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PACEs in Maternal Health

Tagged With "Maternal Mental Health"

Blog Post

Violence, Drugs, Mental Illness May Account for Half of Maternal Deaths []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Intimate partner violence, substance use and mental illness may be as threatening to health and survival during pregnancy as medical issues, according to a new study. In the study, researchers from the Boston University Medical Center note that mortality rates for pregnant women are increasing in the U.S. Many are due to medical causes thought to be directly related to pregnancy, such as hemorrhage, thromboembolism and hypertensive disease. Although substance use, serious mental illness and...
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Vital Signs: Estimated Proportion of Adult Health Problems Attributable to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Implications for Prevention []

By Melissa T. Merrick, Derek C. Ford, Katie A. Ports, et al., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, November 5, 2019 Summary What is already known about this topic? Adverse childhood experiences are common and are associated with many poor health and life outcomes in adulthood. What is added by this report? Nearly 16% of adults in the study population reported four or more types of adverse childhood experiences, which were significantly associated with poorer health outcomes, health...
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'Warm' Hotlines Deliver Help Before Mental Health Crisis Heats Up []

By Stephanie Stephens, Kaiser Health News, December 9, 2019 A lonely and anxious Rebecca Massie first called the Mental Health Association of San Francisco “warmline” during the 2015 winter holidays. “It was a wonderful call,” said Massie, now 38 and a mental health advocate. “I was laughing by the end, and I got in the holiday spirit.” Massie, a San Francisco resident, later used the line multiple times when she needed additional support, then began to volunteer there. [ Please click here...
Blog Post

We Need to Talk about PTSD in NICU Parents (

Given the nature of NICU, the pain of leaving your fragile baby each day, the feelings of emptiness and grief , the uncertainty and ups and downs, the lines, wires, monitors and alarms, not to mention the security buzzers at the entrance of the unit or the constant rigorous hand-washing, it came as no surprise to me that parents who have experienced premature birth are at greater risk of postnatal depression , anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . You see, more than 40 percent...
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Webinar: Defining and Unpacking the Social Determinants of Health & Health Equity

Jane Stevens ·
Join the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) on November 29 as it hosts the first webinar in its Culture of Health Webinar Series. Date/Time : November 29, 2018, 4:00 – 5:00 pm EST The National Academies report Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity identified 9 social determinants of health and how these determinants impact our health and the health of our communities. The report also defined health equity as the state in which everyone has the opportunity to attain full health...
Blog Post

Webinar: Key findings from the Listening to Mothers in California Survey

Bonnie Berman ·
Webinar: Key findings from the Listening to Mothers in California Survey. For more information and to register, please see below. Webinar is Thursday, September 20 , from 12-1:00 PM In 2017, a team led by the National Partnership for Women & Families surveyed more than 2,500 women in California about their views and experiences with childbirth. The results, which will be released September 12, reveal what is and isn't working with maternity care in the Golden State. Join us Thursday,...
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WEBINAR - NPPC's Pilot Site Case Studies: Lessons Learned from ACEs Screening Implementation

Molly Peterson ·
The Center for Youth Wellness' National Pediatric Practice Community on ACES (NPPC) is a co-designed community committed to collaborative learning. To promote this learning, we have been working with six pilot sites over the last year, representing practices of various sizes and service delivery settings, to implement ACEs screening and intervention. On Monday, December 2nd at 1pm PT , we will be holding a webinar to discuss the findings of these pilot site case studies. Please register...
Blog Post

What a Pediatrician Can Do for a Child Seeking Asylum-And What She Can't []

By Rachel Pearson, The New Yorker, October 8, 2019 On a cool spring afternoon, in a clinic that serves refugee and immigrant families, I sit across from a teen-age girl. She is otherwise known as an unaccompanied alien child, or U.A.C. She left her home in Central America, crossed the southern border, and was detained for a week—in Texas, she thinks—in a facility where breakfast was a cold bean burrito, lunch was a cup of microwavable noodle soup, and dinner was a cold bean burrito. She says...
Blog Post

