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PACEs and the Social Sciences

PACEs occur in societal, cultural and household contexts. Social science research and theory provide insight into these contexts for PACEs and how they might be altered to prevent adversity and promote resilience. We encourage social scientists of various disciplines to share and review research, identify mechanisms, build theories, identify gaps, and build bridges to practice and policy.

Tagged With "mental & physical"

Blog Post

Mental Health Awareness: When Suffering Is Not an Illness

Lori Chelius ·
When I was an adolescent and young adult, I struggled with depression. As I reflect back on that time, so much of what I was experiencing was deeply tied to coming to terms with my sexuality. Growing up in the 1980’s in a relatively conservative town, I was closeted (even to myself) until I was a young adult. The pain and fear of being different, of not belonging, of being judged or rejected for who I was more than my adolescent brain could wrap its conscious head around.
Blog Post

The Social Determinants of Mental Health -- An Important Social Science Perspective

Craig McEwen ·
This post argues for the application of the social determinants frameworks to the problems of mental health. What this post misses or underemphasizes are the opportunities to change through social policy some of the social circumstances that help shape the likelihood of mental health challenges.
Blog Post

The LANCET stresses Social Determinants of health

Dennis Haffron ·
Much evidence has been published supporting Pender's call for social determinants to be considered as key in understanding and treating mental illness. The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development stated that research consistently shows a strong association between social disadvantage and poor mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has further focused attention on the importance of social determinants in causing both mental and physical illness.

Andrea Ruiz


Rachel Luchay

Blog Post

The PODcast: What is "Peer- supported Open Dialogue"? by Mad in America

Dennis Haffron ·
One of the largest and, arguably, most successful efforts to “Open Dialogue” differences in community and culture challenges - Peer-supported Open Dialogue (POD) - has resulted in the largest research study yet of Open Dialogue-inspired services. The ODDESSI trial is studying the adoption of Peer-supported Open Dialogue within several of the U.K.’s National Health Service trusts.

Love Johnson

Love Johnson
Blog Post

Mental Health is Political

Craig McEwen ·
“Mental Health Is Political,” a guest essay by Professor Danielle Carr in the New York Times (9.20.2022), asks “What if the cure for our current mental health crisis is not more mental health care?” She argues that what has been called an “’epidemic’ of mental illness” medicalizes what is primarily a social and political problem – that is, it makes it a medical problem to be dealt with through treatment rather than a larger social problem to be addressed through changes in social policy and...

Krista Mevoli


Karen Clemmer

Karen Clemmer

Nikita Weikel


Sanaz Yaghmai

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