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The Healing Place Podcast: William T. Kenny - The Conscious Whole: Quantum Physics and Global Consciousness in Relation to Trauma

William T. Kenny was formally trained in medicine and is a practicing radiologist. He has a strong interest in physics and wrote The Conscious Whole to reflect how theories and laws of physics may interact with the present medical paradigm, which does not account for the peculiar laws of the subatomic world.

Webinar: Trauma-Informed Support via Text Message

We're excited to share this behind-the-scenes story of how the Ready4K team collaborated with First 5 Del Norte to create the country's first trauma-informed text message support program! Hear directly from Angela Glore, executive director of First 5 Del Norte, about how she and her partner organizations worked together to connect the dots between community health goals and early learning opportunities. It's a fascinating story of how this rural community set out a big, hairy, audacious goal...

Gift Responsibly, Lottery Tickets Aren't Child's Play

Lottery scratch off tickets are popular gifts for family members at Christmas. What can beat the thrill of the chance to win money? They have bright colors, have themes that make us think of fun, and can create conversation and competition among family members. Often there are young eyes watching the adults as they are thrilled to scratch off their tickets. Why does it matter? Naturally youth are curious and want to join in! There are reasons why the minimum age is 18 to buy a lottery ticket...

The Healing Place Podcast: Steve Whitney - SOMA Breathwork; Exhalation's Impact on Our Nervous System; and Rhythmic Breathing

Steve Whitney's corporate job brought him into states of stress, drinking, drugs and mood swings. After suffering a deep state of depression he found his new purpose of life on SOMA breathwork meditation hosted by influential spiritual teacher Niraj Naik. He became a certified breathwork instructor and started teaching other people how to use their breath to optimize their physical, mental and emotional health.

The Healing Place Podcast: Jessica Miles - Monty's Day in Court: What to Expect When You Have to Testify in Court; and the Support of BACA International

“Monty’s Day in Court” is the first children’s book written from the perspective of a child who testifies in court against his abuser. Monty’s story serves as a tool for children in learning resilience and as an aid for those on the front lines helping young people through challenging times. This book is based on our foster (and now adopted) son’s experiences and emotions.

The Healing Place Podcast: Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum - Functional Medicine Coaching; Positive Psychology, & Alternative Medicine

A self-professed lifelong learner, Dr. Scheinbaum’s life’s work has been centered around education innovation since the very beginning. She began her career in 1972, teaching students with learning disabilities. Her drive to incorporate a more holistic perspective into her work led her to earn a PhD in clinical psychology at Fielding Graduate University, where she specialized in positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mind-body medicine.

The Healing Place Podcast: Michael Broussard - Ask a Sex Abuse Survivor; Dr. Who; and Forgiveness

Childhood sexual abuse survivor Michael Broussard is a theatre artist, a speaker, and an activist in the survivor community. His organization Ask A Sex Abuse Survivor began life in 2014 as an interactive theatrical show about survival and healing. More recently Michael has broadened his mission to amplifying survivor voices worldwide.

The Healing Place Podcast: Michael Jascz - The Relationship Foundation; & Nonviolent Communication as a tool to Mitigate Trauma

Michael Jascz is the founder of The Relationship Foundation, an educational initiative at the forefront of a unique approach to Social and Emotional Learning with proven results. For 20 years, Michael has dedicated himself to helping people build healthy and thriving relationships as a coach and an instructor.

Portal to the Inner Realm: Preparing a Junk Journal cover that welcomes You home

“Your junk journal is a place just for you,” I tell my Junk Journaling for Resilience (JJ4R) students, “and every part of you belongs here.” This emphasis on building a place of self-belonging is vitally important when we engage in artistic practices as healing practices. In a sense, cultivating self-belonging is one of the key things that makes this JJ4R practice resilience-building.

The 38 Websites, Podcasts, and Books You Need to Become a Trauma-Informed Leader

While serving as a Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Mississippi, I first learned about the concept of "adverse childhood experiences" through a newspaper article. But when I wanted to learn more, I wasn't sure where to turn. After lots of research and trial and error, I found these resources to be some of the best. (Yes, ACESConnection is on the list!) If you would like your free copy of this PDF, just click the link and download: (Sometimes web links...

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