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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.


2021 Parent Leadership Awards (Virtual Event and Panel)

The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) in partnership with T he Child Abuse Prevention Center (CAPC) invite you in honoring parent awardees at the 4th Annual Parent Leadership Awards on April 26th at 11:00AM--1:00PM. The parent awardees, along with PPAC (Parent Partner Advisory Committee) guests, will participate in a virtual panel to discuss their lived experiences as both parents and leaders in their communities. This event will include virtual group activities and an awards ceremony...

Race Equity within the Children’s Bureau Prevention Work

Join the Children’s Bureau on Tuesday April 27, 2021 at 2-3:30 p.m., as they recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Meet the new Children’s Bureau Associate Commissioner Aysha Schomburg and hear her vision for the Children’s Bureau’s prevention agenda. This will include a dialogue with practitioners at the national, state, and local level about how we can concretely bring a race equity lens to our prevention work. For more information and to register, please follow this link.

HOPE Summit speakers show how positive childhood experiences offset adversity

The Rev. Darrell Armstrong, pastor of the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Trenton, New Jersey, is an accomplished man. He graduated from Stanford University in public policy and went on to get his master’s degree in divinity studies at Princeton. As a former director in the New Jersey Department of Human Services, he was responsible for New Jersey’s statewide strategy for preventing child abuse and neglect. Armstrong has also worked as an entrepreneur, workshop facilitator, and radio host.

Child Tax Credit - help spread the news to families with children

Spread the news to families in your community: even if they've never filed taxes, even if they have little or no income, they may be eligible for the 2021 Refundable Child Tax Credit. They have until May 17, 2021 to file with the IRS to receive this credit: $3600 for each child ages 0-6; $3000 for children 6-17.

How to Support Teens’ Mental Health During COVID and Beyond (

It’s been more than a year since the COVID-19 pandemic changed life as we knew it. Many families across the country have been living in “survival mode.” Tweens and teens continue to experience a range of emotions , including sadness, anger, and fear. If left unresolved, these feelings can take a toll on health and well-being. When it comes to teens’ emotional and mental health, they are experiencing a crisis, says Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez , a primary care pediatrician and assistant professor...

A Better Normal: Practicing Resilience | Tools to Reduce Stress & Anxiety | Thursday April 29, 2021

Join us for the next episode of A Better Normal! Hosted by PACEs Connection's Gail Kennedy. Thursday, April 29, 2021 | Noon to 1pm PDT >>Click here to register<< T his will be a workshop format and will not be recorded or reposted. The stressors of 2020 and 2021 are leading to burnout and exhaustion among ACEs professionals. Join IsraAID and PACEs for a specialized, interactive self-care session, on concrete ways to reduce stress and anxiety in order to continue your important...

AAP Snapshots: Financial Impact of the Pandemic on Families []

By Loren McCullough and Dr. Robert Sege, 4/20/21, This blog continues our reflections on the results of a survey that the HOPE team, in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics , Prevent Child Abuse America , and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) , commissioned with in November of 2020, asking a national sample of parents and caregivers about their experiences with their children since March of 2020. The project is...

You're Invited: Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care

Good morning PACE members, I hope you are safe and well today. I want to extend an invitation to you to our Baby Shower Briefing on May 5, 2021 at 11 a.m. so together we can Extend the Infant Supplement as a prenatal support for our youth! We will have a number of youth advocate speakers and members of the coalition speak to the issues. Will you join us for our Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care? Description: How does the pandemic impact expectant and parenting foster youth?

Parenting Through the Lens of Resilience "Delusional Optimism" Podcast with Dr. B

Parenting is to guide a child through their ages and stages of life and help them overcome adversity and thrive. In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and co-host Seth Creekmore discuss how parents can support their children to become happy, productive people starting with themselves.

What Babies Need Right from the Start (Birth-24 months) "Delusional Optimism" Podcast with Dr. B

Raising an infant can be very consuming and upending, especially for new parents. Babies have needs that are confusing and different, and there are times when nothing a parent does will sooth the baby. In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and co-host Seth Creekmore discuss how to survive those early years and share what babies need from birth to 24 months. Listen to some common parenting myths that are harmful and misleading.

Pandemic parenting overwhelming you? A trio of therapists has just the free workshop you need. Register now for events starting Tuesday, April 20.

Therapist and anti-spanking advocate Robbyn Peters Bennett Three therapists have teamed up to he lp with overwhelmed, stressed parents by offering a free workshop each remaining day this week: Pandemic Parenting! Robbyn Peters Bennett from Portland, Oregon, Lori Petro from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Amy Bryant from Decatur, Georgia, organized the event to help parents who have been struggling during the pandemic. Here are the details on what they’re offering and how to attend.

Pandemic Parenting - An Event to Help Parents Upstream!

I hope you will share this FREE VIRTUAL parenting event with your community! It is a neurodevelopmentally & trauma-informed parenting event to help reduce child abuse during this stressful time. The event is next week APRIL 20-24th! The research shows the alarming negative impact of the pandemic on children and their parents. Several studies have shown: A majority of parents (52%) said financial stress and social isolation is getting in their way of parenting 1 in 5 said they...

Normalizing Men as Caregivers Helps Families and Society (

When we imagine a caregiver, we often picture a woman: a mother caring for young children, spouse, and the daily household chores, a daughter nursing a father with disabilities, or a female child care provider. Historically, women have been expected to serve as primary providers of “caretaking” work, whether it’s parenting or caring for an aging family member or paid work in positions typically associated with women such as child-care providers, nurses, or health aide. Alternativley, men are...

Hello from your new Community Manager, Natalie Audage

Dear Parenting with PACEs Community, I am so honored to be your new Parenting with PACEs Community Manager. I want to start by thanking Cissy White, the previous Community Manager, for her vision, work, passion and compassion, and all of the wisdom she has brought to this community. Although I’ve only worked with her on a few projects, I know just how much love and light and truth she brings to everything she does. I am ever so grateful to her, and I’m thrilled that she plans to still be a...

Parents, Stop Talking About the 'Lost Year' []

By Judith Warner, The New York Times, April 11, 2021 They’re calling it a “lost year.” On and offline, parents are trading stories — poignant and painful — about all of the ways that they fear their middle schoolers are losing ground. “It’s really hard to put my finger on what happened exactly,” said Jorge Gallegos, whose son, Eyan, is in the seventh grade in Washington, D.C. [ Please click here to read more .]

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