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Why we should be concerned about ACEs

Why we should be concerned about ACEs Stephanie Guthman Published Sep 26, 2018 at 8:0 0 am (Updated Sep 26, 2018 at 7:47 am) This is a story about Jordan, a seven-year-old boy who lives in a two-bedroom apartment in a neighbourhood close to town, along with his mother, grandmother and three siblings. They all have to share one tiny bathroom. When Jordan was 5, he watched as his father was arrested by the police and taken away in handcuffs in the middle of the night. Jordan hasn’t seen him...

When It Comes To Trauma, Who Helps The Helpers? []

From veterans returning from Iraq, to survivors of mass shootings, to those putting together the pieces after a hurricane--we know that the emotional and psychological scars of violence and tragedies sometimes last even longer than physical wounds. But what is the psychological toll on those who help victims of traumatic experiences? We talk with Dr. Megan Berthold, professor of social work at UConn, about the often-unrecognized "secondary" trauma that first responders, journalists, and aid...

Giving up on the American Dream []

On a muggy Saturday morning in August, 18-year-old Dajourn Anuku stood outside the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City, wearing cutoff jean shorts and a baseball cap sporting the phrase “Be Humble.” A large, meaty kid, Dajourn was sweating beneath the weight of his massive backpack and a plastic shopping bag stuffed with laundry detergent, paper towels, and dryer sheets. Earlier that morning, he’d lugged all of this from a Georgetown University dorm room to his bus, where the driver...

Elizabeth Warren’s Ambitious Fix for America’s Housing Crisis []

Ten years ago, the subprime-mortgage crisis stripped millions of Americans of their homes. Many haven’t gotten those homes back and now face skyrocketing rents. Ask an economist, or any recent graduate trying to afford rent, and they’ll tell you: America is still in a housing crisis. On Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced a bill tackling the issue head on, trying to lower the cost of homes in neighborhoods with greater economic opportunity. The legislation, titled the American...

Income inequality is changing how we think, live, and die []

Researcher Keith Payne has found something surprising: When people flying coach are forced to walk past the pampered first-class flyers in the front of the plane, the likelihood of some sort of air rage incident rises sharply. In his 2017 book The Broken Ladder , Payne, a social psychologist at the University of North Carolina, argues that humans are hardwired to notice relative differences. When we’re reminded that we’re poorer or less powerful than others, we become less healthy, more...

Gender 'nonconformity' takes mental toll on teens []

(HealthDay)—American teens whose behavior, appearance or lifestyle do not conform to widely held views on what it is to be a "normal" male or female face a high risk for mental distress and drug abuse, new research warns. The findings were culled from a national survey exploring the psychological risk profiles of teens who described themselves as " gender nonconforming." The poll enlisted more than 6,000 students enrolled in high schools in three large urban school districts across...

Research Shows Immigrants are not a Drain on the U.S. Resources []

The Department of Homeland Security announced a proposed rule on Friday that would penalize immigrants seeking permanent status who use public benefit programs such as food assistance and housing vouchers. Under the new policy, those who seek financial help could risk losing their chance at a green card. Already, the federal government can deny permanent resident status or admission to the United States to immigrants deemed a " public charge "—dependent on cash benefits such as Temporary...

‘What is addiction’ is a good question, but ‘what is recovery’ may be better []

Last weekend, I spent Saturday afternoon in Center City with a friend I hadn't seen in years, went for two long runs in Haddon Heights Park, and savored a Thai meal in Voorhees on Sunday with another good friend. I also attended three 12-step meetings, without which none of those other activities would have been possible — because I'd have died long ago. I'd be a casualty like the seven individuals who fatally overdosed last weekend in Philly's Kensington neighborhood, where dozens of...

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference: Call for Presenters!

CALL FOR CONFERENCE PRESENTERS The Community Resilience Initiative is pleased to present the 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Fourth Annual Conference at the Red Lion Hotel and Conference Center in Pasco, WA. We invite professionals from various fields and organizations throughout the country to submit a presenter application on the topics related to healthy, resilient development in the face of chronic, toxic stress in urban and rural settings, inclusive of diversity and equity for particularly...

Who Do We Think of as Survivors of Sexual Violation? []

Imagine a 13-year-old in a sexual relationship with a 20-something friend of the family. The adult occasionally trades small sums of money for oral sex. The child grows up to be a promiscuous adult, particularly when it comes to oral sex. Unfortunately, this scenario is not difficult to imagine. But it’s worth considering the typical "script" that structures what comes to mind when you consider this scenario. What gender do you imagine the teenager to be? What gender the adult? And what...

On eve of three-day conference: 'We have a goal to make Milwaukee the most trauma-informed city in the country.' []

Fiserv Forum already has a couple of concerts under its belt, and before long, it begins its primary purpose, hosting the Milwaukee Bucks. On Wednesday night, however, the new arena gets an unexpected use: It hosts an ambitious conference on the topic of healing, with well over a thousand participants expected to hear how to address the epidemic of psychological trauma that increasingly is seen as the root cause for a host of social ills — unemployment, mental illness, aggression, addiction,...

Take a step back from yourself to better realize the benefits of awe []

Religion and nature can both lead to awe, and turning to one or the other is a common coping strategy for the stress that might accompany an upcoming presentation, exam or performance. But an awe-inspiring experience can have negative consequences as well as benefits, according to a novel University at Buffalo-led study that uses cardiovascular responses to stress to take a broad look at awe and the critical role perspective plays when considering the effects of encountering awe. "We found...

How do we marginalize students with ACEs?

Ivan has an ACEs score of 8 and he's failing in most of his classes, described as "a lazy student who won't do the work." In fact, he lives with a troubled family struggling with mental health challenges. We adults must acknowledge the contradiction between the espoused views that all students deserve the chance to study hard and succeed, and the reality that so many students are traumatized by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), diminishing their capacity to achieve in school. Students...

Does our environment affect the genes in our brains? [] 

Is there a link between differences in IQ test performance and the activity of certain genes? Researchers from Charité -- Universitätsmedizin Berlin have shown that modifications in the structure of a specific gene have a negative impact on individual test performance. This suggests that environmentally-induced epigenetic changes to our genetic material have a greater impact on intelligence than previously thought. Results from this study have been published in Translational Psychiatry.

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