Tagged With "Criminal Code of Canada"
Re: A Nova Scotia Update
Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and your challenges. You write very well and I appreciate your perspective a great deal. Take care of yourself! I value your solidarity in striving towards ACE awareness and action in Atlantic Canada. Sounds like you've made some excellent connections recently!
Re: Merging Brain Science and Trauma Informed Care at Boyle McCauley Health Centre in Edmonton Alberta
This is a great article and a wonderful initiative. Thanks for sharing Denise. I've shared on FB and Twitter as well. Good ACEs news in Canada.
Re: Fantastic opportunity: Brain Builders Lab
I'm very excited about this initiative. I believe it is the first ever national event in Canada that will talk ACEs. Although I won't be attending, I look forward to being included in the community of practice with other Canadians that will be established as a result of this event. I'm also very excited to find out who the 3 Nova Scotians that will be attending are. I hope we can collaborate in the future.
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A Nova Scotia Update
I've recently had the opportunity to attend a couple health conferences in Halifax which I found to be very encouraging for the ACEs Awareness and Prevention Movement in Atlantic Canada and across the country.
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ACE Surveys (different types of)
This is just the start of this list of survey resources. If you have ACEs surveys that you think belong on this list, please provide that information in a comment. Thank you!
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An Aboriginal approach to mental health is helping farmers deal with drought (qz.com)
In 2018, a study from the University of Newcastle in NSW found that farmers in rural parts of the state experienced “significant stress about the effects of drought on themselves, their families, and their communities.” Other research suggests that income insecurity related to drought increases the risk of suicide among farmers. Throughout Australia, rates of suicide have increased dramatically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over the past 30 years. The rise is due to...
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Welcome to the Atlantic Canada ACE and TIP Network: Introductions & Invitation
We in Atlantic Canada are interested in advancing ACE Awareness & Trauma Informed Practice Principles, and Resilience Strategies in our region and throughout Canadian society. We welcome participation from all sectors of society including professionals, lay people and first voice members, recognizing we are stronger and more effective collaborating together.
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Behind That Anger is Grief: A Mother-Daughter Relationship
I remember last year on Mother’s Day, I was researching articles about complicated mother-daughter relationships and did not seem to find any that described my experience. What sparked this Google search? All the beautiful messages I saw on social media from daughters to their mothers. These messages described a relationship I did not know of. I wondered why instead of honoring my mom I was very angry at her, this time a type of anger that I could not hide, ruminate in silence as I had done...
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Canadian Community Growing 100 + members
Our Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network has grown significantly over the last couple months. We're now 100 + strong. #ACEsAwareCanada #TraumaInformedCanada #ResilientCanada here we come!
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Canadian Index of Wellbeing and UNICEF Canada Index of Child and Youth Wellbeing
I recently became aware of these two reports: How are Canadians REALLY doing? The 2016 Cdn Index of Well-being National Report https://uwaterloo.ca/canadian-index-wellbeing/ Where Does Canada Stand? The Canadian Index of Child and Youth Well-being (2019 Baseline Report) "One of the key ingredients in the recipe for a happy child is a happy parent. When parents do better, kids do better – and vice versa. And, as for the recipe for a happy parent, the key ingredient in that recipe is good...
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Canadians Joining community surge again
Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network membership is surging again. During these days of physical distancing we have the opportunity to expand our online connections. Now is a good time to plan next steps in our ACEs and Trauma Informed Canada implementation strategy. If you're Canadian, we want to hear what's happening in your region. Welcome all.
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Children and Youth Living with Family Violence During the COVID-19 Crisis (https://educ.ubc.ca/SOS/)
Canadian resource to support teachers while interacting with children and youth studying at home during covid 19 to check in and be alert for family violence and child abuse and neglect.
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Free Resilience, Paper Tigers screenings, Register by 5pm EDT April 3
Free virtual screening opportunity from KPJR Films.
Register by 5pm EST Friday April 3rd, 2020 to access Resilience and Paper Tigers from April 4 - 7. This is a great opportunity to galvanize the ACEs Aware Canada, Trauma Informed Canada, Resilient Canada movement. Let's do what Scotland did, but from the comfort of our own homes.
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Input Invited for Trauma-Informed Toolkit for Legal Professionals
An opportunity to participate in the development of a Trauma-informed Toolkit for Legal Professionals is now open. This is a Canadian initiative.
The developers are actively seeking input from law students, lawyers, judges and court users. Engage with them at https://traumainformedlaw.ca/
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Intergenerational Trauma Relayed Across The Pond (https://fifeacehub.blogspot.com)
I knew I didn’t have the best childhood possible, but I didn’t realize it was that bad until after my life crashed down around me at age 42. When I realized I had built my adult life on lies, I had to go back to ground zero and figure out why and get to the core so I could build the rest of my life on a foundation of truth.
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Law and Justice Interview with Elizabeth Perry (Soundcloud.com/jane-mulcahy/)
1st Voice ACEs Canada Champion Elizabeth Perry shares why ACEs are meaningful to her and her vision for the future.
