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PACEs and the Social Sciences

PACEs occur in societal, cultural and household contexts. Social science research and theory provide insight into these contexts for PACEs and how they might be altered to prevent adversity and promote resilience. We encourage social scientists of various disciplines to share and review research, identify mechanisms, build theories, identify gaps, and build bridges to practice and policy.

Tagged With "Bridge building"

Blog Post

Mental Health Awareness: When Suffering Is Not an Illness

Lori Chelius ·
When I was an adolescent and young adult, I struggled with depression. As I reflect back on that time, so much of what I was experiencing was deeply tied to coming to terms with my sexuality. Growing up in the 1980’s in a relatively conservative town, I was closeted (even to myself) until I was a young adult. The pain and fear of being different, of not belonging, of being judged or rejected for who I was more than my adolescent brain could wrap its conscious head around.
Blog Post

2 New Communities Join ACEsConnection / July 2020

Christine Cissy White ·
Please welcome the following five communities to ACEs Connection. The Rainbow Resilience Connection of LGBTQ+Survivors Details about each one of these communities can be found below. The Rainbow Resilience Connection of LGBTQ+Survivors: Welcome! This group is for anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ Community or who supports the community. Community Managers: @Jenna Quinn (ACEs Connection Staff) and @Mary Giuliani ACEs Connection Community Facilitators For questions about starting or...
Blog Post

Community Culture & Aces

Dennis Haffron ·
HERE is something you can use census data for: A critical aspect of a Culture of Health is health equity, which in essence means we all have the basics to be as healthy as possible. Yet at present, for too many, prospects for good health are limited by where we live, how much money we make, or discrimination we face. To achieve health equity, we need to address these barriers and shift values so seeking to be healthy is a part of everything we do. Click here to read more about Funding ...
Blog Post

COVID-19: a stress test for trust in science

Dennis Haffron ·
(Poster's comment: While this editorial is about COVID-19 it also applies to ACEs. The need for reliable and comprehensive data is necessary to define ACEs science and practice in a time of politicizing of of our movement. Dennis Haffron) EDITORIAL| VOLUME 396, ISSUE 10254 , P799, SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 Peer Review Week is the annual celebration of the importance of peer review, running Sept 21–25. The theme this year is trust in peer review, a particularly appropriate focus during the COVID-19...
Blog Post

We Need More Entrepreneurs Building Companies That Address Society’s Biggest Needs (HBR)

Karen Clemmer ·
By October 5, 2020, Harvard Business Review. 2020 is the year the world’s attention turned to the deep fractures of our economic, political, educational, and healthcare systems. The year when status quo solutions were no longer good enough. For all the declarations of being “in this together,” the dual pandemics of Covid-19 and systemic racism have revealed how low-income communities and people of color are disproportionately left out, let down, and punished by our systems. The death of...
Blog Post

Don't miss tomorrow's discussion on how to build equity into your network

Dennis Haffron ·
Don't miss tomorrow's discussion on how to build equity into your network Networks are a way for people and organizations to come together to find solutions to complex problems. How can you create intentional partnerships that uphold the values, practices, and systems that support equity? Join our webinar tomorrow, October 20, to learn from Abby Charles, the program director for our partners at the Institute for Public Health Innovation, who will talk about the networked way of working and...
Blog Post

Webinar: Using Law and Policy to Create Equitable Communities

Dennis Haffron ·
Policy changes can be key to both transforming health in a community and helping to eliminate inequities. But when policies aren’t created or enforced with equity in mind, they may perpetuate these disparities – or even amplify them.
Blog Post

Build a plan for Covid-19 home testing on reason, not speculation or politics

Dennis Haffron ·
When the government ignores rational health policy, and instead follows unsound ones, the effects can last longer than anyone expects.
Blog Post

Webinar: Resident Engagement to Achieve Racial Equity

Dennis Haffron ·
To achieve racial equity in access, opportunities, and power, communities across the country are having intentional and honest dialogue around needed change in policies, practices, and procedures.
Blog Post

Whole People Watch Weekend on ACEs Connection (Dec. 11th - 13th)

Christine Cissy White ·
The Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival continues this weekend. Please join us to watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of the PBS Whole People series at your convenience, on ACEs Connection, by clicking play on the videos below: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 (27 min) Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing Communities | Preview | Episode 2 Whole People | 102 |Healing Communities Episode 2 (27 min) Whole People | 103 |A New Response | Episode 3 (27 min) This is one of...
Blog Post

What I Did for MLK Day

Dennis Haffron ·
I am self isolating. However I can build an increased sense of positive and healing community by working on this site and interacting with all of you. Be Well. Dennis
Blog Post

Launching First-Ever Cyber Citizenship Partnership to Build Resilience to Disinformation

