Tagged With "Mr. Nice Guy thought patterns"
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ACEs screening is about building relationships, says early adopter
Whether or not to screen for ACEs in primary care is an important debate—and I hear and respect the passion from both sides of the argument. I fall in the “pro-ACE assessments” camp, but with some important caveats. I think that assessments for ACEs are dramatically different from screening for autism or developmental delays. In my opinion, assessments for ACEs in primary care should be primarily about building relationships.
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Racial Capitalism: A Fundamental Cause of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Inequities in the United States (PubMed)
By Whitney N. Laster Pirtle, PhD, First Published April 26, 2020, Journal of Health Education and Behavior, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1090198120922942 Abstract Racial capitalism is a fundamental cause of the racial and socioeconomic inequities within the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in the United States. The overrepresentation of Black death reported in Detroit, Michigan is a case study for this argument. Racism and capitalism mutually construct harmful social conditions that...
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Catherine Dulac wins 2021 Breakthrough Prize for Life Sciences (Harvard Gazette)
By Jill Radsken, Staff Writer, September 10, 2020. Rewarded for neural study of parenting behavior that reoriented field Catherine Dulac , Lee and Ezpeleta Professor of Arts and Sciences and Higgins Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology, has been awarded a 2021 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for her pioneering work identifying the neural circuitry that regulates parenting behavior in both males and females. “One of the beauties of science is teamwork,” said Dulac, who described...
Blog Post
COVID-19: a stress test for trust in science
(Poster's comment: While this editorial is about COVID-19 it also applies to ACEs. The need for reliable and comprehensive data is necessary to define ACEs science and practice in a time of politicizing of of our movement. Dennis Haffron) EDITORIAL| VOLUME 396, ISSUE 10254 , P799, SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 Peer Review Week is the annual celebration of the importance of peer review, running Sept 21–25. The theme this year is trust in peer review, a particularly appropriate focus during the COVID-19...
Re: Childhood Adversity, Social Inequality, and Public Policy
Exactly! Dr. McEwen, we so need to bring esteemed historian and patriot Heather Cox Richardson, PhD, into the conversation and exhortations on the science of positive and adverse childhood experiences. Were Dr. Richardson, author of the almost daily " Letters from an American " to frame our nation’s history through the lens of the traumas our peoples have endured, it would explain so much about our current collective trauma. Were she to link for her thousands of followers the science of how...
Erin Krummes
Blog Post
Self-Care: Ethical Implications For The Novice Social Worker
Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates of Kos is considered the father of modern medicine. An influential physician and scholar, Hippocrates was adamant about effective healthcare practices. During his career, Hippocrates implemented an essential policy for future physicians to follow. To establish consent to heal, doctors should ask patients if they are willing to give up the things that cause them to be sick (Hippocrates & Asulanus, 1526). Hippocrates believed physicians needed...
Blog Post
How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (nasonline.org).
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
Blog Post
Quick Focus Group on ACEs & Successful 60+ Year Olds
Are you over 60 and successful despite your Adverse Childhood Experiences? Are you realizing that it’s truly now or never for your Soul’s original desire? Do you want to secure your Soul’s full incarnation before you leave this Earth? Are there family relationships you’d like to mend?
Blog Post
PACEs Research Corner — May 2023, Part 2
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — abuseresearch.info — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Makris G, Eleftheriades A, Pervanidou P. Early Life Stress, Hormones, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Horm Res...
Blog Post
The Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome and Adverse Childhood Experiences
The Mr. Nice Guy Syndrome is a curious mixture of appealing strengths, insecurities, and problematic behaviors rooted in adverse childhood experiences. Mr. Nice Guy compensates for hidden childhood wounds by struggling to do everything right, but the syndrome's limited gains come at a cost. The syndrome suggests strategies for a more satisfying adulthood and better relationships.
Blog Post
For Better Relationships and Self-Esteem, Replace Common Mr. Nice Guy Thought Patterns
The Mr. Nice Guy syndrome's dysfunctional thought patterns are common in survivors of adverse childhood experiences. Uprooting these patterns can improve self-esteem and relationships.
Blog Post
Healing from Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Timeless Wisdom of Peter Levine
The body often tells the real story of trauma better than the thinking mind. Before one can verbalize and complete the trauma story, one typically must return to physical equilibrium. Trauma expert Levine explains ways to calm physical and emotional responses to trauma and regain a sense of wholeness.