Tagged With "Structural Racism"
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The fire this time (news.harvard.edu)
By Christina Pazzanese, June 2, 2020, The Harvard Gazette. Lawrence D. Bobo dissects police killings of black men and the history and cognitive forces behind racial bigotry and violence, and why he sees signs of hope P rotesters once again have taken to the nation’s streets to voice their anger over another killing of a black man by police officers. The reaction now seems familiar, if higher in heat and broader in scale. This time it was over George Floyd, who suffocated after a white...
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Linda Grabbe: Helping her communities develop resilience through the Community Resilience Model
Grabbe searched for models that would help her homeless and addicted patients. “There are good body-based models for psychotherapy, which may be the most effective approach for trauma,” she says, “but hardly any of my patients were receiving any kind of therapy. There are thousands of people in our communities who have high ACE scores who will never get the years of psychotherapy they deserve. CRM is a self-mental wellness care tool and is exquisitely trauma-sensitive—so it can help enormously.”
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Taking a Public Health Approach to ACEs -- Early Intervention Foundation Report Part 2
A February, 2020 report by the Early Intervention Foundation in London provides an excellent view of Adverse childhood experiences: What we know, what we don't know, and what should happen next ( https://www.eif.org.uk/files/image/reports/aces-key-messages.jpg ). The report concludes that the enthusiasm for ACEs should be aimed at building “comprehensive public health approaches in local communities.” (p.5) The focus on broad public health approaches reflects the fact that “ACEs do not occur...
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2 New Communities Join ACEsConnection / July 2020
Please welcome the following five communities to ACEs Connection. The Rainbow Resilience Connection of LGBTQ+Survivors Details about each one of these communities can be found below. The Rainbow Resilience Connection of LGBTQ+Survivors: Welcome! This group is for anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ Community or who supports the community. Community Managers: @Jenna Quinn (ACEs Connection Staff) and @Mary Giuliani ACEs Connection Community Facilitators For questions about starting or...
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Racial Capitalism: A Fundamental Cause of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Inequities in the United States (PubMed)
By Whitney N. Laster Pirtle, PhD, First Published April 26, 2020, Journal of Health Education and Behavior, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1090198120922942 Abstract Racial capitalism is a fundamental cause of the racial and socioeconomic inequities within the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in the United States. The overrepresentation of Black death reported in Detroit, Michigan is a case study for this argument. Racism and capitalism mutually construct harmful social conditions that...
Blog Post
The recent interest of medical science in Black lives
This correspondence appeared in THE LANCET on Sept 26th. The this is the concluding paragraph. " The Lancet deserves credit for drawing attention to the crucial need for the application of principles of the Black Lives Matter movement to the area of medical publications and for emphasising the need for representativeness of published research, commissioned authors, and profiled individuals to include minorities. Readers will be eager to see how The Lancet translates its anti-racism pledge...
Blog Post
Medicine and medical science: Black lives must matter more The Lancet
The following quote appeared in an editorial in The Lancet on June 13, 2020: "What can medical journals do? Our task is to educate ourselves and others about racism. We must support Black and minority ethnic health workers. And we must use evidence and our values to speak out for Black and minority ethnic communities. The Lancet is a journal with a deep colonial history: the journal has published work that supported the health of settler colonialists and that prioritised their health over...
Blog Post
We Need More Entrepreneurs Building Companies That Address Society’s Biggest Needs (HBR)
By October 5, 2020, Harvard Business Review. 2020 is the year the world’s attention turned to the deep fractures of our economic, political, educational, and healthcare systems. The year when status quo solutions were no longer good enough. For all the declarations of being “in this together,” the dual pandemics of Covid-19 and systemic racism have revealed how low-income communities and people of color are disproportionately left out, let down, and punished by our systems. The death of...
Blog Post
The Social Determinants of Mental Health -- An Important Social Science Perspective
This post argues for the application of the social determinants frameworks to the problems of mental health. What this post misses or underemphasizes are the opportunities to change through social policy some of the social circumstances that help shape the likelihood of mental health challenges.
Blog Post
Social Science Framework Focuses Attention on Policy Initiatives to Reduce Childhood Adversity in California
An important report challenges California policy makers to move well beyond ACEs screening in order to achieve the state's "bold goal" of reducing exposure to childhood trauma. The report employs a broad social science framework to examine the sources of adversity in systemic racism, economic inequality, environmental hazards, and inadequate community resources to support community resilience.
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Webinar: Resident Engagement to Achieve Racial Equity
To achieve racial equity in access, opportunities, and power, communities across the country are having intentional and honest dialogue around needed change in policies, practices, and procedures.
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Tomorrow's webinar: How dialogue around systemic racism can heal communities
n the midst of the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism, people are increasingly engaging in conversations around racial equity.
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Open access study reveals harmful effects of redlining on babies born three generations later [news.lib.berkeley.edu]
Virgie Hoban November 19, 2020 It was a racist policy enacted over 80 years ago, but its aftermath dribbles on — all the way to the babies born today, new research shows. Using historical maps and modern birth data, UC Berkeley researchers have found that babies born in California neighborhoods historically redlined — denied federal investments based on the discriminatory lending practices of the 1930s — are now more likely to have poorer health outcomes. The study was published open access...
