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Tagged With "education experts"

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Trauma-Informed Lawyer Podcast Launched

Elizabeth Perry ·
New podcast launched - an educational resource on trauma-informed lawyering by Myrna McCallum, Miyo Pimatisiwin Legal Services @LegalTrauma
Blog Post

Saint John New Brunswick becomes the first community in Canada to adapt and replicate the Self-Healing Communities Model

Denise Connors ·
Funded in September 2019 through the Social Innovation Fund and LivingSJ, the 3-year project is co-sponsored by Horizon Health Network and the Boys and Girls Club of Saint John. The project team is being guided, mentored and trained by world leaders Laura Porter, Kathy Adams and Dr. Robert Anda, Co-Principal Investigator of the original ACE study. The Self-Healing Communities Model (SHCM) has over 15 years of demonstrated success in Washington State. Communities who implemented the model...
Blog Post

Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR

Victoria Burns ·
Unbecoming an Armadillo By: Victoria F. Burns, PhD, LSW Instagram: @betesandbites “When you are traumatized, you are basically in a permanent defensive mode” — Gabor Mate I’m sitting across from Meg on her charcoal grey love seat. My forearms are resting on a velvety mustard-yellow throw cushion and I’m holding crescent shaped pulsers in each hand. Meg’s my psychologist; a rare gem who specializes in chronic illness and trauma. Every two weeks, we spend an hour...
Blog Post

Free ACEs Podcasts and Resources by the CBC

Maria Margaritis ·
A list of resources promoted by the CBC. The CBC produces podcasts for CBC radio. The program IDEAS with Nahlah Ayed aired a 3 part series about Adverse Childhood Experiences and childhood trauma entitled “All in the Family”. This is a summary of the content.
Blog Post

Our Greatest Opportunity: Understanding ACEs & Building Self-Healing Communities

Denise Connors ·
The Public Health Association of NB & PEI, in partnership with Horizon Health Network and the Saint John Self-Healing Communities Team, is hosting two expert leaders in this field, Laura Porter & Nicole Sherren for an e-learning event on the topic of ACEs/Self-Healing Communities. January 19th 2021, 1:30-3:30pm (AST) Early Bird Tickets 25$ Available until December 31st! Regular Admission 35$ Available January 1st-19th Learn more: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), things such as...
Blog Post

"The Brain's Journey to Resilience"

Agnes Chen ·
"The Brain Story is a story about how experiences shape our brains. As such, it is also a story about human relationships, because we depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture."-Alberta Family Wellness Initiative For those individuals who have taken the incredible Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness initiative, AFWI has released a report on January 8,2021, titled: "EARLY LEARNINGS ABOUT USES FOR THE RESILIENCE SCALE METAPHOR IN...
Blog Post

International child rights monitoring program makes New Brunswick its home

Denise Connors ·
The National Post- March 3, 2021 by Erik Leijon "The University of New Brunswick (UNB) is the new international home of an important pilot project for the future of children’s health. GlobalChild is a child rights monitoring platform that will allow countries to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), an important treaty that standardizes a number of factors for children and forces governments to uphold those standards so that children can grow up to become healthy,...
Blog Post

Leaders & Experts in Education: We Need You!

Kahshanna Evans ·
We are seeking a few additional leaders and experts in education to join as panelists for a special closed meeting roundtable discussion taking place on 4/9 @ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm (ET). Topics will include equitable access to quality education for children of African descent, the viability of a whole-person education for children of African descent, providing school children of African descent tools for healing and resilience, and ensuring that the education of children of African descent...
Blog Post

What Is Work Injury Rehabilitation and Why Is It Important?

saadd rehman ·
Essential Work Injury Rehabilitation Techniques Workplace injuries are a common occurrence across various industries, affecting employees’ health, productivity, and overall well-being. Whether caused by repetitive strain, heavy lifting, or sudden accidents, injuries sustained at work can significantly impact an individual’s ability to perform daily tasks. Work injury rehabilitation is essential in helping injured employees regain strength, mobility, and function, ensuring a smooth return to...
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