How a famous hospital turned around its low rate of screening moms for depression []

Samantha Sangenito ·
With two maternal mental health bills on the California governor’s desk and one already signed , a Los Angeles hospital’s work to screen new mothers for depression could soon become a statewide model. Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles worked hard to bring up its low rate of screening postpartum women for depression. If signed, one of the new bills would require obstetric teams to do the same. The hospital’s screening success is largely due to the dogged persistence of clinical psychologist Eynav...
Blog Post

How Does Trauma Affect a Person’s Interaction with Their Child? ( & Commentary

Christine Cissy White ·
Has anyone seen this video posted on the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICAMB) blog? "According to Dr. Ruth Lanius, a parent's experience of trauma can impact their ability to form a close, intimate relationship with their child." Ruth Buczynski, PhD Those of us Parenting with ACEs sure know that's the truth. Developmental trauma impacts our ability to form close and intimate relationships with ourselves, other adults and our children. The video was...
Blog Post

How It Feels & How We Heal: Parenting with ACEs Chat Quotes (You Tube, Database, PDFs, Links)

Christine Cissy White ·
Parenting with ACEs is sharing inspiration, information, and expertise from our chat series in 3 formats. Parenting with ACEs: How It Feels & How We Heal Quote Collection (pdf version below as well) Quotes Database (pdf version below as well) Links to Chat Transcripts and before and after-the-chat blog posts. Thanks to everyone who showed up, who shared, and who is doing the important work that is our mission (prevent ACEs, heal trauma, build resilience). We know that work happens...
Blog Post

How social factors drive up suicide rates among pregnant women []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Pregnant women in South Africa who live in poor communities are more likely to consider or attempt suicide than the general population. That’s a key finding from a recent study we undertook at Hanover Park. The research found 12% of pregnant women living in low-resource communities had thought of killing themselves during the previous month. In the same period, an additional 6% of pregnant women reported they had started to enact a suicide plan or attempted to end their lives. Rates of...
Blog Post

Improve Birth and Perinatal Outcomes with a Trauma Sensitive Approach

Kate White ·
The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health is excited to bring together 10 talented practitioners to explore the Trauma Informed Practices that help improve birth outcomes and support human development right from the very start. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (1998) launched the importance of trauma and trauma informed care in our health and educational systems. We suddenly had a measure of how early experiences in childhood could correlate with adult disease.
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Intergenerational Impacts of Family Violence - Mothers and Children in a Large Prospective Pregnancy Cohort Study []

By D. Gartland, R. Giallo, H. Woolhouse, F. Mensah, and S.J. Brown, August 18, 2019 Violence and other adversities commonly co-occur, yet are usually investigated individually. The primary objectives of this paper are to investigate: (i) the relationship between maternal exposure to violence (including childhood abuse and intimate partner violence) and postpartum mental and physical health; and (ii) the extent to which exposure to violence and poor maternal mental and physical health are...
Blog Post

Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Intervention: The American College of Preventive Medicine Position Statement (Abstract) []

By Tanya M. Phares, Kevin Sherin, Suzanne Leonard Harrison, et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, December 2019 The purpose of this paper is to produce a position statement on intimate partner violence (IPV), a major sociomedical problem with recently updated evidence, systematic reviews, and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines. This position statement is a nonsystematic, rapid literature review on IPV incidence and prevalence, health consequences, diagnosis and...
Blog Post

Introduce mental health checks for new mothers, ministers told Six-week checkup would help the 50% of UK mothers with mental health problems

Dawn Cretney ·
New mothers should receive a mental health checkup six weeks after giving birth to help tackle possible postnatal depression and other problems related to having a baby, ministers have been told. A cross-party group of 60 MPs and peers have written to Steve Brine, the minister for public health and primary care, demanding that all mothers in England have an assessment of their emotional and mental health carried out by a GP, practice nurse or health visitor. They say that making such...
Blog Post

