Tagged With "Daviess County, Indiana"
Blog Post
Partnership expands mental health resources for schools [news.iu.edu]
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Indiana University's Indiana School Mental Health Initiative has partnered with The Lutheran Foundation to provide online resources to support schools and community partners as they address students' social, emotional, behavioral and mental health needs. The Lutheran Foundation’s statewide LookUp Indiana website provides information along with a resource directory of mental health provider agencies searchable by name, city or ZIP code. The Indiana School Mental Health...
Blog Post
PRESS RELEASE - U.S. Department of Education Awards More Than $6.5 Million in Grants to Help Schools and Communities Promote Equity in Education [www.ed.gov]
SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 Contact: Press Office, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov The U.S. Department of Education is awarding more than $6.5 million in grants to fund four regional Equity Assistance Centers to support schools and communities creating equitable education opportunities for all students. These centers, authorized under Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, will provide technical assistance in the preparation and implementation of plans for the desegregation of public schools...
Blog Post
[Indiana] Teachers’ group wants mandatory kindergarten, trauma-informed care [wishtv.com]
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indiana State Teachers Association published its 2018 legislative priority list Thursday, calling on lawmakers to make big changes for Hoosier students and schools next year. The ISTA has 16 wishes for the new year ranging from changing teacher qualifying exams to making kindergarten mandatory. “We are often accused of complaining about a lot of things but never offering solutions,” ISTA President Teresa Meredith said. “We have really been cognizant of solutions. We...
Blog Post
[Indiana] Teachers, social workers address child trauma in schools [wishtv.com]
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Indiana teachers and mental health experts are advocating for communities to implement mental health programs emphasizing a method called “trauma-informed care” inside schools. “Trauma-informed care started from something called the ‘Adverse Childhood Experience Survey,’ and it shows that childhood experiences affect behavior,” said Stephanie Shene, communications coordinator for the Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS). “Instead of ‘kids act badly,’ some...
Blog Post
School Mental Health Bill Clears Senate [indianapublicmedia.org]
A bill to provide mental health care for Indiana students narrowly passed the Senate this week. The legislation was written in response to school safety. Bill author, Sen. Michael Crider (R-Greenfield), says the creation of an integrated mental health system is a key step in preventing school violence. "Every recent incident in Indiana that I’m aware of has not been a total surprise," says Crider. " Someone knew that student was having issues." [For more on this story by JILL SHERIDAN, go to...
Blog Post
Lunch leftovers: How “sharing tables” help Syracuse City schools reduce food waste (syracuse.com)
The Syracuse City School District is not allowed to send leftovers home with students, due to state law. But for several years, the district has adopted a small-scale but creative, scalable approach to minimizing waste: sharing tables. This is how it works: Every student gets a lunch. If he or she doesn’t want a part of the lunch, such as milk, the student can drop off the milk on a designated table in the lunchroom. Another student who wants a second milk, for example, can then pick up the...
Blog Post
The Relentless School Nurse: #NoMoreEmptyDesks
A new movement was born out of a Tweet from a colleague that I have never met. The Empty Desk Project is the unofficial working name and our hashtag is #NoMoreEmptyDesks. We have a name, a plan to begin, and a vision for what we want to accomplish - all from a Tweet. Here is the message that began this new movement: I read and re-read Kendrea's message and my mind jumped to involving students in painting desks to symbolize students who have been lost to gun violence. I thought of an art...
Blog Post
The Relentless School Nurse: What Happened at School Today - There are Just Some Things Nursing School Can’t Prepare You For
Aaron Schaidle, BSN, RN is a new school nurse working in Indiana. He contacted me via Twitter to share his view of why we need a school nurse in every school. Aaron provides a compelling perspective on safe staffing, through his lens as a new school nurse. I appreciate Aaron adding his voice to this important discussion. The health and safety of our students and staff are at risk, why is this even a question in 2019? But, as we know it is...there is no shortage of school nurses willing to...
Blog Post
Why this Indianapolis teacher assigned less homework after visiting her students’ homes (chalkbeat.org)
To better get to know her students, Jaclyn Wehmeier ventures outside of the classroom, to visit each of her third-graders at their homes. Home visits are part of the teaching approach at Christel House Academy South, an Indianapolis charter school that aims to serve students from low-income families in underserved communities. During those home visits, Wehmeier can meet her students’ families and learn more about their backgrounds. Seeing more of her students’ home lives has changed the way...
Blog Post
Women's Fund grant recipients to build amygdala rooms [www.washtimesherald.com]
Thanks to a grant from the Daviess County Community Foundation’s Women’s Fund, two area school corporations will be able to offer additional services to help improve the lives of students both in and out of the classroom. Daviess-Martin Special Education Co-op School Academic and Behavior Coach Missy Brothers and Kelly Miller, Washington Community Schools social worker, made the pitch for their project “Addressing the Emotional, Social and Academic Health of our Youth” last week at the...
Re: [Indiana] Teachers’ group wants mandatory kindergarten, trauma-informed care [wishtv.com]
Thanks for sharing, Indiana is building momentum around Trauma-informed schools, and communities. I have had the opportunity to meet and work with some amazing educators and community leaders who are committed to implementing trauma-informed practices into their daily routine.
Re: [Indiana] Teachers’ group wants mandatory kindergarten, trauma-informed care [wishtv.com]
I'm pleased to know that, Jim. I've lived in Indiana most of my life (born and raised here) and would like to learn more about the educators and community leaders in the state who are implementing trauma-informed practices.
Re: [Indiana] Teachers’ group wants mandatory kindergarten, trauma-informed care [wishtv.com]
Jim, would you be willing to share the names of some of these people and organizations you have worked with in Indiana?
Re: [Indiana] Teachers’ group wants mandatory kindergarten, trauma-informed care [wishtv.com]
Here are some great contacts for you Laura: These people are doing amazing work around Trauma Informed practices. Phil Lederach - District Administrator... Hamilton Southeastern Schools Fisher, IN plederach@hse.k12.in.us Janie Ulmer - Alternative School Director...Hamilton Southeastern Schools, Fisher, IN julmer@hse.k12.in.us Ashley Krumbach - Dept of Child Services, Indianapolis ashley.krumbach@dcs.in.gov JauNae Hanger - President, Children's' Policy & Law Initiative of Indiana...
Re: [Indiana] Teachers’ group wants mandatory kindergarten, trauma-informed care [wishtv.com]
Jim, thank you so much for this information!
Bunny Nash-Gardner
Jama Nacke
M. Hancock
Blog Post
Building a Restorative Restart to School in the Fall
As we look towards the reopening of in-person instruction in the fall, planning and reimagining for a restorative restart to our school systems that emphasizes student and educator mental health is a priority. In addition, there is a windfall of one-time funding coming to districts from federal and local funds for just this purpose. Recently a wise educator said to me, ‘you know, if you want to get to the hearts and minds of school leaders to make changes for the fall you need to do so by...
Blog Post
The growing battle over school mental health and social-emotional learning
This is an urgent all call to those of us who believe in trauma-informed and healing-centered schools that support the whole person. After reading the recent NBC article “Parents protesting 'critical race theory' identify another target: mental health programs , ” I quickly put aside the blog I had been working on because I knew this was too important. Concerns from colleagues about the rising backlash against increased priorities of mental health and social-emotional learning (SEL) have...