Generation Mindful and Integrate Trauma Informed Network
Find More Patience & Connection This New Year
Overcome obstacles getting in the way between you and the deeply connected, meaningful, and self-expressed life you deserve.
Welcome to The Reparent Yourself Masterclass Bundle...
What's In The Reparent Yourself Masterclass Bundle?
$2,000+ Worth of Expert Education from World-Renowned MDs, Therapists, Parenting Experts, Yogis, Musicians, and More
Lifetime Access to 20 Interactive Courses, Guided Meditations, Healing Movement and Other Transformative Resources
94% OFF for Five Days Only!

Connection Through Color & Play
Eve Andry
Value $150
• 3 Guided art lessons to help you connect with your inner child.
• Express thoughts, feelings, and ideas via playful exploration.
• Learn to use art as a language.
A survivor of childhood trauma, Eve is a xicana artist, facilitator, and founder of Embody Create Heal, an organization that offers therapeutic art workshops.
The Love Yourself Bundle

Amy Camie
Value $100
• 2+ Hours of Healing Harp Music
• "Loving Life...All of It" E-Book
• Conscious Self-Care Webinar
Amy is a certified clinical musician, professional & therapeutic harpist, speaker, author, 2-time breast cancer thriver, and educator, with published research on how her music supports brainwave and immune system function, and reduces pain and anxiety levels.

Candice Cox, LCSW
CHAOS vs KHAOS Healing Toxic Parenting
Value $200
• A course helping you address and heal toxic parenting
• Learn the Keep Healing And Overcoming Struggles (KHAOS) mindset
• Build coping skills & live beyond the labels holding you back
Candice is an author, speaker, and counselor celebrated for her work assisting individuals to reduce the impact of toxic stress in their lives.

Anu French, MD FAAP ABoIM
Building Healthier Communities through Healthier Kids
Value $200
Dr. French is an integrative pediatrician, artist, and musician sharing her journey of healing from burnout as well as the science behind using music and art as powerful healing tools to build intergenerational resilience.
• The Sacred Science of Music & Art Webinar
• Exclusive Sound Healing Music
• “I Am” Affirmative Art

Deirdre Fay, MSW
The Developmental Task of Becoming an Adult
With Attachment Basics!
Value $200
Deirdre is a world-renowned psychotherapist, author and educator, bringing together modern science with ancient wisdom to make sense of life's Transformational Journey.
• 7-part Online Course & E-Book
• Learn to release old patterns and discover your true self
• Guided resources to heal trauma and embody secure attachment
Rituals and Adventures for your Inner Child

Victoria Emanuela
Value $150
• An actionable, tender, and playful toolkit
• Nurture your relationship with your inner child
• Create sustainable self-connection and self-love.
Victoria is a passionate author, death doula, and explorer of mindful living, dying, and community care. Victoria works with inner child reparenting through radical self-empathy.

Hala Khouri
Your Body is your GPS
Value $100
Hala is a yoga teacher & somatic therapist focused on the power of embodied practices to heal trauma in individuals & communities while addressing the the impact of social injustices in all of us, which she addresses in her book Peace from Anxiety (Shambhala).
• Learn about your brain and nervous system
• Tools to practice self-regulation
• Strengthen interoception skills

Julie Johnson, M.Ed, ATS, RYT 500
Reparenting with Reiki
Value $180
Julie uses her background as an educator, bodywork & curriculum designer on Integrate Network to synthesize embodied learning experiences that are inclusive to all types of humans.
• 22-Minute Learning Session
• Guided Reiki Meditation
• Self-soothing Reiki Hand Positions
• Downloadable Journal Prompts
The Essential Self Compassion Collection

Jason and Cecilia Hilkey
Value $197
• 10 in-depth interviews with parenting luminaries and leaders
• Learn key strategies for self-compassion
• Practical tools to raise resilient and connected kids
Cecilia and Jason are the founders of Happily Family, an organization supporting parents to create more connection in families. They serve +100K families every month.

Devon Kuntzman
Staying Calm in the Chaos Workshop
Value $50
Devon is the founder of Transforming Toddlerhood, helping thousands of caregivers overcome the challenges of toddlerhood using positive, respectful and developmentally appropriate parenting tools.
• 90-Minute Parenting Workshop
• 11-Page Workbook Resource
• Tame your triggers and learn to stay calm in the chaos!

