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“Motherless Children Have the Hardest Time”: Epigenetic Programming and Early Life Environment  []

The Blind Willie Johnson blues song “Motherless Children” highlights the maternal bonds that we all know are critical to emotional and cognitive development. Authors of previous work looking at infant stress response have found that these bonds begin in utero and can be influenced by both maternal and paternal influences and across multiple generations. 1 The observations of Barker et al 2 on the Dutch famine birth cohort of World War II were perhaps the first published observations of this...

South Los Angeles Looks to End Cycle of Violence By Addressing Trauma

As a young man growing up in the Westmont neighborhood of South Los Angeles, violence once seemed like an inescapable way of life for Kevin “Twin” Orange. In high school, Orange lost his best friend to gang violence, he said. Later, he got caught up in gang activity himself, and narrowly survived a shooting in 2006. Three years later, his brother and a cousin were killed. “You became immune to homicides, shootings, acts of violence,” Orange said. “We thought that was normal. You’d walk down...

“We Can’t Go Back to the Shadows”: Six Dreamers Tell Their Stories []

Last September, the Trump administration announced that it would rescind the protections granted by DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals—an Obama-era program that shielded undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children from deportation. Though the action was quickly challenged by several federal lawsuits, there has been no clear resolution, leaving more than 700,000 DACA recipients and their families in limbo. While several judges blocked the Trump administration’s move...

Opening Doors for Young Parents []

This report reminds policymakers and child advocates of the barriers that young families face. It examines national and state-level trends — highlighting areas of opportunity and concern — and then shares potential solutions that can help these families thrive. To download the report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, go to .

Eatonville, Florida: 2018 RWJF Culture of Health Prize Winner []

Standing in 100-year-old Ella Dinkins’ yard in Eatonville, Florida, one sees pieces of the rich and complex history of this municipality of about 2,200 people, the oldest historically black-incorporated town in America. There’s Lake Hungerford to the west, a taste of the countryside that once surrounded the 131-year-old town, which sits just outside Orlando. There’s Dinkins’ rambling white house—expanded by her father, who also helped build Eatonville’s first one-room school. There’s the...

Overcoming Childhood Trauma: How Parents and Schools Work to Stop the Cycle []

Many people have experienced some kind of trauma in their childhood, such as loss of a caregiver, substance abuse in the home, homelessness or abuse. There are ten types of “Adverse Childhood Experiences” that were identified in a study conducted in the 1990s. The total number of childhood traumas someone has experienced determines their ACE score . About 2/3s of the people in the groundbreaking study had at least one ACE, but the researchers also found higher rates of adult physical and...

Hurricane Season Is Especially Hard for Farmworkers []

Gloria Castillo Luna, a single mother of four living in Faison, North Carolina, evacuated her family from the home she rents to a shelter just before Hurricane Florence hit a little over a week ago. Luna and her kids had a terrible experience during a storm two years ago, so she knew the shelter was worth the trip. “After my experience with my children during Hurricane Matthew, which felt very dangerous, I knew that we should go,” she said on the phone through a translator. “I did not want...

Chronic Pain With And Without Physical Symptoms

Recently I read a "Chronic Pain Reconsidered: A New Role for Therapists" By Dr Howard Schubiner (a retiring physician) in the September/October 2018 release of Psychotherapy Networker. https://www.psychotherapynetwo...ic-pain-reconsidered While the entire magazine is dedicated to psychedelic therapy, this article was an exception. There are many patients who suffer from chronic pain without any tissue degradation or anatomical changes. Since those patients continue going to the regular...

Are you a trauma informed provider in the SF East Bay?

Hello ACEs Connection colleagues! Are you aware of trauma informed providers in the San Francisco Bay Area who might be interested in being listed as a resource here? If so, can you please share this email with your colleagues? All my best, Angela Dear coach, therapist, body worker, activist, healer, program director, etc! Do you consider yourself a trauma-informed provider? Are you interested in being listed in a handout of Trauma Informed providers which will be handed out at the Oakland...


I found the #WhyIDidntReport hashtag a few hours ago. I'm normally not much of a Twitter user, more of a Facebook and LinkedIn fan. But, this one struck a chord. So, I sent off a tweet.

Early Childhood Trauma Resources

When a family is hit with trauma, it can be difficult to know how the youngest and most vulnerable members may be affected. Young children often do not have the words to express how they are feeling, or may act out in ways that are unexpected. Fortunately, many resources are available to help families experiencing a crisis, and help young children work through negative emotions. The book “Once I Was Very, Very, Scared” By Chandra Ghosh Ippen, can help children see the different ways one...

Suicide By Women Is A Major Public Health Concern In India []

In June, M., a 28-year-old woman jumped from the second floor of her home in Madurai, India — 20 feet above a rocky, tar road — after a bitter argument with her husband. He had accused her of having an affair. This was M.'s second attempt to kill herself. She survived the fall. M. had been prescribed antidepressants after her first suicide attempt seven years before but had stopped taking them. She was admitted to Madurai's Government Rajaji hospital shortly after her second suicide attempt.

Getting from Foster Care to Where I Am Today []

Part of what amazes me about foster youth is our ability to survive and love despite the never-ending hardships that follow us. What amazes me even more is our ability to know and believe love exists, even though most foster youth — including myself — never received enough love growing up. It is this resilience that sets us apart from all other communities — far from a negligible quality, it amounts to one of our greatest strengths. If you had asked me what love was when I was 13 years old...

FBI says murder, violent crimes fell slightly last year after previous increases []

The number of murders and other violent crimes dipped slightly in the United States last year, according to crime statistics released Monday by the FBI that suggest the rise of violent crimes in recent years may be ending. Rapes rose 3 percent in 2017, according to the data, while cases of manslaughter and murder decreased 0.7 percent compared with the previous year. Aggravated assault cases increased 1 percent, while overall violent crimes dropped ­0.2 percent. The figures suggest that a...

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