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PACEs in Early Childhood

Tagged With "child homicides"

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Temporary Free Access to Paediatrics & Child Health (PCH) articles (Oxford Academic)

Elizabeth Perry ·
Temporary free access to highly cited articles making an impact in Paediatrics & Child Health ( PCH ) has just been opened up by Oxford Academic. If you're a research hoarder like me, you'll want to check this out.
Blog Post

The Brain Architects Podcast: Laying the Foundation []

By Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, January 15, 2020 Why are the early years of a child’s life so important for brain development? How are connections built in the brain, and how can early brain development affect a child’s future health? This episode of The Brain Architects dives into all these questions and more. First, Dr. Jack Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child, explains more about the science behind how brains are built—their architecture—and...
Blog Post

Toxic Stress: Issue Brief on Family Separation and Child Detention []

By Jack P. Shonkoff, Immigration Initiative at Harvard, October 2019 Background The separation of children from their parents and their prolonged detention for an indefinite period of time raise profound concerns that transcend partisan politics and demand immediate resolution. Forcibly separating children from their parents is like setting a house on fire. Preventing rapid reunification is like blocking the first responders from doing their job. And subjecting children to prolonged...
Blog Post

Toxic Stress: Issue Brief on Family Separation and Child Detention []

By Jack P. Shonkoff, Immigration Initiative at Harvard, October 2019 Background The separation of children from their parents and their prolonged detention for an indefinite period of time raise profound concerns that transcend partisan politics and demand immediate resolution. Forcibly separating children from their parents is like setting a house on fire. Preventing rapid reunification is like blocking the first responders from doing their job. And subjecting children to prolonged...
Blog Post

Two New Grant Opportunities for Youth Development and Diversion Services

Briana S. Zweifler ·
In 2019, more than $40 million will become available to fund community-based, culturally rooted, trauma-informed services for youth in California as alternatives to arrest and incarceration. Thousands of California youth are arrested every year for low-level offenses. Youth who are arrested or incarcerated for low-level offenses are less likely to graduate high school, more likely to suffer negative health-outcomes, and more likely to have later contact with the justice system.
Blog Post

Webinar: Leveraging Advances in Science to Achieve Breakthrough Impacts at Scale for Young Children Facing Adversity

Bonnie Berman ·
DATE: Thursday, February 21, 2019 TIME: 11:00-11:45am Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, will address how new science is changing how we think about early childhood adversity and resilience – and how early experiences affect lifelong health and development. He will emphasize the need to address (and measure) individual differences in response to adversity and to intervention in very young children. He will also show how we can move...
Blog Post

Why Does America Hate Its Children? []

By Paul Krugman, The New York Times, January 16, 2020 The other day a correspondent asked me a good question: What important issue aren’t we talking about? My answer, after some reflection, is the state of America’s children. Now, it’s not entirely fair to say that we’re ignoring the plight of our children. Elizabeth Warren, characteristically, has laid out a comprehensive, fully financed plan for universal child care. Bernie Sanders, also characteristically, says he’s for it but hasn’t...
Blog Post

World Premiere: Stress & Resilience: How Toxic Stress Affects Us, and What We Can Do About It []

By Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, November 13, 2019 When the stress in your life just doesn’t let up, and it feels like you have no support to get through the day—let alone do everything you need to do to be the best parent you can be—it can seem like there’s nothing that can make it better. But there are resources that can help, and this kind of stress—known as “toxic stress”—doesn’t have to define your life. In this video, learn more about what toxic stress is, how it...
Ask the Community

ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Suzanne O'Connor ·
Greetings! I was wondering if anyone is aware of a child care program that would consider themselves "Trauma-Informed" - implementing trauma-informed practices throughout their program. I'd like to reach out to them for an interview, with the potential of being featured in an upcoming publication. Thank you! Suzanne,
Blog Post

How to Help a Child Struggling With Anxiety []

By Cory Turner, National Public Radio, October 29, 2019 Childhood anxiety is one of the most important mental health challenges of our time. One in five children will experience some kind of clinical-level anxiety by the time they reach adolescence, according to Danny Pine, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health and one of the world's top anxiety researchers. Pine says that for most kids, these feelings of worry won't last, but for some, they will —...
Blog Post

Integrating Healthcare and Early Childhood Systems Requires Capacity and Expertise []

By Angeline Spain, Angela Sander, and Amanda Brownd, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, 2020 Pediatric well-child visits represent a critical, often untapped opportunity to ask families about unmet social care needs and connect them with early childhood and other community services. Innovating in this space to address social determinants of health, early childhood organizations are increasingly building healthcare partnerships with the goal of increasing family access to services and...
Blog Post

New Report Explores Paid Family Leave: How Much Time is Enough?

