Tagged With "chronic illness"
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Resource for Data Driven Decisions
Summary of School Re-Opening Models and Implementation Approaches During the COVID 19 Pandemic July 6, 2020 This document is a brief summary of the models and implementation approaches to re-opening schools that focuses on the approaches used in 15 countries for which we were able to identify data. This is not a comprehensive survey of the models used in all countries that have re-opened schools.
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STAT E-BOOK: How Covid-19 has fueled unprecedented advances in medicine
The Covid-19 pandemic has reshaped the world of health and medicine.
E-Book Available.
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Launching First-Ever Cyber Citizenship Partnership to Build Resilience to Disinformation
Now more than ever before, there is a red-hot exclamation point on the urgent need for a coordinated and cross-sector effort to build national resilience against fake facts. We must give our education system the tools it needs to build new skills and habits of mind to help defend our youth and our nation.
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The LANCET stresses Social Determinants of health
Much evidence has been published supporting Pender's call for social determinants to be considered as key in understanding and treating mental illness. The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development stated that research consistently shows a strong association between social disadvantage and poor mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic has further focused attention on the importance of social determinants in causing both mental and physical illness.
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As a clinician, researcher and policy specialist devoted to the prevention and treatment of the ill effects of child abuse and neglect (CAN) I read “Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine” (Sherin KM, Stillerman A, Chandrasekar L, Went N, Niebuhr DW. Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the...
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Can Journaling Help to Heal Childhood Trauma? What we’ve learned about the effect of expressive writing on traumatic memories?
This article summarizes the research on expressive writing and suggests that incorporating neuroscience-based strategies can improve its effectiveness.