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A Pound of Prevention: Leveraging Federal Law Change to Put Families First in Virginia

For Emily Griffey, policy director of Voices for Virginia’s Children , some small print in the bipartisan budget act passed by Congress last February was cause for celebration. The legislation, known as the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), was the first significant reform of child welfare financing in a generation. And unlike previous federal funding, which helped maintain the foster care system through subsidies for room, board and other services, the new law pays for...

Tantrums [Zero to Three website]

Anyone who has interacted with young children knows that tantrums can be hard to manage! Children are still growing in their ability to manage emotions, and they need patience and guidance along the way. The Zero to Three website can provide tips and strategies for helping children work through these difficult emotions, and help parents and caregivers stay level headed in the face of them. Acknowledge what your child is feeling. It is never wrong for a child to feel angry or sad, but you can...

Drug overdose epidemic has been growing exponentially for decades []

Death rates from drug overdoses in the U.S. have been on an exponential growth curve that began at least 15 years before the mid-1990s surge in opioid prescribing, suggesting that overdose death rates may continue along this same historical growth trajectory for years to come, according to a University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health analysis published today in Science. The type of drug and the demographics of those who die from overdoses has fluctuated over the years. When...

How Puberty Kills Girls’ Confidence []

The change can be baffling to many parents: Their young girls are masters of the universe, full of gutsy fire. But as puberty sets in, their confidence nosedives, and those same daughters can transform into unrecognizably timid, cautious, risk-averse versions of their former selves. Over the course of writing our latest book , we spoke with hundreds of tween and teen girls, who detailed a striking number of things they don’t feel confident about: “making new friends,” “the way I dress,”...

This Agency Tried to Fix the Race Gap in Juvenile Justice. Then Came Trump []

For two decades, the number of children behind bars in the U.S. has been on the decline—but the racial disparity has been dramatically worsening, with black youth several times more likely than their white counterparts to be incarcerated. A little-known Justice Department agency is supposed to tackle this problem: the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention , which has been mandated by Congress since 1988 to try to shrink the racial gap by providing grants and training to local...

What’s wrong with the “just a teen” Kavanaugh defense, according to a psychologist []

The recent sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh have raised many questions, but by far one of the most discussed is the relevance of age. As described by Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh was 17 and she was 15 at the time of the alleged incident. Now both are in their 50s. Do events that happened during adolescence still matter to a person well into adulthood? How should we think about sexual assault from a person’s teenage years decades later? Political...

Reports: Stationing police in Philly schools costly, causes trauma for students of color []

The Advancement Project and the Alliance for Educational Justice want police out of schools, according to their new report. The advocacy groups believe school police officers create a hostile environment for black and brown students and contribute to the trauma many experience outside of school. Philadelphia was among the cities featured in the report, but idea of removing school police for some city parents is just unthinkable. [For more on this story by Darryl C. Murphy, go to...

The Restorative Power of Trees []

In some of my earliest memories, I’m perched between two branches of a plum tree that grew in front of my house. To climb, I’d grip the lowest branches and stretch my foot as high as it would reach, pulling myself up to sit comfortably in my little throne of branches. There, I’d peer through the pale purple blossoms, across the sidewalk, admiring the tops of cars. I don’t remember any fear—just the scrape of callused feet on bark; the triumph of successfully hoisting my knee onto a branch;...

Report Shows Opportunities to Strengthen State Policies for Physical Activity in Daily Life []

We believe in the power of storytelling and the importance of investing in the future by sharing those stories – whether they are stories of successful community ventures or lessons learned from stories of things you wish happened just a little bit differently. These are the stories of communities working together for the common good. – Community Commons Margaux Mennesson, Safe Routes to School National Partnership | A new report out from the Safe Routes to School National Partnership and...

Practical Ideas for Improving Equity and Inclusion at Nonprofits []

The nonprofit sector’s focus on advancing social welfare means that we are responsible not only for implementing effective management practices, but also for holding ourselves accountable to the communities we serve. We know that board diversity improves performance and inclusive teams make better decisions . We know the value of including our communities and program participants in decision-making. Yet while references to equity, inclusion, and diversity (DEI) are seemingly everywhere, as a...

Save the Date: 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference!

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Red Lion Hotel in Pasco, Washington June 26 & 27, 2019 Pre-Conference Trainings & Social Event June 25, 2019 More details will posted on the BPT Conference web page soon! Don't want to wait until June 2019? We have two trainings in October! These will be small group trainings limited to 30 participants per training. Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training (prerequisite for any other course) - Six hour training on October 8, 2018 in Pasco, Washington.

Book: Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators

15% discount with this flyer! Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators Relationship-Based Approaches that Support Healing and Build Resilience in Young Children Julie Nicholson, Linda Perez and Julie Kurtz Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators guides child care providers and early educators working with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary aged children to understand trauma as well as its impact on young children’s brains, behavior, learning...

Being Mindful in Nature

Being Mindful in Nature My elderly mother has been experiencing health issues over the past few months, with various hospital and rehabilitation facility stays. My oldest son, who lives five state away from me, was involved in a serious car accident. My podcast has started to explode (in a good way!) leaving me scrambling to stay on top of the interview, editing and publishing schedule. All of this is stress-inducing. But, that’s life . . . crazy and fun and chaotic and messy at times.

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