Brigid Schulte ·
A growing body of research is finding that, on the whole, job-protected paid family leaves of adequate duration and wage replacement lead to more income and gender equality, significant reductions in infant, maternal and even paternal mortality, improved physical and mental health for children and parents, greater family stability and economic security, business productivity, and economic growth.
Blog Post

Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jill Cox ·
Penn State Better Kid Care offers an online, On Demand trauma awareness training geared specifically for early care and education professionals. This 2-hr training promotes the awareness and understanding of trauma in young children and families, and addresses the role of early care and education professionals in nurturing resilience in the children and families in their care who have experienced ACEs. More information and how to access the module is included in the attached handout.
Blog Post

Raising The Organic Unity Of Child-And-Community

Bob Lancer ·
“When a child displays a behavior problem, the first place to look for the cause and for the solution is to the child’s environment.” Maria Montessori We cannot truly separate the child from the community. In our efforts to “fix” child behavior or heal the child from the traumatic impact of adverse childhood experiences, we need to relate to the community as an extension of the child’s physical and psychological constitution. An organic unity operates here. There is more than just a...
Blog Post

Revisiting a Wonderful Resource

Leslie Lieberman ·
Today I stumbled on an "old" resource and was reminded about what great and accessible information it has.   Calmer Classrooms   was published in 2007 by the Child Safety Commissioner in Victoria Australia. It is full of excellent and...
Blog Post

Child Care Bridge Program with Trauma-Informed Training

Jennifer Rexroad ·
More foster and relative homes are needed across the country. One barrier is child care access. A new bill seeks to solve this problem by providing a child care bridge program with a trauma informed training component.
Blog Post

Child Care Crisis Disproportionately Affects Children with Disabilities

Bonnie Berman ·
A new report from the Center for American Progress found that parents of young children with disabilities are more likely to face job disruptions due to child care challenges. The report explores how the lack of affordable, high-quality child care options disproportionately affects these families and policy solutions for addressing these barriers. https://www.americanprogress. org/issues/early-childhood/ reports/2020/01/29/479802/ child-care-crisis- disproportionately-affects- ...
Blog Post

Childcare Outside the Family for the Under-Threes: Cause for Concern []

By Denis P. Gray, Diana Dean, and Philip M. Dean, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, February 13, 2020 Child-rearing is culturally determined, varying between countries. For thousands of years in most cultures, it has been kinship groups and parents, especially mothers, who have been central. Parenting changed in the mid-20th century, partly through better educational opportunities for women, partly through reliable birth control and partly through cultural agreement on female...
Blog Post

Free On-Demand Child Care Training - Self-care for ECE Professionals Who Care for Children Impacted by ACEs

Jill Cox ·
Caring for children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can be an intense and exhausting experience for ECE professionals. Whether you may be working to resolve your own childhood trauma or may be experiencing secondary trauma as a result of the demands of care for children who are impacted by ACEs, it is essential to develop a self-care toolkit to support your own wellbeing and to provide the best care possible. This module focuses on practical strategies for self-care...
Blog Post

From Trauma to Teaching: Survivor of Child Sex Trafficking Shares Story in Hopes of Educating the Public []

By Rachel Burt, NNY360, November 9, 2019 During the summer of 1992, while hanging out with her friends at a local mall, the same one she had been visiting with her family for years, Holly Austin Gibbs first made contact with one of the men who would turn her world upside down. Weeks later, the 14-year-old would find herself miles away from her hometown of Tuckerton, N.J., and thrust into the dark world of child sex trafficking. Now, 27 years later, Mrs. Gibbs is an advocate working to...
Blog Post

Helping Children in Emergencies: Keep Your Child’s Developmental Stage and Temperament in Mind

Jim Hickman ·
By Karissa Luckett, RN, BSN, MSW Common reactions to stress will fade over time for most children. Let’s be honest: Your exploring, tactile toddler won’t suddenly start keeping their hands to themselves. Your continually forgetful preschooler won’t suddenly start hand-washing properly just because you’ve told them it’s important. Depending on their ages, stages and temperaments, some children will require more reassurance or more time to shift than others. This situation is unique, and so is...
Blog Post

43 Amazing Benefits of Child-led Free Play

Neve Spicer ·
Self-directed free play is vital for the healthy development of children. Here we see 43 science-backed benefits it brings.
Blog Post

An Invitation to Co-Create Change and Shift Your Mindset

Jessie Graham ·
We are not born “normal” or “disordered” or with a “disability” we “are born” and “we develop” in many different ways. Along our path of development we will encounter various influences and each individual will respond to those experiences differently. The brain actually continues to develop well into adulthood!
Blog Post

