Tagged With "Crooked Creek Elementary"
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Program to help young students expanding [WTOV9.com - Video and Article]
By Brittany Grego, WTOV 9 Fox, West Virginia August 22, 2016 OHIO COUNTY, W.Va. — School is back in session for Ohio County students and a program is expanding to more elementary schools. Crittenton Services is bringing the TIES program to five more elementary schools this year, including Elm Grove. TIES stands for trauma informed elementary schools. The TIES program is designed to help students in grades pre-K through first grade who show symptoms of chronic stress or trauma in the...
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Curriculum immerses students in impacts of slave trade (dailycamera.com)
Canoeing through a historic rice plantation in Charleston inhabited by alligators in early June, Clara Denham got a small taste of what it would have been like for slaves clearing swamps and harvesting rice in the south's oppressive heat. The eighth-grader, who attends Broomfield's Aspen Creek K-8, challenged herself to learn about slavery by joining a school district trip to Charleston, S.C., to see firsthand what was one of the country's busiest ports during the slave trade. Clara was one...
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Schools combine meditation and brain science to help combat discipline problems (chalkbeat.org)
When students and teachers learn together about how their brains influence behavior, one expert says, discipline can become less of a confrontation and more of a partnership. The field of educational neuroscience is at the intersection of cognitive psychology, education and neuroscience, and some of its teachings suggest findings from brain research can be applied to classroom management and discipline techniques. Some trend toward the area of “mindfulness,” such as attempting to sharpen...
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LIVING SAFE: Back to school and behavioral health [www.yourhoustonnews.com]
by Katherine Cabaniss, Cypress Creek Mirror August 23, 2016 Students have returned to school. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are on their minds. Teachers, parents, administrators, and all who care about kids are focused first on academic achievement. In the Greater Houston area, one program focuses on students’ minds in a different way. Mental Health America of the Greater Houston Area (“MHA”) concentrates on kids’ mental health. MHA’s goals further not only student success, but also...
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Third Grader Learns Bullying Others Makes Him Feel Worse Inside
Teaching self and mutual respect to eliminate bullying
Blog Post
This Colorado history teacher sees the effects of immigration policy every day — in her worried students (chalkbeat.org)
Here, in a feature we call How I Teach, we ask educators who’ve been recognized for their work how they approach their jobs. You can see other pieces in the series here . Some of Kelly Cvanciger’s students at Bear Creek High School in Lakewood live with constant worry — about the possibility of deportation, arrest, or being separated from their families. They are immigrants legally residing in the U.S. through the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, an Obama-era...
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Sausalito-Marin City district agrees to desegregate school [Marin IJ]
By Keri Brenner, August 9, 2019 for the Marin I. J. State Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Friday announced a historic settlement with the Sausalito Marin City School District that will lead to desegregation within five years. The announcement comes almost nine months after the AG’s office accused the district of deliberately creating a segregated school at Bayside Martin Luther King Jr. Academy in Marin City and violating state anti-discrimination laws. Becerra said the district’s former...
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Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference in Southern California
HERE this NOW is proud to bring its Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference to California, October 23 – 25, 2019, at the stunning Temecula Creek Inn in Temecula, CA (2 hours north of San Diego; 3-hours south of Los Angeles). This is not a typical conference. Participants will be actively engaged in an immersive experience, rendering more growth - personal and professional. Five diversely skilled and experienced pioneers of trauma-informed schools change are coming together for first time, to...
Blog Post
Visionary Atlantan grows community model for trauma-informed education with a housing solution
Title image: Marjy Stagmeier, Atlanta real estate developer and social entrepreneur **Author's note: This story was a combined effort and co-authored by ACEs Connection members Jennifer Hossler and Carey Sipp. We are a new and united front focused on shedding light on a variety of trauma-informed and ACEs - informed initiatives happening across the state of Georgia. Thanks to Carey for her awareness of the work of Marjy Stagmeier and for leading me to her so we can share her vision with the...
Blog Post
Kids of the Covid generation: The road ahead [knowablemagazine.org]
By Amber Dance, Knowable Magazine, February 3, 2021 Childhood has been upended by the Covid-19 pandemic. Carefree playdates, team sports and school have been off the table or strictly online for many of the world’s 2.2 billion children, replaced by isolation, boredom, family stress and worry. What will be the consequences? Children have weathered disasters before, so researchers know plenty about the risks as well as the potential for recovery. For example, after flooding in Buffalo Creek,...
Sharon Soto-Aguuilar
Karen Forbes
Marilyn Powell
Jamie Chapman
Pauline Majewski