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Why We Need a Truth Commission on White Supremacy
The U.S. should learn from transitional justice initiatives in other countries and implement a formal plan to reckon with the deeply harmful legacies of racism and European colonialism.
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The LANCET stresses Social Determinants of health
Much evidence has been published supporting Pender's call for social determinants to be considered as key in understanding and treating mental illness. The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development stated that research consistently shows a strong association between social disadvantage and poor mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has further focused attention on the importance of social determinants in causing both mental and physical illness.
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Check out this County Health Rankings conference on Racial Healing
In our Exploring the Connection Between Racial Healing and Health webinar this month, we will discuss how racial healing can improve racial and health equity. Join us for this special event held on the National Day of Racial Healing.
Re: Childhood Adversity, Social Inequality, and Public Policy
Exactly! Dr. McEwen, we so need to bring esteemed historian and patriot Heather Cox Richardson, PhD, into the conversation and exhortations on the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences. Were Dr. Richardson, author of the almost daily " Letters from an American " to frame our nation’s history through the lens of the traumas our peoples have endured, it would explain so much about our current collective trauma. Were she to link for her thousands of followers the science of how...
Blog Post
Top Reasons for Joining the Summit
Virtual Conference | April 5-6, 2022 Our world gets more complex every day. So it's more important than ever to address the traumas that affect our communities. That’s why we’re coming together at the Hanna Institute Summit: to heal our communities. But why should you join us? Here are the top three reasons people attend the Summit: 1) Learn from Experts From best-selling authors Ibram X. Kendi and Resmaa Menakem to Nancy Dome and Dr. Gary Slutkin, national and Bay Area experts will bring...
Blog Post
June 15th CTIPP CAN Call - Toward an Integrated Science of PACEs
Are you interested in learning about new research that integrates the latest brain and social science? Then please join CTIPP’s next Community Action Network (CAN) call on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET / 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 742183645 Meeting ID: 742 183 645 +19292056099,,742183645# US (New York) Q&A session after presentations REGISTER / ADD TO CALENDAR The conversation will explore the integrated science of positive and adverse...
Blog Post
Jeoff Gordon sees PACEs science, PACEs Connection playing a vital role in ‘relieving some of the most anguishing pain in our society.’
Note: PACEs Connection is in dire financial straits. We are asking for support, from you, our 57,586 members, to help cover the loss of foundation funding that was promised and did not come through. Pay and hours have been cut for our staff—most of us will be laid off for the month of December. Another grant will pick up in January, but we will still be underfunded. Since sounding the alarm this summer, we’ve raised about $26,000 . Thankfully, about 25% of new donors are making monthly...
Blog Post
Philanthropy in the Deep South: Know Your Funding History and Share The Wealth (givingcompass.org)
By Vichi Jagannathan , Rural Opportunity Institute Co-Founder — October 27, 2022 (2019 Camelback Ventures Fellow | 2020 Capital Collaborative Alumni Board Member) I first moved to rural Eastern North Carolina in 2011 as a Teach for America corps member. Up until then, I had only lived in cities and suburbs. My parents, both immigrants from India, always stressed the importance of education, so I dutifully attended the best educational institutions I could access, including Princeton,...
Blog Post
How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (nasonline.org).
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
Blog Post
Our America: Hidden Stories - The 1619 Project | Watch the Full Episode (ABC News 7)
In a one-night-only event, ABC will air the broadcast debut of two episodes of "The 1619 Project;" "Democracy" and "Justice," May 31 at 8 p.m. ET | PT. All episodes of " The 1619 Project ," from executive producer Nikole Hannah-Jones, are now streaming on Hulu. ABC News 7 Saturday, May 27, 2023 -- ABC Owned Television Stations presents " Our America: Hidden Stories ," featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones and ABC Race and Culture reporters across the country.
Blog Post
PACEs Research Corner — May 2023, Part 2
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — abuseresearch.info — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Makris G, Eleftheriades A, Pervanidou P. Early Life Stress, Hormones, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Horm Res...
Blog Post
Review of “First 60 Days” booklet: Leveraging author’s work and movement could spark revolution to prevent and heal trauma, one precious baby, child, and caregiver at a time.
(This is a review of what I believe is an important new resource for the PACEs [for positive and adverse childhood experiences] science movement. Opinions expressed are my own, and are shared as a parent, advocate, author, and longtime student of trauma, healing, and prevention. Thoughts are also shared through my lens as someone who believes, deeply, in the incredible importance of and value in building healthier, more compassionate communities to support and nurture pregnant and new...
Blog Post
Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health Are NOT Synonyms
Successful health equity strategies must be inclusive, and focus on all marginalized and minoritized persons and their communities. Any lesser view will continue to yield a faulty health equity equation.
Blog Post
Healing the Generations - Historic, Two-Day Event Virtual Event On Trauma, Race, and The Body
Presented by Clifford Beers Community Care Center, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and KPJR Films, Healing the Generations is a two-day conference which brings together trauma-informed authors, leaders, and changemakers whose work focuses on resilience, trauma, and anti-racism. REGISTER HERE Collectively, we recognize the health implications that grief, loss, political unrest, and racial trauma have on the human body. We are convinced that in our families, communities, and ancestors,...