ASD as a Risk Factor for Disrupted Attachment

Erica Haugen ·
When people hear ACES, or, adverse childhood experiences, it is likely that their mind goes to the more obvious types of adverse experiences such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, loss of a parent, or being removed from the home. But what about the less obvious adverse experiences? Those that are small, yet have a cumulative impact on a child’s sense of safety and security. Those that interfere with the essential bonding between child and caregiver. Those that risk or contribute to disrupted...
Blog Post

California Plans to End 'Lunch Shaming' That Guarantees Meals for All Students []

By Joshua Bote, USA Today, October 14, 2019 A bill signed Saturday by California Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to cut the recent trend in schools of "lunch shaming." SB 265, which was originally introduced by California state Sen. Robert Hertzberg, will require that all public school students have a "state reimbursable" meal provided by the school "even if their parent or guardian has unpaid meal fees." It amends the Child Hunger Prevention and Fair Treatment Act of 2017, which previously stated...

Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jane Stevens ·
Hi, Jill: This sounds really interesting. Do you have a direct link to the module? When I go to the link listed on the handout — — it's not apparent how to find this module. Thank you!

Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jill Cox ·
Hi Jane - On the left hand side of the home page is a blue tab "On Demand Web Lessons". Click on that tab and it will take you to the page to set up an account in our system which any one can do free of charge. Once in the system, you scroll through the module titles and click on Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Resilience. Thank you for your interest and please let me know if you have any other questions!

Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jane Stevens ·
Thanks, Jill. But I have to fill out a form and set up an account first, right?

Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jill Cox ·
Correct. It can all be done online and there is no cost to setting up an account.

Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jane Stevens ·
Why does the organization need my home address?

Re: Online On Demand trauma awareness training for early care and education professionals

Jill Cox ·
This is one of the ways providers are identified in our system. We do not provide that information to anyone else nor are there mailings that sent as a result of providing that information.

Re: Childcare Outside the Family for the Under-Threes: Cause for Concern []

Laura Haynes Collector ·
Exactamundo. This is a 35-40 year old EXPERIMENT. After the introduction of baby day care, kids' mental health has fallen off a cliff.

Re: Free On-Demand Child Care Training - Self-care for ECE Professionals Who Care for Children Impacted by ACEs

Elizabeth Perry ·
What a great opportunity. Jill, would it be possible for you to fix the link at the bottom of your post? That could be very helpful. Thanks. I'm going to share in my networks.

Re: ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Shannon Lipscomb ·
Hi Suzanne, I just found your post and I'd love to chat with you! I don't run a child care program myself but this is a key area of research and development for me! My team and I have created and are testing out Roots of Resilience: Teachers Awakening Children's Healing. It's designed specifically for child care providers & early childhood teachers working with children impacted by trauma. I also conduct related research to find ways to realize the potential of Early Care and Education...

Re: ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Domenica Benitez ·
Hi Suzanne, Shannon, and Leslie - We're researching potential curricula to use specifically with Family Child Care Providers, here in California. Would Roots of Resilience and other references be tailored meet their needs as well? Also, do you know whether any of these qualify for IV-E federal funding/reimbursement? Thank you, in advance

Re: ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Bob Lancer ·
I would be delighted to discuss my trauma-informed trainings. I provide accredited trainings to early childhood teachers and family child care providers. So many of these professionals emerge from adverse childhood experiences! My work with them focuses on improving their emotional self-management through the "rebuilding of their mindsets and restructuring their brain patterns". I do this through teaching and training them in The 7 Mindsets demonstrated by those who have overcome life's...

Re: ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Linda watts ·
I am in Lawrence Kansas and we are using the Trauma Smart training in several preschools. They are located at Crittenton in Kansas City. Research based and great training. A little costly.

Re: ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Shannon Lipscomb ·
Hi Domenica, I am so sorry I missed your inquiry in October! I would be happy to chat with you about Roots of Resilience. We are starting to move into scale-up, so the timing is good! Are you still interested in chatting? My email is

Re: Child Care Bridge Program with Trauma-Informed Training

Former Member ·
What encouraging news to know that our legislators are considering the role of trauma in the lives of foster children and supporting caregivers. ACEs science advocates can make a big difference by weighing in on the bill and its implementation (if passed) to ensure there is meaningful training and support around trauma. Too often, implementing organizations can claim to be "trauma informed" or provide "trauma informed training", but we need to make sure the training and supports around...