Dennis Haffron ·
Now more than ever before, there is a red-hot exclamation point on the urgent need for a coordinated and cross-sector effort to build national resilience against fake facts. We must give our education system the tools it needs to build new skills and habits of mind to help defend our youth and our nation.
Blog Post

The Hill Magazine today published OPED about need to build community resilience

Bob Doppelt ·
The Hill magazine today published my Commentary calling on the Biden Administration and Congress to recognize the urgent need to link their efforts to address both the pandemic and climate crisis with community-based population-level initiatives to prevent and heal mental health and psychosocial problems. It can be found here: Building community-based, culturally-grounded,...
Blog Post

PACEs, an introductory PowerPoint, to build community involvement.

Dennis Haffron ·
This is the most recent revision of my PowerPoint about “PACEs and the social sciences”. It reflects some of the new information about PACEs and the social sciences.
Blog Post

Overcoming Distrust

Dennis Haffron ·
As we present scientific evidence about PACEs we need to learn from the experiences of Covid 19. According to Lee Mcintyre’s Commentary: Why are so many Republicans refusing vaccination? Because Russia is telling them to , in The Baltimore Sun “Doubt can be overcome by evidence. Distrust cannot. Pollster Frank Luntz conducted a focus group to try to find an effective message to get people to take...
Blog Post

New Release: Humboldt County Home Visiting Program Environmental Scan

Jennifer Mager ·
In partnership with First 5 Humboldt and funded by the First 5 California Home Visiting Coordination Grant, the California Center for Rural Policy has just released the Humboldt County Home Visiting Program Environmental Scan. The findings and recommendations in the environmental scan are grounded in partner workgroups, interviews, and surveys that occurred in 2020-21 and capture the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on home visiting services. Excerpts: "The organizations that provide home...
Blog Post


Jeff Linkenbach ·
By Dr. Jeff Linkenbach, Director / Research Scientist at The Montana Institute & Co-Investigator at HOPE Center HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences emerged by applying the Science of the Positive framework to child maltreatment prevention. I have had the honor of co-developing HOPE through initial conceptualization and research which occurred through involvement the CDC’s three-year Knowledge-to-Action (K2A) think tank on The Essentials for Childhood framework in the...
Blog Post

American Academy of Pediatrics: Seek to link with families and communities about toxic stress

Dennis Haffron ·
By focusing on the safe, stable, and nurturing relationships (SSNRs) that buffer adversity and build resilience, pediatric care is on the cusp of a paradigm shift that could reprioritize clinical activities, rewrite research agendas, and realign our collective advocacy.
Blog Post


Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
The IFSW a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council issued the following statement to the UN 60th Session of the Commission for Social Development. The IFSW encompasses 146 social work associations, representing over 5 million social workers worldwide (IFSW, 2021, IFSW Statement on the Draft on the Right to Development). The mission of IFSW is to advocate for social justice, human rights, and social development through plans, actions,...

Integrated PACEs Science.

Dennis Haffron ·
Blog Post

Webinar about Reimagining a public health system to build an equitable tomorrow

Dennis Haffron ·
The panelists will share challenges and opportunities before us at the federal, state, and local levels to reimagine a robust, responsive and just public health system.
Blog Post

Lets build a new Community: PACES AND THE SENIOR CITIZEN

Dennis Haffron ·
Lets build a new community, (PACES AND THE SENIOR CITIZEN)  Seniors that are informed and involved can be a resource. Senior citizens vote, their political goodwill would great.  Secondly, seniors have the time and effort to build PACES communities and institutions.  Thirdly, senior citizens can function as members of extended families and neighborhoods.
Blog Post

Looking For Senior Citizens

Dennis Haffron ·
I'm looking for individuals who happen to be senior citizens who have contributed or are contributing to the PACES community.
Blog Post

An Anthropological view of grief.

Dennis Haffron ·
As we endure more mass shootings it is useful to reflect on an Anthropological view about what is happening and how Adverse Trauma can build a Positive response. This article is from SAPIENS. Follow the link.
Blog Post

Philanthropy in the Deep South: Know Your Funding History and Share The Wealth (

Vichi Jagannathan ·
By Vichi Jagannathan , Rural Opportunity Institute Co-Founder — October 27, 2022 (2019 Camelback Ventures Fellow | 2020 Capital Collaborative Alumni Board Member) I first moved to rural Eastern North Carolina in 2011 as a Teach for America corps member. Up until then, I had only lived in cities and suburbs. My parents, both immigrants from India, always stressed the importance of education, so I dutifully attended the best educational institutions I could access, including Princeton,...
Blog Post

North Carolina moves closer to creating nation's first ACEs-informed courts system

Carey Sipp ·
(l-r) Judge J. Corpening; Ben David, district attorney, New Hanover County; Chief Justice Paul Newby; Judge Andrew Heath, executive director, Administrative Office of the Courts of the Chief Justice's ACEs Informed Courts Task Force. David and Heath serve as Task Force co-chairs . “There is not any more important work going on in the State of North Carolina,” said Ben David, District Attorney for New Hanover County and co-chair of the Chief Justice’s ACEs-Informed Task Force . The Task force...
Blog Post

The Campaign on Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice 2022 Trauma-Informed Policy Development Highlights. Join Wednesday's CAN Call for analysis!

