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Strict parenting can genetically lead children to depression: Study []

By The Statesman, October 22, 2022 As a result of strict parenting, the way the body perceives the children’s DNA might alter. Children who grow up with restrictions may have these modifications “hard-wired” into their DNA, increasing their biological risk of depression in adolescence and later in life. Presenting the work at the ECNP Congress in Vienna, Dr Evelien Van Assche said: “We discovered that perceived harsh parenting, with physical punishment and psychological manipulation, can...

Strict parenting can genetically lead children to depression: Study []

ANI, The Statesman, October 22, 2022 As a result of strict parenting, the way the body perceives the children’s DNA might alter. Children who grow up with restrictions may have these modifications “hard-wired” into their DNA, increasing their biological risk of depression in adolescence and later in life. Presenting the work at the ECNP Congress in Vienna, Dr Evelien Van Assche said: “We discovered that perceived harsh parenting, with physical punishment and psychological manipulation, can...

Mental health in the USA—a time to mourn (

Source: image Author: To read Abigail Mundy's article, please click here. “I just feel like kids have it harder nowadays,” a 15-year-old boy in Rhode Island, USA, tells his father, shortly before taking his own life. Earlier in Ken Burns' new two-part documentary series, Hiding in Plain Sight , grainy footage from the 1950's shows a boy joyfully throwing a paper airplane. Mid-flight the paper transforms into aluminium and the plane hits the World Trade Center, the scene cutting cleanly to...

Children with special needs now have more options for Halloween costumes, and it's magnificent! (

Author: To read Harmony Hobbs' article, please click here. Often, parents of children with special needs struggle to find Halloween costumes that will accommodate medical equipment or provide a proper fit. And figuring out how to make one? Yikes. When looking for the right costume, kids with unique needs have a lot of extra factors to consider: wheelchair wheels get tangled up in too-long material, feeding tubes could get twisted the wrong way, and children with sensory processing disorders...

Why is working with survivors of trauma no longer enough?

If you’re reading this, it is most likely because you are someone who has been impacted personally by childhood trauma. I wish we were most definitely connected for other reasons, but I’m also glad to be a resource and support to you in your healing journey. But lately …. well …. something has just felt like it was missing. And then fate/the universe decided it was time for me to own up to it. A little while ago, I did an interview in which I said something along the lines of: “Well, I don’t...

Children whose parents lack warmth more likely to grow up obese, study finds []

By Andrew Gregory, Photo: Anthony Devlin/PA, The Guardian, October 18, 2022 Children whose parents lack warmth are more likely to grow up overweight or obese, according to the first study of its kind. The effects of different parenting styles on children’s weight have been determined for the first time – and suggest parental warmth is key to a healthy weight, researchers at the International Congress on Obesity in Melbourne, the biennial congress of the World Obesity Federation, will say on...

National Family Caregivers Month: Caring for the Caregivers Virtual Summit 2022 Getting UNStuck: Moving From Languishing to Flourishing

Courage to Caregivers will host its third annual Caring for Caregivers Virtual Summit on Wednesday, November 16, and Thursday, November 17, 2022, from 9 am to 12:30 pm ET as part of National Family Caregivers Month. This year’s theme is Getting UNStuck: Moving From Languishing to Flourishing. The event is free for licensed professional caregivers and anyone providing care to a loved one with mental illness. All are welcome to attend one or both days. CEUs are provided for Ohio professionals.

Trauma-Informed Yoga for Kids (Echo)

November 9, 2022 11:00 AM 3:30 PM EST Virtual via Zoom Learning how little bodies register and retain trauma physically and physiologically is key to helping children release toxic stress. Register HERE. After any long period of stress or trauma—such as getting through a pandemic—it is normal to experience emotional de-regulation. As we prepare for post-pandemic life, it is normal to experience de-regulation as a result of long periods of stress or trauma. In Echo's Trauma-Informed Yoga for...

The 5-minute daily playtime ritual that can get your kids to listen better []

By Becky Harlan and Summer Thomad, Photo: Meredith Rizzo/NPR, National Public Radio, October 17, 2022 Do you remember what it was like to be a kid? So much of the day was directed by adults. Wake up. Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Eat your breakfast. Get in the car. Go to school. Sometimes kids listen to the instructions — and sometimes they don't. And when they don't, that can be very frustrating for parents. So how can parents get their kids to be more apt to comply? It might sound...

Is more, better? []

Hearing Multiple Languages in the Home Research shows that being exposed to multiple languages in the home can improve children's executive function skills, like attention, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility. Plus, speaking in their native language can allow caregivers to express their full range of thought and emotion.

How to Prepare Kids for Prejudice Against Your LGBTQ Family (

Author: To read Abbie E. Goldberg's article, please click here. The heteronormative family is traditionally gendered, white, and middle- to upper-middle-class, and is characterized by biological parent-child relationships. In turn, people in general are assumed to be heterosexual, expected to marry people of the “other” gender, and expected to procreate with their monogamous, different-gender partners. LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender [trans], queer) people by their very nature...

Childhood Trauma Can Manifest Without Parents Even Knowing []

By Aristos Georgiou, Photo: Stock image, Newsweek, October 15, 2022 Childhood trauma occurs more often than you might think and if it goes unaddressed, the potential consequences can be devastating, affecting the individual's life well into adulthood. Nothing matters more to a parent or caregiver than their child's happiness and wellbeing . But dealing with a child who has been traumatized can be a challenging experience and often the the signs may go unnoticed. In her book, Has Your Child...

48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

NOT TOO LATE FOR COHORT 1!! Also registering for COHORT 2!! New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various...

Biden left for his son struggling with addiction is deeply moving (

" Joe Biden " by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 . Author: To read Annie Reneau's article, please click here. Drug addiction is brutal, both for the person addicted and for their loved ones. Addiction can destroy lives, tear apart families and wreak havoc on communities. Anyone who has dealt with addiction themselves or has tried to help a friend or family member through it knows how hard it can be and how helpless it can feel. When Sean Hannity aired a leaked 2018 voicemail...

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