Tagged With "One Supportive Adult"
Re: A Nova Scotia Update
Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and your challenges. You write very well and I appreciate your perspective a great deal. Take care of yourself! I value your solidarity in striving towards ACE awareness and action in Atlantic Canada. Sounds like you've made some excellent connections recently!
Re: A Nova Scotia Update
Hi Liz: Thanks for the update. It's great to hear what's happening and where you are at. I admire your determination and staying focused on adults. I don't know if the resistance is related to a lack of funds to support programs that support adults or something else. It sounds like you are making headway and making a difference. I'm glad you are also attending TO YOU!!! It's important work and it's not easy. I hope future poster sessions are better attended because you are doing important...
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12 Myths of the Science of ACEs
The two biggest myths about ACEs science are: MYTH #1 — That it’s just about the 10 ACEs in the ACE Study — the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study . It’s about sooooo much more than that. MYTH #2 — And that it’s just about ACEs…adverse childhood experiences. These two myths are intertwined. The ACE Study issued the first of its 70+ publications in 1998, and for many people it was the lightning bolt, the grand “aha” moment, the unexpected doorway into a blazing new...
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A Nova Scotia Update
I've recently had the opportunity to attend a couple health conferences in Halifax which I found to be very encouraging for the ACEs Awareness and Prevention Movement in Atlantic Canada and across the country.
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ACE Prevalence in the LBGTQI Community
Had a great call with the Community Managers of the Canadian ACEs and Trauma-informed Network yesterday. One of the things we talked about is where to find research or data on the prevalence of ACEs among those in the LBGTQI community. Here's a quick list. it's not comprehensive, so please make a comment if you know of other studies, stories, essays, or handouts. Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences From the 2011-2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 23 States. (study)...
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ACE Surveys (different types of)
This is just the start of this list of survey resources. If you have ACEs surveys that you think belong on this list, please provide that information in a comment. Thank you!
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Welcome to the Atlantic Canada ACE and TIP Network: Introductions & Invitation
We in Atlantic Canada are interested in advancing ACE Awareness & Trauma Informed Practice Principles, and Resilience Strategies in our region and throughout Canadian society. We welcome participation from all sectors of society including professionals, lay people and first voice members, recognizing we are stronger and more effective collaborating together.
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Intergenerational Trauma Relayed Across The Pond (https://fifeacehub.blogspot.com)
I knew I didn’t have the best childhood possible, but I didn’t realize it was that bad until after my life crashed down around me at age 42. When I realized I had built my adult life on lies, I had to go back to ground zero and figure out why and get to the core so I could build the rest of my life on a foundation of truth.
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New Peer Support Group Successes and Challenges
I started a weekly peer support group for women survivors of trauma in April 2018. It took a few weeks to get any uptake on the offer. In the beginning a few people who knew me trickled in to provide some encouragement. Some people working at the center that eventually agreed to give me access to a room to host the event, told me that if people got the sense that I was in it for the long haul, they would then start taking me up on my offer. I was determined to persist, so I stuck it out even...
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One state. One year. (Partial) Cost of ACEs = $5.2 billion.
In looking at the impact of childhood trauma, you can’t get much clearer than this: In 2017, ACEs among Tennessee adults led to an estimated $5.2 billion in direct medical costs and lost productivity from employees missing work. That’s just one year, according to the new report, “ The Economic Cost of ACEs in Tennessee ," released on Feb. 1, 2019 by The Sycamore Institute in Nashville, Tenn. And to provide some perspective, $5.2 billion is one-seventh of the state’s annual budget . This $5.2...
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Peer Support Group News
Check out my new post outlining recent successes and initial challenges with launching my peer support group. https://www.acesconnection.com/blog/new-peer-support-group-successes-and-challenges
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Pip had high #ACEs
I just finished reading Great Expectations for the second time. I could relate to it much easier this reading as I used an ACEs lens to understand Pip's experiences and challenges. Dickens knew in 1860 the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. It seems strange to see humanity hasn't really evolved emotionally and socially that much in 160 years. Hopefully the ACEs movement will help propel our consciousness raising.
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Resources Compilation for Mental Health, Trauma during Covid 19
Dr Karen Treisman has created a page on her website to accumulate links to the extensive resources being developed by various experts to support children, youth, and adult mental health and trauma during Covid 19.
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Talking ACEs in Nova Scotia
Mark your calendars for Feb. 11 at 9 pm AST. I was recently interviewed for a radio show called Mental Health - Let's Talk About It. The show is live streamed via http://www.cioe975.ca/wp/97-5-listen-live/ so everyone can access it wherever you are. I've been talking ACEs in Nova Scotia for over 4 years against much resistance. This was the first opportunity I have been invited to speak. I think what I said will be helpful to those who listen.