Whitney Marris ·
By Whitney Marris, Trauma Therapist and CTIPP's Director of Practice & System Transformation 2022 marked a successful advocacy year for the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice’s (CTIPP) network. Federal and state leaders proposed and supported legislation to prevent and address trauma and create more long-term health, equity, and resilience in more significant numbers than in past years. There is no doubt that the continued commitment and efforts of advocates around the...

Karen Clemmer

Karen Clemmer
Blog Post

“Going Way Upstream” - Panelists at Resilient Pender County Conference report on current trauma prevention and healing efforts; look to future

Amy Read ·
Amy Read of Coastal Horizons introduces the panel following a viewing of "Resilience: The Biology of Stress, The Science of Hope", at the Pender Resiliency Task Force Mini Conference Thursday, June 8 ,at Heide Trask High School in Rocky Point. A "dream team" of subject-matter expert panelists (L-R) were Ryan Estes of Coastal Horizons, Ben David, district attorney for Pender and New Hanover counties, Judge J. H. Corpening, district court judge for New Hanover and Pender counties, Taylor...
Blog Post

Call to Action & Toolkit: Urge Congress to Support Trauma-Informed Legislation

Laura Braden Quigley ·
It’s time to take action and make our voices heard to build healthy, resilient communities! The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) is organizing trauma-informed advocates, activists, and stakeholders to urge their U.S. Senators and Representatives to support two bipartisan, bicameral bills that would significantly help prevent, address, and mitigate the negative impacts of trauma through community-based/led initiatives.
Blog Post

Healing the Generations - Historic, Two-Day Event Virtual Event On Trauma, Race, and The Body

lynn waymer ·
Presented by Clifford Beers Community Care Center, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and KPJR Films, Healing the Generations is a two-day conference which brings together trauma-informed authors, leaders, and changemakers whose work focuses on resilience, trauma, and anti-racism. REGISTER HERE Collectively, we recognize the health implications that grief, loss, political unrest, and racial trauma have on the human body. We are convinced that in our families, communities, and ancestors,...

Esther Barton

Esther Barton
Blog Post

Building Resilience is a Team Effort that Starts Early

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
“YES!” was the response of Gaile Osborne, executive director of Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina (FFANC), when asked for input on a new program to help foster and kinship care families learn how to support the brain development of young children. “I love these Brain Insights materials. How soon can we start?” said Osborne upon receiving the "The First 60 Days ” booklet on myths about newborns and their caregivers and the eight “ Neuro-Nurturing ” ringed books. The materials delivered...
Blog Post

Plans afoot to bring stability to PACEs Connection

Carey Sipp ·
To all of you, who, like me, love this website and want to see it and its communities flourish as we work to prevent and heal trauma; build resiliency: please know there is a move afoot by a small group of strategic partners to find a suitable host for PACEs Connection. More will be announced in the coming days. In the meantime, friends, we are figuring out email addresses and other communications logistics and opportunities. PEACE! Carey Sipp, former director of strategic partnerships ...
Blog Post


Carey Sipp ·
Former PACEs Connection employees Dana Brown (L) with Vincent Felitti, MD, co-author of the 1998 Adverse Childhood Experiences study, and Carey Sipp (R) in San Diego in January, 2024. The last few months have been quite challenging, but we pushed, persevered, and didn’t give up hope. The “we” is Carey Sipp and Dana Brown. We were long-time staff members of PACEs Connection determined to reinstate the website and the resources and information we provide to communities after the platform went...
Blog Post

Drive Impactful Change in Your Healthcare Environment through Trauma-Resilient Healthcare Certification!

The Trauma-Resilient Healthcare Professional Certification is designed for healthcare professionals, social workers, and mental health providers who want to develop an understanding on the impact of trauma, build resilience, and foster trusted relationships with those they serve. Please click here, Trauma-Resilient Healthcare Professionals Certification | Trauma-Resilient Educational Communities (TREC) to learn more. TREC's Individual Trauma-Resilient Healthcare Professional Certification is...

Kenyia Reed


Carey Sipp

Carey Sipp
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