Tagged With "Violent Crime"
Blog Post
Taking a Public Health Approach to ACEs -- Early Intervention Foundation Report Part 2
A February, 2020 report by the Early Intervention Foundation in London provides an excellent view of Adverse childhood experiences: What we know, what we don't know, and what should happen next ( https://www.eif.org.uk/files/image/reports/aces-key-messages.jpg ). The report concludes that the enthusiasm for ACEs should be aimed at building “comprehensive public health approaches in local communities.” (p.5) The focus on broad public health approaches reflects the fact that “ACEs do not occur...
Blog Post
UK - BBC Panorama - How Scotland Cut Violent Crime
Just a heads-up about a programme being broadcast tonight then available on iPlayer (in UK). 30 minutes looking at Scotland's approach to tackling violent crime by taking a broad 'public health approach' to tackle the roots of the problem. Apparently the journalist Kate Silverton has been retraining as a child psychologist so this is a pet project she wanted to highlight. Don't blame me if the programme is rubbish!
Blog Post
New Release: Humboldt County Home Visiting Program Environmental Scan
In partnership with First 5 Humboldt and funded by the First 5 California Home Visiting Coordination Grant, the California Center for Rural Policy has just released the Humboldt County Home Visiting Program Environmental Scan. The findings and recommendations in the environmental scan are grounded in partner workgroups, interviews, and surveys that occurred in 2020-21 and capture the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on home visiting services. Excerpts: "The organizations that provide home...
Blog Post
Check out this County Health Rankings conference on Racial Healing
In our Exploring the Connection Between Racial Healing and Health webinar this month, we will discuss how racial healing can improve racial and health equity. Join us for this special event held on the National Day of Racial Healing.
Blog Post
June 15th CTIPP CAN Call - Toward an Integrated Science of PACEs
Are you interested in learning about new research that integrates the latest brain and social science? Then please join CTIPP’s next Community Action Network (CAN) call on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 742183645 Meeting ID: 742 183 645 +19292056099,,742183645# US (New York) Q&A session after presentations REGISTER / ADD TO CALENDAR The conversation will explore the integrated science of positive and adverse...
Blog Post
“Going Way Upstream” - Panelists at Resilient Pender County Conference report on current trauma prevention and healing efforts; look to future
Amy Read of Coastal Horizons introduces the panel following a viewing of "Resilience: The Biology of Stress, The Science of Hope", at the Pender Resiliency Task Force Mini Conference Thursday, June 8 ,at Heide Trask High School in Rocky Point. A "dream team" of subject-matter expert panelists (L-R) were Ryan Estes of Coastal Horizons, Ben David, district attorney for Pender and New Hanover counties, Judge J. H. Corpening, district court judge for New Hanover and Pender counties, Taylor...
Blog Post
PACEs Research Corner — May 2023, Part 2
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — abuseresearch.info — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Makris G, Eleftheriades A, Pervanidou P. Early Life Stress, Hormones, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Horm Res...
Blog Post
Review of “First 60 Days” booklet: Leveraging author’s work and movement could spark revolution to prevent and heal trauma, one precious baby, child, and caregiver at a time.
(This is a review of what I believe is an important new resource for the PACEs [for positive and adverse childhood experiences] science movement. Opinions expressed are my own, and are shared as a parent, advocate, author, and longtime student of trauma, healing, and prevention. Thoughts are also shared through my lens as someone who believes, deeply, in the incredible importance of and value in building healthier, more compassionate communities to support and nurture pregnant and new...
Blog Post
TODAY! Register now for Advancing Neuro-Nurturing Webinar March 14.
Please join top researchers and leaders in the movement to create Neuro Nurturing Ecosystems in support of maternal, infant, family and community health TODAY, March 14th, for an information-packed webinar co-sponsored, in part, by PACEs Connection and its fiscal sponsor, the National Prevention Science Coalition. REGISTER now to attend this free webinar, the second in a series that has received scores of five-star reviews. National leaders in early relational health, health equity, and more...