Re: ISO Trauma-Informed Child Care Programs

Leslie Lieberman ·
Hi Suzanne look you might want to look at, talk to Head Start, Trauma Smart in Kansas City and/or talk with Chris Blodgett in Washington State about his work with Head Start programs there. Let me know if you need more info.
Blog Post

Connecting the Brain to the Rest of the Body: Early Childhood Development and Lifelong Health Are Deeply Intertwined []

By National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, June 10, 2020 We know that responsive relationships and language-rich experiences for young children help build a strong foundation for later success in school. The rapidly advancing frontiers of 21st-century biological sciences now provide compelling evidence that the foundations of lifelong health are also built early, with increasing evidence of the importance of the prenatal period...
Blog Post

Day Care, Grandparent, Pod Or Nanny? How To Manage The Risks Of Pandemic Child Care []

By Katherine Harmon Courage, National Public Radio, August 21, 2020 Pre-pandemic, about half of U.S. families reported having trouble finding care for a young child. That number jumped to nearly two-thirds this spring as day cares closed and other caretakers, such as grandparents and nannies, were told to stay home. And with many schools operating remotely, in a hybrid model or abruptly changing course this fall, many more parents, including those with kids in elementary school and beyond ,...
Blog Post

Seven Steps to Calm an Explosive Child

Beth Tyson ·
Are you exhausted by the explosive behaviors of the children you love? First, I want to say I am so proud of you. I know the fatigue and frustration that comes with parenting a child who feels out of control. The fact that you are reading this article means you are looking for support and guidance, and that means you are on your way to helping the children in your life. And believe me, you are probably already doing a better job than you think! Kids need you to show up more than anything!
Blog Post

Early Child Care & COVID-19: The Science of Transmission, Safe Practices, Stress and Resilience []

From University of California, San Francisco, September 9, 2020 Please join UCSF's Early Success Clinic Collaborative for a panel discussion on "Early Child Care & COVID-19: The Science of Transmission, Safe Practices, Stress and Resilience" on Thursday, September 10th from 6:30-8:30 P.M. This conversation will be focused on translating the science around COVID-19 in preschool and early childhood ages to help inform considerations to keep children, teachers, and caregivers healthy. The...
Blog Post

More than 1 in 4 Latino, Black, and White families with low incomes experience disruptions in their child care and work schedules

Kristina M Modeste ·
A new report from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families finds that disruptions in child care and work schedules are common among Latino, Black, and White families with low incomes. Forty-nine percent of Latino, Black, and White families who experienced a care-work disruption that affected their work schedule lost pay as a result of this disruption.
Blog Post

Disruptions to Child Care Arrangements and Work Schedules for Low-Income Hispanic Families are Common and Costly AUTHORS:

Kristina M Modeste ·
OVERVIEW Child care is a critical support for working families that allows parents to pursue opportunities for employment and economic mobility. 1,2 Child care’s vital role in the lives of families and in the overall economy is reflected in federal and state programs such as the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) that aim to improve low-income families’ access to care options that support parents’ work efforts. 3 A key premise of these programs is that families should have access...
Blog Post

Every Child Matters: Podcast recording with Dr. Cindy Blackstock

Agnes Chen ·
Listen to Episode 5 of the Rise Resilient Podcast with Dr. Cindy Blackstock : Agnes is honoured to be able to have a conversation with Dr. Cindy Blackstock who is the executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada which stands with First Nations children, youth and families so they have equitable opportunities to grow up safely at home, be healthy, get a good education and be proud of who they are. In...
Blog Post

Supporting the First 1,000 Days of A Child’s Life: An Anti-Racist Blueprint for Early Childhood Well-Being and Child Welfare Prevention

Natalie Audage ·
To support the health and well-being of children and families of color, we must implement comprehensive strategies that address systemic and institutional racism. This report offers a blueprint for creating equity-centered, anti-racist policies that support the health and well-being of children and families of color. Download the report from the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) here. Watch a webinar on the Blueprint here.
Blog Post

Zero to Three's virtual annual conference 2021

Bonnie Berman ·
Child Tax Credit Expansion is a Win for Babies' Early Development • ZERO TO THREE The first three years of a child’s life are a time of extraordinary, brain development, yet too many infants and toddlers spend these early years without the family income needed to make ends meet, many in outright poverty. This conference is a wonderful resource.
Blog Post

A Child’s Joy in Growing Up: A View from the Pandemic (Claudia M. Gold MD)

Natalie Audage ·
John and Adam longed to follow the advice of their favorite parenting podcast and teach their 18-month-old daughter Avery to play independently. But when John left her in her playpen to go make dinner, or Adam sat on the couch doing work while Avery played at his feet, they relented to her protests within seconds. They felt torn between a wish to follow what they called “attachment parenting” where they responded to her every need, and to give her space. I began working with them when Avery...
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