Tagged With "childhood"
Blog Post
Inside the Adverse Childhood Experience Score: Strengths, Limitations, and Misapplications [ajpmonline.org]
By Robert F. Anda, Laura E. Porter, David W. Brown, et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 25, 2020 INTRODUCTION Despite its usefulness in research and surveillance studies, the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score is a relatively crude measure of cumulative childhood stress exposure that can vary widely from person to person. Unlike recognized public health screening measures, such as blood pressure or lipid levels that use measurement reference standards and cut points...
Blog Post
Why the dean of early childhood experts wants to get beyond the brain [centerforhealthjournalism.org]
By Ryan White, Center for Health Journalism, July 23, 2020 Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, a luminary in the field of early childhood, has spent years showing that events in the earliest years of life have profound implications for how budding brains develop, and in turn, shape a child’s later potential at school and work. Now, Shonkoff says it’s time to connect the brain to the rest of the body. “The message now is to say that there is a revolution going on in molecular biology and genomics and in...
Blog Post
American Academy of Pediatrics: Seek to link with families and communities about toxic stress
By focusing on the safe, stable, and nurturing relationships (SSNRs) that buffer adversity and build resilience, pediatric care is on the cusp of a paradigm shift that could reprioritize clinical activities, rewrite research agendas, and realign our collective advocacy.
Blog Post
For Better Relationships and Self-Esteem, Replace Common Mr. Nice Guy Thought Patterns
The Mr. Nice Guy syndrome's dysfunctional thought patterns are common in survivors of adverse childhood experiences. Uprooting these patterns can improve self-esteem and relationships.
Blog Post
Healing from Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Timeless Wisdom of Peter Levine
The body often tells the real story of trauma better than the thinking mind. Before one can verbalize and complete the trauma story, one typically must return to physical equilibrium. Trauma expert Levine explains ways to calm physical and emotional responses to trauma and regain a sense of wholeness.
Blog Post
PCANC: For Economic Justice and a More Equitable Future for All
Economic stability is family stability. Leaders like A. Philip Randolph and Fannie Lou Hamer fought tirelessly for economic empowerment, advocating for better wages, fair housing, and equal opportunities for Black families. Their work laid the foundation for policies that strengthen household financial stability—a proven way to reduce risk factors for child abuse and neglect. At Positive Childhood Alliance NC, we know that economic support is essential for children’s well-being. When...
Blog Post
Can Journaling Help to Heal Childhood Trauma? What we’ve learned about the effect of expressive writing on traumatic memories?
This article summarizes the research on expressive writing and suggests that incorporating neuroscience-based strategies can improve its effectiveness.