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TIC: News and Notes for the Week of October 21, 2019 [dhs.wisconsin.gov]
ACEs, Adversity's Impact There is only one boat: The myth of normalcy by Dr. Gabor Mate Understanding historical trauma to strengthen community Childhood trauma linked to early, premarital childbirth and poor health for women Early life racial discrimination linked to depression, accelerated aging When mothers are killed by their partners, children often become 'forgotten' victims. It's time they were given a voice Children's language skills may be harmed by social hardship Does racism...
Re: New Peer Support Group Successes and Challenges
Congratulations on your success to date! Your perseverance has paid off and I have no doubt word of mouth from participants will lead to growth so that those who would benefit will have the chance to access peer support and recovery.
Re: New Peer Support Group Successes and Challenges
Elizabeth: Look. Some info/data and a resource. You are breaking new ground! http://www.mentalhealthexcelle...-peer-interventions/
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Dr. Gabor Maté & Full-Potential Parenting, Even When It Is Hard
Note: Allison Morris had dozens of experts in her summit series through Full-Potential Parenting. I took notes only on those by Donna Jackson Nakazawa , Gabe Maté and Sebern Fisher (coming later this month). Though the audios are no longer available, for free, they can be purchased for $100. or less (depending on the year), here. Forgive me for sounding like an advertisement, I don't know Allison personally. I am a huge fan of all parent-led resources and wish I discovered this series...
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A Journey Home: A First Voice Reflection
Returning to my childhood hometown is always surreal. The memories flood my soul. Some good. Many sad. They all have meaning in the life I live.
Re: A Journey Home: A First Voice Reflection
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth. And I am sorry for the loss of your beloved aunt.
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Thrive shines light on childhood trauma’s effects on adults (Rapid Growth Media)
By Andrea Goodall, July 20, 2020,Rapid Growth Media. Even as a child, Theresa Glass knew physical and sexual abuse was wrong. However, the shame that went along with it — “That was just part of life.” During much of her adult life, Glass, 46, has struggled with diabetes, depression, anxiety, and her weight. In April, she had a heart attack. “Part of me thought, ‘You deserve this,’” she says. “These things you went through (in childhood), they wire you to think, ‘I’m not worth taking care of;...
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Orange Shirt Day - Wednesday, September 30, 2020
"Orange Shirt Day" is a reminder that as a nation, we continue to travel the same well-trodden path with the same injustices. The only path to a new and better way is for everyone to be aware and mindful of the experiences others have endured. This day is dedicated to understanding our Native American and Indigenous Peoples experience and to recognize the the cultural, societal, and generational trauma with a goal of healing and rising above the past.
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#ACEs Canada Update @ACEsCanada2020
Elizabeth Perry provides an update on her advocacy efforts to increase awareness, prevention and healing of ACEs in the Canadian context through her #ACEs Canada organization.
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Free ACEs Podcasts and Resources by the CBC
A list of resources promoted by the CBC. The CBC produces podcasts for CBC radio. The program IDEAS with Nahlah Ayed aired a 3 part series about Adverse Childhood Experiences and childhood trauma entitled “All in the Family”. This is a summary of the content.
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"The Brain's Journey to Resilience"
"The Brain Story is a story about how experiences shape our brains. As such, it is also a story about human relationships, because we depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture."-Alberta Family Wellness Initiative For those individuals who have taken the incredible Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness initiative, AFWI has released a report on January 8,2021, titled: "EARLY LEARNINGS ABOUT USES FOR THE RESILIENCE SCALE METAPHOR IN...
Rika Alvo
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Podcast: White Coat Black Art - Talking ACEs with the Authors of Damaged (www.cbc.ca)
New Podcast with Canadian Content: Dr. Brian Goldman is talking ACEs with the authors of Damaged: Childhood Trauma, Adult Illness, and the Need for a Health Care Revolution.
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International Day to End Corporal Punishment
April 30th is the International Day to End Corporal Punishment. Many in Canada are advocating for the Government of Canada to Repeal section 43 of the Criminal Code which allows adult caregivers of children aged 2 - 12 years to exert physical punishment on children as a form of discipline. Those of us who understand neuroscience, attachment theory, child development, and ACEs understand the damage such breaches of trust between adults and children cause. We call upon all Canadians to join...
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Supporting Legislation to End Corporal Punishment in Canada
We currently have 2 Bills moving through Parliament. Bill S251 is being championed by Dr. Stan Kutcher in the Canadian Senate. Bill C273 is being championed in the House of Commons by MP Peter Julian. Both Bills call Canada to honour the Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #6 to End Corporal Punishment in Canada. Many organizations and individuals have been working to have this fundamental change in our Criminal Code - to repeal section 43 which allows for the use of physical force...
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NOT THERAPY. Leverage Brain Science for Resilience & Healing Trauma
Trauma & Resilience Life Coaching to balance your brain and balance your life! "Are you in therapy?" Is a question loaded with judgment and expectation. There are thousands of people who; Have been failed by therapy & rehab Have been unable to find a whole and healthy therapist Haven't found a therapist who aligns with their personality Have cultural beliefs that don't support the Western therapeutic process Don't have access to mental health care Want to take action to heal...