Martha Maloney
Inner Child Meditation Series
Value $100
Martha is a positive parenting coach of 30+ years on a mission to eradicate guilt & shame, and enable adults to parent their children from a place of positivity and empowerment, without carrying the burden of past generations with them.
• 10 "Heal The Child Within" Meditations
• Learn to dialogue with your inner child to promote healing

Sally Miller
Nourishing Your Inner Child
Value $130
Sally is a meditation teacher and author with 20+ years experience helping students find deep rest even during stressful times and navigate their inner world in an embodied gentle way.
• Ayurvedic Cookbook with 50+ Stress Reducing Recipes
• 5 Guided Somatic Meditations
• Yin Yoga for Anxiety Class

Larissa Noto
Mindful Parenting Bundle
Value $30
Larissa is a former lawyer turned yoga professional specializing in trauma-informed & accessible yoga for all ages, teaching in head starts, elementary schools, universities and recovery centers across the nation.
• 4-Part Mindful Parenting Video Series
• ABC's of Mindful Parenting Guidebook

Leslie Priscilla
Criandome, Cuidandome: Reparenting Ourselves While Raising Our Children
Value $50
Leslie is the founder of Latinx Parenting, a bilingual organization for children's rights, social & racial justice, antiracism, nonviolence and reparenting, ancestral healing and decolonization.
• 90-Minute Reparenting Webinar
• Companion Guidebook
• Be the parent you wish you had

Dr. Micheal Ryce
Transforming Generational Patterns From Codependence To Interdependence
Value $100
Dr. Ryce is the founder & director of HeartLand, a self-healing center in the Ozark mountains, and a world renowned lecturer and teacher on health and healing, with doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine and in Holistic Philosophy.
• Codependence to Interdependence Video
• Why Again? Video
• What Is The World? Video

Ashley Raju
Chakras and the Inner Child
Value $40
Ashley is the founder of the Maharani Movement, an organization helping individuals reclaim theirr authentic Brown selves & working to indigenise wellbeing using the chakra system and indigenous healing methods.
• 15-Page Chakra Guide & Ebook
• Learn a holistic framework of wellbeing and self-exploration

Asha Tarry
Adulting as a Millenial: A Guide to Everything Your Parents Didn't Teach You
Value $30
Asha Tarry is an author, award-winning community mental health advocate, psychotherapist and certified life coach, helping organizations and individuals thrive through mindful gratitude and mental fitness.
• Audiobook guide for millennials who struggle with anxiety, imposter syndrome and mindful awareness.

Suzanne Tucker
The GENM Positive Parenting Program
Value $129
Founder of Generation Mindful, Suzanne is a PT, parent educator, and mom of 4. She shares her knowledge of positive parenting to millions all over the world through GENM, conferences, and more.
• 6-part online course, monthly live coaching, and community
• Learn to discipline without yelling, shame, pain, or blame
• Tame your parenting triggers

Maja Watkins
Improv With Your Inner Child Webinar & E-Book
Value $120
Maja is an author, SEL specialist, comedian ,mother and creator of Social Emotional Improvisation, a method that uses improv games to teach social emotional skills.
• 45-Minute Virtual Improv Class
• Interactive Improv Play EBook
• Learn to be your most authentic, present, playful self!

Beautiful Chorus
BONUS! Meditations for Inner Peace
Beautiful Chorus is truly a divine chorus of women, dedicated to rhythmic, fun and loving music, resonance therapy, meditative bliss, and personal alignment.
• Collection of Healing Songs & Meditations
• Sound Healing, Mantras, and Hymns of Spirit
Lifetime Access with Your One-Time $129 Purchase
Lifetime Access + 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
Lifetime Access with Your One-Time $129 Purchase
Get Lifetime Access to 20+ Transformational Resources Today for Just $2150 $129
Lifetime Access with Your One-Time $129 Purchase

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Get The Reparenting Yourself Masterclass Bundle before its gone forever!
Lifetime Access with Your One-Time $129 Purchase

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