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An open letter to Governor Wolf:

      Childhood Trauma:     "The elephant in the [class] room".. . and it doesn't "just go away"   Dear Governor Wolf and Education Secretary designee Rivera : I write regarding injured, marginalized children in our schools, to ask that you include them explicitly in a broad, “Healthy State” paradigm in your new administration.   Read more at: WHYY NewsWorks…/childhood-trauma-versus-public-e…/...

Can Yoga Turn Around East Palo Alto Schools’ Drop-Out Rate? []

  A school district in a low-income area of East Palo Alto [California] is hoping to lower dropout rates by launching a health and wellness program that includes yoga. The Ravenswood School District is launching the program in partnership with the Sonima Foundation. “What we’re going to do here in Ravenswood is we’re going to provide 3,400 children with a curriculum in health and wellness. The benefits are basically higher attendance, less bullying and violence, higher...

Lack of Teacher Engagement Linked to 2.3 Million Missed Workdays (

In the U.S., K-12 schoolteachers who are "not engaged" or are "actively disengaged" at work miss an estimated 2.3 million more workdays than teachers who are "engaged" in their jobs. Gallup research has uncovered both individual and business outcomes consistently associated with employee engagement, including: well-being, absenteeism, turnover, workers' compensation claims, productivity, customer engagement, workplace safety and profit. Moreover, these findings have been demonstrated across...

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