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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.


A San Francisco Experiment Will Give Some Pregnant Women $1,000 a Month. Could Other Cities Be Next? []

By Abigail Abrams and Abby Vesoulis, Time, March 18, 2021 When Maile Chand reminisces about her 2016 pregnancy, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t how she prepared her daughter’s nursery or vetted baby names. Instead, she remembers constantly struggling to find enough money for food and rent in San Francisco. Chand was just 20 years old at the time, living in the nation’s most expensive city, and working a low-paying retail job while attending community college. Navigating San...

Parental Attitudes Result In Best Child Outcomes []

By Simon Books, Moms, March 26, 2021 Parental attitudes play a huge part in helping children have healthy interactions with their surroundings. These attitudes create the most important social influence that children experience in their early childhood years. While there is limited research on the relationship between parental attitudes and child outcomes, experts are drawing on empirical evidence to understand the connection between the two. On the whole, experts have found that parental...

Special Discounts for 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference

LOOK BEYOND THE HORIZON Discounted registrations ending soon Join us virtually or in-person May 17-19, 2021 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference powered in partnership with Whova, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and you! You as an attendee make our international conference a success. Share our conference information and discounted savings. ________________________ Discover what's next for you and your program. We offer a wide range of workshops and curriculum training to cover all...

Attachment Trauma: The Unique Impact of ACEs in Infancy

"Attachment Trauma is the severe disruption or dysfunction of the infant-maternal bond. This can result from stress and dysfunction in the family, mental health problems in the mother, and/or extended separation from the mother. These are traumatic experiences regardless of when they occur during childhood. However, when they occur during the first 2 years of life they have a uniquely damaging impact, leading to Attachment Trauma." Originally posted at ...

Childhood friendship and problems of communication with friends

Being a parent is hard work that moms and dads do, often without special skills and training. And if you successfully manage to cope with the problems of small children that arise in the family circle, then keep your sanity and respond correctly to the child's experiences, for example, due to the lack of friends in kindergarten, on the street, or at school, sometimes might be challenging. So, for most parents, the life of their child seems successful and happy when a son or daughter is in a...

Easy Tricks to Improve your Relationship with the Child

How often do we hug children or express our love? How to improve relationships with children, to be not just a parent, but also a trusted friend, with whom they feel real closeness? Why relationships are deteriorating When children are very young, up to three years old, they very much feel the emotional state of their mother. If she is tired, irritated, or anxious, the child will be naughty too. Also, at this time, mothers are trying to wean the babies from their hands, and the children do...

Alfred White and Dr. Veronique Mead on TLOEP's Sunday Night's Real Talk!

"We're a nation that needs hope and healing" - Alfred White Are you someone who has experienced adversity in your life such as addiction, chronic stress, homelessness, incarceration, or other trauma? On March 28th, listen in on a Conversation with Dr. Veronique Mead on Sunday Nights with Alfred White: Real Talk Health and Wellness for the BIPOC Community. Dr. Mead is the founder of Chronic Illness Trauma Studies and her work has been life-saving for Alfred's health. Join us on TLOEP's...

Raising the Next Generation: A Survey of Parents and Caregivers []

From Every Family Forward, March 2021 OVERVIEW As America rapidly evolves into a more racially and ethnically diverse country, we see that future in our children. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation commissioned an in-depth research study to explore the experiences of parents and caregivers today as they raise the next generation of children. The project began with interviews and focus groups, culminating in a survey of approximately 2,000 parents and caregivers to hear directly from them...

7 Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE's) that Shape Adult Health and Resiliency – Illustrated []

By Lindsay Braman,, March 11, 2021 By now, most counselors, pediatricians, teachers, and other people who work with children know about ACES: The “Adverse Childhood Experiences” scale. ACE’s predict , based on measuring the number of traumatic or adverse events experienced, which kids are likely to struggle developmentally and emotionally as they mature. (You can take the ACES quiz here ). New results from a survey based on a study of 6188 adults at Johns Hopkins shows that...

A Better Normal Friday, March 26, 2021: PACEs and HOPE with Dr. Christina Bethell

Please join us for our next installment of A Better Normal, our live webinar series in which we imagine and create our society as trauma-informed! You may have seen we changed our name recently from ACEs Connection to PACEs Connection. Please join us to learn all about the groundbreaking research of Positive Childhood Experiences and how this is going to transform the work we are all doing. >>Click here to register<< PACEs and HOPE Live Event Friday, March 26, 2021 Noon PT / 1pm...

The Mental Health Care Crisis Continues One Year Later...Maintaining Emotional Wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Join Dr. Monique Collier Nickles on 4/13/21 for a live discussion related to this post by registering for ChildWIN's free Zoom event at The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been stressful and traumatic for many people, particularly our children and adolescents. As we approach the pandemic’s one year anniversary, unfortunately,...

Join us for - Violence Against Asian & Asian Americans: How Do We Support the Children? []

Violence Against Asian Americans: How Do We Support the Children? Wednesday, March 24, 2021 @ 8:30 pm ET Ahora con traducción en vivo y en español (lea más abajo) The murders of eight people at massage parlors in the Atlanta area, most of them Asian American and women, marks only the most awful, recent contribution to a year-long spike in violence against Asians and Asian Americans in the US. The advocacy group STOP AAPI [Asian American Pacific Islander] Hate received some 3,000 reports of...

Supporting Parents and Caregivers with Trauma Histories during COVID-19 (

Parents and caregivers across the United States are facing unprecedented challenges, role shifts, and hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic that may negatively impact their parenting and their relationships with their children. Emerging research shows that parents and caregivers are experiencing more significant increases in stress during the pandemic than non-parents. For parents with unresolved histories of adversity and trauma —resulting from experiences such as abuse, assault, or...

7 experiencias que todo niño debería vivir para una buena salud mental de adulto, según especialistas []

Por Consuelo Hernández, Naran Xadul, 18 Marzo 2021 Todo lo que vivimos en la infancia deja huellas en nuestro corazón y en nuestra personalidad, pero, las experiencias positivas en específico son las que nos ayudan a tener una buena salud mental cuando somos adultos. Según un estudio realizado por la Universidad Johns Hopkins , cuando tu hijo vive experiencias positivas mientras es niño, es menos probable que sufra depresión y tenga una mejor salud mental cuando sea adulto, por lo que sus...

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