Introducing myself, Morgan Vien & NEW Practicing Resilience Community

Morgan Vien ·
Hello! I’m a Community Manager for the Practicing Resilience for Self-Care & Healing community. This is an introduction to me and this new community. I graduated with a B.S. in Public Health from Santa Clara University June 2017. And I’m interested in preventing chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, at the community and population level by addressing biological, psychological, and social factors that affect chronic disease outcomes. As the...
Blog Post

Introducing NEW Becoming Trauma-Informed & Beyond Community

Christine Cissy White ·
Earlier this year @Dawn Daum wrote to us when she was ready to share ACEs science with people in the organization she works in to make a case for moving towards more trauma-informed care for the benefit of the staff and those they serve. She was frustrated because almost all the training and resources she found were geared towards schools, clinical staff or to organizations working with children and families rather than ACE-impacted adults in the workplace and who are...
Blog Post

INVITE: Mental Wellness Micro Healing Pop-up -- Mental Health Awareness Day - May 10

Gigi Annino ·
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Day , please stop by our Trauma Transformed Healing Pop-up at the T2 Center in Oakland, CA. WHEN: Thursday, May 10th TIME: 12:00pm – 4:00pm WHERE: Trauma Transformed Center, 1035 22nd Avenue, #14, Oakland, CA. Please consider carpooling as parking is limited at times. WHAT: Healing and wellness activities DIY crafting "Spa" inspired snacks and drinks And more! Drop in and stay as long as you like between 12-4pm. RSVP: ...
Blog Post

Is it PPD or PTSD? (

Christine Cissy White ·
Essay written by Joyelle Brandt. I stood in front of a room of strangers with kind eyes, and announced: “I have been struggling with postpartum depression.” Somehow it was easier to admit this to strangers than to my husband and friends, yet there it was. Since early in my pregnancy with my second child, I had struggled with my mental health. But it would take me years to realize that what I had was not postpartum depression, but a particularly acute flair up of the undiagnosed post...
Blog Post

“Landmark” Maternal Health Legislation Clears Major Hurdle []

Alicia Doktor ·
Update, Dec. 13, 2018 at 8:15 p.m. ET: On Thursday evening, the Senate unanimously passed its version of the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act, sending it to the president to sign. Congress moved a big step closer on Tuesday toward addressing one of the most fundamental problems underlying the maternal mortality crisis in the United States: the shortage of reliable data about what kills American mothers. The House of Representatives unanimously approved H.R. 1318 , the Preventing Maternal...
Blog Post

Learning To Care For My Newborn Was A Humbling Experience []

Alicia Doktor ·
Wen is an emergency physician and the health commissioner of Baltimore City. Two months ago, my husband and I welcomed our baby son, Eli, into the world. Hearing his first cry and getting to hold him were the happiest moments of our lives. When he was placed on my chest and I could see and touch him, I felt like I knew him already. The doctors told us he was healthy and well. I couldn't wait to start our lives together as a family. The night we arrived home, Eli wouldn't stop crying. Crying...
Blog Post

Lesson learned integrating ACEs science into health clinics: Staff first, THEN patients

Laurie Udesky ·
Nearly two years ago, a team of colleagues at LifeLong Medical Clinics jumped at the opportunity to integrate practices based on ACEs science to prevent and heal trauma in their patients when it joined a two-year learning collaborative known as the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative (RBC). A few months after training began, the staff realized they had to put on the brakes.
Blog Post

Making the Good Stuff Louder: Trauma Dad, Bryon Hamel

Christine Cissy White ·
Byron Hamel, (AKA Trauma Dad ), is a filmmaker , children's rights and men's wellness advocate. He's also a father with "ACEs through the roof," who survived child torture at the hands of a man now on death row for infanticide. Before the Father & ACEs chat started last week (see full chat transcript ), we discussed if and how to give a trigger warning. Hamel's experienced horrific trauma during childhood. He didn't want to traumatize those on the chat but wanted to be honest.
Blog Post