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New Book Coming in October: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Using Evidence to Advance Research, Practice, Policy, and Prevention
A new book will be available October 1st, 2019. Published by Elsevier, Adverse Childhood Experiences: Using Evidence to Advance Research, Practice, Policy, and Prevention will be the first book with Canadian content on the subject. This is exciting news for #TraumaInformedCanada #ACEsAwareCanada #ResilientCanada
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PBS Broadcast of Broken Places available in Canada
PBS Broadcast of Broken Places may be available in your region in Canada. Check your local listings and set your PVR. Monday April 6th, 2020. More opportunity to build #ACEsAwareCanada #TraumaInformedCanada
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The ACEs Wave: Cautions and Considerations
The Public Health Agency of Canada broadcast a presentation in January 2019: The ACEs Wave: Cautions and Considerations. The presentation was given by two of Canada's leading experts on child maltreatment, Dr. Andrea Gonzales and Dr. Harriet MacMillan. They explore cautions and considerations regarding use of ACEs across clinical, policy and research contexts. Below are links to the audio recording and to the Power Point slides in English and French. "In recent years increasing attention has...
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The Brain Story Certification (AlbertaFamilyWellness.org)
The Brain Story Certification course is available free from Alberta Family Wellness Initiative and provides a comprehensive understanding of brain development from conception.
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#TraumaInformedCanada Update
Creating #TraumaInformedCanada We're in this together - professionals, first voice, and community sector members alike. We're all humans first with our own backstories. Different knowledge combined only makes us stronger. Join our community to advance our mission of universal knowledge for recovery and prevention of #ACEs.
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Update on ACEs in Nova Scotia
Our Canadian community is growing, here on ACEs Connection as well as through other avenues especially Twitter. If you're a Canadian interested in advancing ACEs awareness, prevention, and recovery universally and participating in a national community of practice, reach out. We'd love to have you join us.
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Welcome New Members & Update
Welcome new members of Canadian ACEs and TI Network. Please share what's happening re ACEs in your region. Here's an update on what I've been up to.
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Welcome new members to Canadian ACEs and TI Network.
Welcome Canadians to the Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network. Please introduce yourselves to the community so we can get a picture of what's happening across Canada and who we may be able to strategically collaborate with.
Re: Welcome new members to Canadian ACEs and TI Network.
Hi there. I'm a US citizen living in BC as a phd student studying trauma-informed education. Canada is my current, and hopefully future, community. My focus in on online learning, but I'm interested in anything education related. I'm delighted to be involved with any/all trauma-informed work.
Re: Behind That Anger is Grief: A Mother-Daughter Relationship
Thank you so much for your kind words Elizabeth Perry. My move to Canada helped a lot in my healing journey. Warm Wishes. Miriam
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First Nations - Lessons Learned Implementing Trauma-Informed Care
Supporting Trauma-Informed Transformation in First Nation Communities Beginning in 2010, the Traumatic Stress Institute began supporting the Yukon Territory (Canada) child welfare system to make the transition to trauma-informed care (TIC). Much like tribal communities in the US, First Nation and Aboriginal people in the Yukon suffer the devastating impact of historical and intergenerational trauma...Now significant portions of the youth in the child welfare system are children of...
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Preventing Child Abuse during Covid 19
A recent webinar explored the topic Protecting Children from Abuse in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic
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Saint John New Brunswick becomes the first community in Canada to adapt and replicate the Self-Healing Communities Model
Funded in September 2019 through the Social Innovation Fund and LivingSJ, the 3-year project is co-sponsored by Horizon Health Network and the Boys and Girls Club of Saint John. The project team is being guided, mentored and trained by world leaders Laura Porter, Kathy Adams and Dr. Robert Anda, Co-Principal Investigator of the original ACE study. The Self-Healing Communities Model (SHCM) has over 15 years of demonstrated success in Washington State. Communities who implemented the model...
Re: First Nations - Lessons Learned Implementing Trauma-Informed Care
Thank for sharing this hopeful article and information about the model. I hope it will serve as a catalyst for other First Nations communities across Canada!
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George Floyd’s murder has made me cry many nights over how senseless and inhumane his killing was. Learning of the killing of Breonna Taylor and many other black people has been soul crushing to say the least. A question comes to my mind in these times, “where is home for me?”. I lived for 20 years in Switzerland and finally decided to leave 3 years ago. Canada, my new home, also has its problems with racism, police brutality and the way Indigenous people have been/are treated.
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Government of Canada provides funding to help victims of family violence
The Public Health Agency of Canada has announced funding of the VEGA Project, a training program for service providers in evidence based recognition and response to Family Violence, developed by McMaster University and partners. This education is available free from the VEGA website https://vegaproject.mcmaster.ca/
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The 300 + members of the Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network
The Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network was started in May 2018 to build a cross sectoral community of ACEs and Trauma-Informed practitioners and advocates in Canada. 2020 has seen our membership blossom to over 300 members. Here we showcase the diversity of regions, professions and areas of interest of our members.
