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TODAY! Register now for Advancing Neuro-Nurturing Webinar March 14.

Please join top researchers and leaders in the movement to create Neuro Nurturing Ecosystems in support of maternal, infant, family and community health TODAY, March 14th, for an information-packed webinar co-sponsored, in part, by PACEs Connection and its fiscal sponsor, the National Prevention Science Coalition. REGISTER now to attend this free webinar, the second in a series that has received scores of five-star reviews. National leaders in early relational health, health equity, and more...

US Maternal Mortality is worse than you think

Why U.S. Maternal Mortality is WORSE Than You Think Homicide is the leading cause of maternal mortality, we just don't count it Jeremy Nay, AMERICAN INEQUALITY blog, March 5, 2025 Today’s article is about how America is dramatically under counting maternal mortality. This is because we fail to include the #1 cause of deaths for pregnant women and new mothers: homicide (usually associated with domestic violence). Homicide is the leading cause of maternal mortality Nationally, there were...

I Broke Up With My Abusive Mother

I Broke Up With My Abusive Mother. I Don’t Regret That Decision. By Eamon Dolan, The New York Times, March 2, 2025 Mr. Dolan is the author of the forthcoming “The Power of Parting: Finding Peace and Freedom Through Family Estrangement.” Twelve years ago, I broke up with my mother. She beat me and my siblings hundreds of times in our youth, and she inflicted on us an array of other behaviors that qualified as emotional...

Marital Emotional Neglect/Abuse. The Damage it causes.

Emotional neglect. It’s a quiet relationship killer, slowly dimming the light between two people. Before you know it, you feel alone even when your partner is right there. I’ve been there. I remember that gnawing loneliness, the constant ache for a real emotional connection. It’s debilitating. My goal is to help anyone experiencing emotional neglect feel less alone. Consider this a safe space to find hope, gain clarity, and remember your worth. This comes from a place of empathy — not...

My upbringing was so violent, I expected to be woken up with a punch. But we can end childhood trauma

Like most children who live through abuse and neglect, I always blamed myself – but here’s how I learnt to break the generational cycle The very worst thing that happened to us over the holidays was our toddler fathoming how to play Sia’s Santa is Coming for Us, on repeat. Excruciating pop aside, to be safe and warm and surrounded by love at home is a blessing we cherish. From Ukraine to Israel and Gaza and Sudan to Southport , the levels of violence against children in 2024 were harrowing.

Launch of the "Power Of the Mind" Conferences

Launch of the "Power Of the Mind" Conferences. Do join us 💃🏽🥳🎉🥳❤️ Join the Movement by clicking the link below and getting yourself a ticket/s for Conference Launch. Be a part of the work we are doing. God bless you!🥰❤️ #comealivemovement #jointhemovement #shareyourstory #speakupagainstabuse #speakupspeakout #standupforyourself #foryourinspiration #foryouシ

The Latest Research on Positive Experiences - Webinar in December!

Did you know… research on positive childhood and adult experiences and the impacts of these experiences on health and wellbeing across the lifespan is growing exponentially! A simple search for PCEs alone last week through The George Washington University library system yielded 62 new peer-reviewed publications year-to-date in 2024 , up from 42 in all of 2023, and 22 in 2022. This year I have developed a close personal relationship with my university library as I have tried to keep up with...

November Updates for ROAR

WE HAD A GREAT MEETING YESTERDAY!!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR CONTRIBUTING! Thank you ROAR community stakeholders for your continued commitment to building individual and collective resilience in Robeson County!!! We have lots to ROAR about this month!!! READ THIS NEWSLETTER IN FULL TO FIND OUT ABOUT SOME IMPORTANT COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES THAT WERE SHARED AT THIS WEEK'S MEETING! For additional information about ROAR or any of the information shared within this email, please...

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