Maternal and Child Health Journal Call for Papers: The ACE Study: Implications for MCH Policy and Practice

Alicia St. Andrews ·
Findings of the ACE Study have had a swift and substantial impact on MCH policy, practice and research. This issue of the journal is intended to provide a forum to enhance knowledge of the Study and its implications across the field. Topics of interest include: The aims and findings of the ACE Study, The implications of the Study and use of Study findings to shape MCH practice in clinical, program and policy settings, The import of the Study in relation to life course theory and the social...
Blog Post

Maternal Depression and Intimate Partner Violence: Impacts on Children []

Alicia Doktor ·
Among the many adverse childhood experiences, one must consider are the effects of maternal depression and of mothers being the victim of physical or sexual violence. What is the toll of these on children? Neamah et al. ( 10.1542/peds.2017-3457 ) decided to evaluate this by looking at the strength of such an association on the cognitive development as well as physical growth of over a thousand toddlers between 18 to 36 months living in Tanzania. These children underwent developmental testing...
Blog Post

Maternal Mental Health Awareness

Karyna Mayora-Linzer ·
Please see the link below for the MATERNAL MENTAL HEALTH infographic for social media ACEs Intern/Volunteer, Elizabeth Najmabadi MPH, and myself developed to bring awareness to Perinatal Mental Health. Thank you to all who gave us support and feedback as well as the Perinatal Mental Health Partnership community partners for allowing me to post organizational logos on the flyer to show where maternal mental health services are available for mothers in Sonoma County. Please share with your...
Blog Post

Maternal Mental Health (CA) 2019 Legislation []

Karen Clemmer ·
2020 Mom Sponsors .... We are a sponsor of the following MMH bills: AB 845: CA Medical Board: Optional Obstetric Provider Mental Health Training – View fact sheet AB 1676: Telepsychiatry Consultation for Obstetricians, PCPs and Pediatricians – View fact sheet We support the following MMH bill: AB 577: Extends MediCal coverage to 12 Months for Moms Diagnosed with an MMH Disorder We support the following Mental Health bills: SB 66: FQHCs- Payment for Mental Health Services when Medical...
Blog Post

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month!

Jessica Porten ·
How are you helping to raise awareness? Are you participating in a social media campaign? Attending an event? If you're a clinician, are you doing anything special within your practice? Please share with us what you are doing in the comments section
Blog Post

May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month [CDPH MCAH]

Karen Clemmer ·
There is #NoShame in dealing with maternal depression. Asking for help is a sign of #strength. Want to learn more? Visit our resource page to watch videos, download stress relief coloring sheets and find help for women and their families. #MaternalMentalHealth #maternalmentalhealthCA To learn more click HERE
Blog Post

Medicaid can vastly improve maternal health, study [Modern Healthcare]

Karen Clemmer ·
Expanded access to Medicaid was associated with 1.6 f ewer maternal deaths per 100,000 women compared with states that didn't expand the program, according to a new study. The i nfant death rate also fell more dramatically in Medicaid expansion states—by more than 50% from 2010 to 2016. Those findings were in a report released Wednesday by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. Researchers found that expansion states saw greater drops in the uninsured rate among women...
Blog Post

Mom's Mental Health and the ACEs she brings...the past matters.

