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Leisa Irwin

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Points: 2,042
Member Rank: #104

Profile Information


Northfield, MN


United States

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What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)

former education administrator, writer, blogger, reader :-)

What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?

Currently on a personal sabbatical

What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?

In my previous role as the Executive Director at Paladin Career and Technical High School, I was blessed to learn about ACEs and trauma informed care from this network. As the school administrator, I was able to lead the school through implementation of creating an ACEs Plus survey for all students and creating a school wide trauma informed care educational environment. I could not have done the work I did without the incredible information and people I met through ACEs Connections. I am passionate about schools creating systems that build resilience in all children, regardless of their ACE score, because we know that a high percentage of children will need this support to live effective, successful lives as adults. I believe this community is a valuable tool for all practitioners and I look forward to sharing ideas and learning from members.

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