions working for sustainable solutions that...

Consent ( & What Happens When Sexual Assault Survivors Sit Down With the Men Who Attacked Them? (

Excerpt from article by Isobel Yeung : Cissy's note: I met the professor, Dr. Alissa Ackerman , written about in this story as part of a survivor collective group that shared how being out as survivors impacts our personal and professional lives and to support each other. It's from Alissa @James Encinas that's I've learned anything at all about what restorative justice is and isn't (to be honest, I'm still learning).

All That Bad Is Going To Mean Something - Survivor-Led Care (

The idea of survivor-led care is gaining traction in groups that help victims of sexual exploitation, human trafficking, and abuse. Karen Campbell, program manager of community initiatives at the Canadian Women’s Foundation, which funds programs to prevent and respond to sexual violence. “Listening to the people who are affected is the first step to figuring out what a strong and good intervention looks like.”

Four Myths We Used To Believe About The Effects of Childhood Trauma

Everyone knows that trauma in childhood can cause problems later in life, but until recently, we totally misunderstood how this happens. Here are four myths that have dominated our understanding of Childhood PTSD, and convoluted our approach to treatment: Myth 1: Childhood PTSD is a psychological wound. What we know now: We now know that the damage from early abuse, neglect and chronic stress is largely neurological -- in other words, it causes brain and nervous system changes. These...

Governor Carney Signs Executive Order Making Delaware a Trauma-Informed State []

Governor Carney on Wednesday signed Executive Order #24 making Delaware a trauma-informed state. This Order provides direction for the Family Services Cabinet Council to help mitigate the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and build resilience in children, adults and communities. ACEs can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; physical or emotional neglect; household dysfunction, including substance abuse, untreated mental illness, or incarceration of a household member;...

Understanding And Dissolving Our Toxic Ties

I know that you have thought of the childhood roots of your toxic ties in adulthood. A toxic tie is when you feel yourself being held hostage in a relationship in which you feel yourself losing power. You don’t want to feel this way, but you don’t seem able to stop. One common root of this is being raised by parents who had a toxic tie to one another. We cannot change our past, but we can change our present for a brighter future, and in so doing. support our children in developing healthy...

Handle With Care funding is part of federal opioid legislation []

By Shauna Johnson in News | October 17, 2018 at 11:25AM CHARLESTON, W.Va. — President Donald Trump is expected to soon sign into law the 2018 SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, the comprehensive, bipartisan legislation aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic across the United States on many fronts. Included in it is funding to support programs that offer trauma-informed care for young people, specifically programs like Handle With Care which got its start in West Virginia and has...

Taking the Next First Step to Healing Communities in Alaska

On the heels of a state policy victory , grassroots advocacy led by the Alaska Resilience Initiative continues to move toward the goal of systemic change by publishing a brief for people who occupy strategic positions across the state. While Alaska Senate Bill 105 builds a framework for changing the system, that's only a beginning. A new document, “ Toward a Trauma-Informed, Resilient, and Culturally-Responsive Alaska ,” authored by Andrea Blanch, is designed to help elected officials,...

What Does it Take to Become Trauma-Informed? Lessons from Early Adopters

The Urban Institute recently conducted an implementation analysis, Early Adopters of Trauma-Informed Care: An Implementation Analysis of the Advancing Trauma-Informed Care Grantees, to better understand how participating pilot sites adapted clinical and organizational practices to advance trauma-informed care. This blog post summarizes findings from the study, which reveals key elements that successful trauma-informed organizations have in common.

The Relentless School Nurse: Meet "Grandma Boom" From ACEs to Empowered Passion with Purpose

Today's guest blogger is the incomparable Janai Mestrovich. Her story is powerful and speaks to how adversity can be used to create post-traumatic growth. Our ACEs can be our superpowers – the fight or flight response is designed to give us an adaptive advantage. Here is the lived expertise of an incredible pioneer in the work of overcoming adversity to create sustainable change in the lives of our most vulnerable population, our children. Janai 'Grandma Boom' Mestrovich Birth Trauma...

Episode 44: Cortney Edmondson

I thoroughly enjoyed this enlightening interview with ACEs Connection member, Cortney Edmondson - advocate, speaker, survivor, activist. Please join us as we discuss Cortney's healing journey from trauma to triumph, her mission to provide others with a space to share their stories, her speaking joys, and much more!

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