Anna Sutton ·
May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month and this Sunday is Mother's Day. The day is somewhat bittersweet when I think about it...shouldn't every day be Mothers' Day, just minus the fanfare? How can we promote better mental health for moms during...
Blog Post

Mommy Mentors Help Fight The Stigma Of Postpartum Mood Disorder (

Becoming a mother is often portrayed as a magical and glorious life event. But many women don't feel joyful after giving birth. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association , almost 15 percent of moms suffer from a postpartum mood disorder like anxiety or depression, making maternal mental health concerns the most common complication of childbirth in the U.S. And even though these mental illnesses affect millions of women each year, new research shows 20 percent of mothers...
Blog Post

“Momnibus” Bill Package Targets Black Maternal Health Disparities (Patient Engagment)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Sarah Heath, March 12, 2020, Patient Engagement A package of legislative proposals aims to prop social determinants of health funding to target black maternal health disparities. The package of nine bills, titled the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act of 2020 , is sponsored by Representatives Lauren Underwood and Alma Adams, as well as Senator Kamala Harris. The legislation builds on existing laws focusing on black maternal health disparities specifically by supplanting efforts to address...
Blog Post

More Clinicians Need to Address Postpartum Depression and other Postpartum or Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT ·
“It’s okay to tell me that you’re not okay.” Postpartum depression (PPD) and postpartum or perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) are the most common medical concerns for women after childbirth. Yet few medical and mental health professionals really know how prevalent and serious PPD and PMADs are. There is a great need for better screening to identify women struggling with postpartum disorders. Likewise, more therapists and mental health providers need to know about treatment...
Blog Post

Mothers’ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Young Children’s Development []

Alicia Doktor ·
Introduction This study examined how mothers’ Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) relate to their children’s developmental risk and assessed how the association is mediated through mothers’ depressive symptoms and fair/poor health. Methods Mothers of children aged between 4 months and 4 years were recruited from the emergency department of a children’s hospital between March 2012 and June 2015 and interviewed about ACEs, mothers’ depressive symptoms and health status, and children’s...
Blog Post

Need 45 Trauma-Informed Practitioners or Clinicians For Study on Using a Brain Regulation Headband-Bellabee Designed To Help Trauma Survivors Regulate Their Brains.

Mary Giuliani ·
Need 45 Trauma-Informed Practitioners or Clinicians For Study on Using a Brain Regulation Headband-Bellabee Designed To Help Trauma Survivors Regulate Their Brains. All trauma informed practitioners who are suffering with or who work with adults or children suffering with C-PTSD, PTSD, Developmental Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD & Sleep Disorders are welcome to apply to be considered for this study. We currently have 41 applicants, and applicantions are approved on a first come first...
Blog Post

New mothers need to know their mental health is not a luxury []

Samantha Sangenito ·
When I brought my baby daughter home from the hospital, I was completely unprepared for the year ahead. On the surface, it looked like I was sorted. I'd washed all her teeny tiny clothes and had them waiting in the nursery, which I had painted a pretty lemon yellow. I'd bought a stack of nappies, wipes and barrier cream. What I wasn't prepared for was the enormous change this sweet small thing would bring to my life, nor did I have any idea of how to handle that change. Heather Irvine is a...
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New psychology study finds adverse childhood experiences transfer from one generation to the next []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Women who suffer four or more adverse childhood experiences before the age of 18 are more likely to face pregnancy and postpartum problems, which they may in turn pass on to their children in a “cascade of risk,” according to a new study in The Journal of Pediatrics. The study, led by the University of Calgary’s Sheri Madigan — Canada Research Chair in the Determinants of Child Development, a member of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute and an assistant professor in...
Blog Post

New Resource Center Dedicated to Helping Providers Address the Health Effects of Trauma

Mariel Gingrich ·
The new Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center offers a one-stop information hub for health care providers and other stakeholders interested in learning about and implementing trauma-informed care.
Blog Post

NICU Moms 70% More Likely to get a Maternal Mental Health Disorder []

Jessica Porten ·
My second daughter, Kira Elle, was in the NICU for 13 days, which most would consider a "short stay". But I can attest that being separated from her at birth severely impacted my mental health in extremely negative ways. Shortly after bringing her home, I was able to identify within myself that I had Postpartum Depression and Rage. Only now, at 7 months postpartum, am I starting to address my trauma from the NICU through the use of Brain Spotting in my therapy sessions. Linked is an article...
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NICU Stay Associated With Later Mental-Health Problems []