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My adoptive parents tried to erase my Indigenous identity. They failed. [cbc.ca]
By Kim Wheeler,CBC.CA Radio, The Doc Project, June 18, 2020 My name is Kim Wheeler but some know me as Kim Ziervogel. Others will remember me as Kim Bell, and to a small group of people I will always be Ruby Linda Bruyere. But the name game doesn't stop there. Why would someone have so many different names? Are they all aliases? Are they hiding from their past? From the law? In my case, it's none of these. I'm a Sixties Scoop survivor and those names were given to me through birth, adoption...
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Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families and children (www150.statcan.gc.ca)
Released: 2020-07-09 The COVID -1 9 pandemic has dramatically altered the way of life for Canadian families, parents and children. Because of physical distancing and employment impacts, parents have altered their usual routines and supports, and many children and families have been isolated in their homes for months. Children, in particular, may not have left their homes or seen any friends or family members other than their parents for an extended period, since children do not typically...
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Orange Shirt Day - Wednesday, September 30, 2020
"Orange Shirt Day" is a reminder that as a nation, we continue to travel the same well-trodden path with the same injustices. The only path to a new and better way is for everyone to be aware and mindful of the experiences others have endured. This day is dedicated to understanding our Native American and Indigenous Peoples experience and to recognize the the cultural, societal, and generational trauma with a goal of healing and rising above the past.
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#ACEs Canada Update @ACEsCanada2020
Elizabeth Perry provides an update on her advocacy efforts to increase awareness, prevention and healing of ACEs in the Canadian context through her #ACEs Canada organization.
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Survivors share their experience, reflections on The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women [thestar.com]
By Evelyn Kwong, The Toronto Star, December 6, 2020 Thirty-one years ago, 14 women were murdered at Montreal’s École Polytechnique, simply because they were women. Today, as they remember the victims of the anti-feminist attack on Dec. 6, 1989 — Geneviève Bergeron, Hélène Colgan, Nathalie Croteau, Barbara Daigneault, Anne-Marie Edward, Maud Haviernick, Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz, Maryse Laganière, Maryse Leclair, Anne-Marie Lemay, Sonia Pelletier, Michèle Richard, Annie St-Arneault and...
Re: Our Greatest Opportunity: Understanding ACEs & Building Self-Healing Communities
This is so exciting Denise. Thanks for letting us all know about this. What you have been able to launch in New Brunswick with the first Canadian Self-Healing Communities initiative has been a real accomplishment I believe the rest of us can learn from. I look forward to attending this learning opportunity, and inspiring others in Canada and Nova Scotia to consider similar programs. Thanks for your leadership in creating ACEs Aware and Trauma Informed Canada. Elizabeth
Re: PBS News Hour segment on ACE!
I'm glad to hear you've been able to access it Ray. It's a 4 part series. We'll post each of the video clips here together when they are available. In the meantime, check out the other resources Maria shared in her blog, some of which are from CBC. We're working to make Canada ACEs Aware and Trauma Informed. All this media attention helps. Thanks for engaging. Elizabeth
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More young men in Western Canada died than expected last year — and not just because of COVID-19 (www.thestar.com)
Young men are dying at alarming rates in BC and Alberta, and the situation is only exacerbated by Covid-19. Overdose deaths and suicide are killing devastating families and communities.
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Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) research: A bibliometric analysis of publication trends over the first 20 years (https://www.sciencedirect.com/)
New article exploring the findings of a bibliometric analysis of ACEs articles published in the 20 years post publication of The ACE Study by Felitti and Anda. Two Canadian researchers, Asmundson and Afifi continue to advocate to make ACEs research a funding priority in Canada.
Re: Advancing Your Community’s ACEs & Resilience Strategy
It delights my heart to see more events in Canada that actually use the term ACEs. It's been a long time coming. Thanks for sharing this event, Denise.
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Trauma-Informed Care Toolkit
Becoming Trauma-Informed "As we come together facing this global pandemic, we are all experiencing heightened levels of stress which could be viewed as a collective trauma. The purpose of this toolkit is to build a better understanding of what trauma is and how trauma affects the thoughts, actions and behaviours of people affected by it so that we can come together in solidarity and hope. As we come together facing this global pandemic, we are all experiencing heightened levels of stress...
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"The Brain's Journey to Resilience"
"The Brain Story is a story about how experiences shape our brains. As such, it is also a story about human relationships, because we depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture."-Alberta Family Wellness Initiative For those individuals who have taken the incredible Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness initiative, AFWI has released a report on January 8,2021, titled: "EARLY LEARNINGS ABOUT USES FOR THE RESILIENCE SCALE METAPHOR IN...
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International Perspectives Conversation with ACE Aware Nation (www.youtube.com)
ACE Aware Nation in Scotland ACEs Conversation Series 2020–2021 creates a space in which to explore a wide range of themes relevant to the Adverse Childhood Experiences movement. In this, the seventh in our series, we explore International Perspectives on ACEs. We meet the founders of grassroots movements in two other countries: Canada and Netherlands. Elizabeth Perry of #ACEs Canada speaks determinedly from a first-person perspective, using her experience of childhood trauma to boost wider...
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A thread about ACEs Questionnaires
Here's a collection of ACEs questionnaires from the original to the WHO for easy reference and comparison as we explore expanding what researchers measure.
Lolly Andrew