By Anne Harding, Medscape, February 6, 2020 Spending time in the neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) is associated with an increased risk of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence, according to a new population-based study. "In childhood, the risks of separation anxiety, specific phobia, oppositional defiant disorder and ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) were particularly pronounced while adolescents tended to struggle more with oppositional defiant disorder," Dr.
Blog Post

No ACEs, low resilience worse than high ACE and resilience scores, study finds

Laurie Udesky ·
What does measuring resilience tell us about pregnant women who have experienced ACEs? For one thing, it affirms that understanding how a mom-to-be weathers difficult experiences gives greater meaning to her ACE score and what it might mean for her children. That was one of the takeaways from a recent study in the Journal of Women’s Health entitled “ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental and Behavioral Health Conditions During Pregnancy: The Role of Resilience ,” says Dr. Carey Watson,...
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Nominate a Trauma-Informed Care Champion: #TICchampion

Mariel Gingrich ·
Becoming a trauma-informed organization requires clear communication about the transformation process, and support from staff at all levels of an organization. Often these efforts are spearheaded by “trauma-informed care champions”— individuals committed to raising awareness regarding the health effects of trauma and toxic stress and improving care for people who have experienced trauma. This week, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) invites you to recognize people around you who...
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Nothing About Them Would Stand Out in a Crowd

Alice Kenny ·
photo credit: chuttersnap/ By Alice M. Kenny (pseudonym) (The article below is an excerpt from my new book, Crazy Was All I Ever Knew: The Impact of Maternal Mental Illness on Kids . I have used a pseudonym to protect the privacy of family members.) The emotions adult children of parents with mental illness experience are a mixed bag. Sometimes a jumble. Guilt, loss, grief, and resentment are among the emotions that persist or bubble to the surface in adulthood. Some feel...
Blog Post

NPPC shares lessons learned and results from ACEs screening pilot sites

Laurie Udesky ·
For Dr. Mercie Digangi, a pediatrician at Kaiser Southern California in Downey, CA, ACEs screening provided a crystal clear before-and-after in how she changed treatment plans for her pediatric patients, she explained to attendees of a December 2 webinar organized by the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) and cosponsored by ACEs Connection. Dr. Mercie Digangi One case that turned ACEs screening into a never-go-back moment for her was a three-year-old who was speech-delayed.
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One way Childhood Trauma Leads to Poorer Health for Women []

By Jeff Grabmeier, Ohio State News, September 17, 2019 Researchers have long known that childhood trauma is linked to poorer health for women at midlife. A new study shows one important reason why. The national study of more than 3,000 women is the first to find that those who experienced childhood trauma were more likely than others to have their first child both earlier in life and outside of marriage – and that those factors were associated with poorer health later in life. The findings...
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Opinion: To End Intimate Partner Violence, We Must Focus on Racial Justice and Healing []

By Marc Philpart and Jacquie Marroquin, California Health Report, November 13, 2019 Like millions of Californians, the crisis of intimate partner violence has had a profound impact on our lives. The violence our family members experienced has created a ripple effect, setting us each on a unique journey for healing—as individuals, as families and as a community. While our journeys have been distinct, they have led to a similar understanding: Ending domestic violence is possible, but only if...
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Opioid exposed Newborns - are we missing the mark and forgetting about MOM?

Anna Sutton ·
A recent NPR interview (All Things Considered) with Dr. Joshua Sharfstein , a pediatrician and professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health sheds some light on the impacts of the perinatal opioid epidemic. Yes, babies are born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and these newborns are struggling, but one must wonder if we have missed the mark on where else to focus efforts? Did we forget about the mother/infant dyad and that prevention and early intervention efforts might...
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