Tagged With "adversity"
Blog Post
Adversity Needn’t Thwart or Define You. Here’s How to Cope. [nytimes.com]
The author had a chipped tooth. It ruined her looks, she thought. She had to interview someone for her book, and she really wanted to cancel. The interview subject was Mariatu Kamara, the young woman from Sierra Leone who wrote “The Bite of the Mango,” a memoir about surviving a civil war, rape, losing the baby that resulted from the rape, having her hands chopped off, making it to safety and finally leaving everyone she knew to seek refuge in Canada. The author thought about this, about why...
Blog Post
Anna, Age Eight: The data-driven prevention of childhood trauma and maltreatment
ENDING AN EPIDEMIC OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA REQUIRES COURAGE, COMPASSION AND A PLAN. ANNA, AGE EIGHT PROVIDES THE SOLUTION. NEW BOOK ANNA AGE EIGHT: THE DATA-DRIVEN PREVENTION OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA AND MALTREATMENT By Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD and Dominic Cappello If one in eight children suffered from an unknown but debilitating virus, outrage would boil, editorials would harangue public officials, and agencies would mobilize to counter the threat. The CDC would scramble resources to develop...
Blog Post
"Don't Try This Alone" on Amazon
Don't Try This Alone: The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder" on Amazon 2-28-18; Kindle out soon... http://www.amazon.com/dp/1976120128 Thank you to my ACEsConnection community for all your support for the last five years during the daunting experience of documenting this story... Kathy was an overachiever—an economist, technical writer, and classical singer married 27 years to her college sweetheart. It looked like Kathy was fine. But deep within her hid a pain from infancy so severe...
Blog Post
Interview with Jason Lee, author of Living with the Dragon: Healing 15000 days of Abuse and Shame
Jason Lee is an author based out of Coquitlam BC. He’s also a mental health advocate and speaker at events across Canada. His book Living with the Dragon, Healing 15 000 Days of Abuse and Shame has received praise from counselors and comes highly recommended as a resource particularly for men in recovery from depression, anxiety and anger stemming from childhood abuse and trauma. In this interview, we talk about how his book is changing the way people are viewing mental health, depression...
Blog Post
Mind Matters now provides assistance for home visitors
I'm thrilled to announce that my book, Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience, is now available for use in one-on-one settings. I adapted the 12 lessons of Mind Matters into 21, 15- to 20-minute, one-on-one sessions. This allows home visitors, mentors, and case workers to seamlessly utilize Mind Matters with individuals and families. Since this curriculum can be taught by paraprofessionals, it can be adapted for many different settings. Some organizations are...
Blog Post
The Soulful Journey of Recovery: A Guide to Healing from a Traumatic Past for ACAs, Codependents, or Those with Adverse Childhood Experiences
A groundbreaking new book from Tian Dayton, PhD, and the publisher of the New York Times bestseller Adult Children of Alcoholics …The book that started it all! T ian Dayton picks up where Janet Woititz author of Adult Children of Alcoholics left off…..for those who have grown up in a family with addiction, mental illness, or other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the heartache and pain doesn’t end when they grow up and leave home. The legacy can last a lifetime and spread to generations...
Blog Post
The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2020
Hi Folks, The May edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - http://newsletters.survivingspirit.com/index.php or PDF - http://newsletters.survivingspirit.com/pdfs/2020-05-The_Surviving_Spirit_Newsletter_May_2020.pdf To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ mikeskinner@comcast.net or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael . “ Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2020 – please...
Blog Post
The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience
Teri Wellbrock offers a list of those books that had a profound impact on her life and helped her create a life filled with tranquility and joy. While she may not have agreed with every word written, she did find powerful answers, delicious little tidbits, and inspirational guidance within each book.
Blog Post
Mistreated: Why we think we're getting good health care and why we usually are wrong. The connection to Adverse Childhood Events
Mistreated: Why we think we are getting good health care and why we usually are wrong and the connection to Adverse Childhood Events Over the past two years, I have written a column for Forbes. On several occasions, I have highlighted the medical consequences of Adverse Childhood Events (ACE's) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). The data is clear. Both if not recognized and treated produce negative health care outcomes. Both are very prevalent and asking about each should be standard for...
Blog Post
New book release “The Trauma Banquet”: The truth about how to overcome adversity
I am a Professor of Clinical Psychology at The University of Queensland, Australia. I recently released my memoir “The Trauma Banquet”. In this book I share about my ACEs and how I learnt to be resilient in the context of their enduring pervasive echoes. I have been practicing psychology for almost 40 years and I have engaged thousands of clients in psychotherapy. As a full professor I have also been teaching psychology and conducting research, which has focused on building resilience in the...
Blog Post
Pip had high #ACEs
I just finished reading Great Expectations for the second time. I could relate to it much easier this reading as I used an ACEs lens to understand Pip's experiences and challenges. Dickens knew in 1860 the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. It seems strange to see humanity hasn't really evolved emotionally and socially that much in 160 years. Hopefully the ACEs movement will help propel our consciousness raising.
Blog Post
QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Quest-The Truth Always Rises" is an important film about trauma, love, and resilience. I know the film maker of Quest, and I know how passionate he is to help people understand about Adverse Childhood Experiences and what can happen when one person believes in you. Santiago Rizzo tells a compelling story of his childhood that all should see. His passion is contagious, and his willingness to speak about trauma, the power of love, and the need for honesty is powerful. I suggest folks go and...
Blog Post
The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series - "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life"
Learning to find my gifts within my chaos has changed everything. Everything.
Blog Post
The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series – “Getting Past Your Past”
Naturally, I would at times experience panic attack symptoms, and would almost always cry. Sometimes slow tears cascading down my cheeks. Other times full-on ugly crying, requiring a pause in the action.
Blog Post
The Books That Helped Me Transition from Trauma to Triumph: A Book Review Series – “Getting Past Your Past”
Naturally, I would at times experience panic attack symptoms, and would almost always cry. Sometimes slow tears cascading down my cheeks. Other times full-on ugly crying, requiring a pause in the action.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Dr. Kathleen Friend: The Greatness Chair
Kathleen Friend MD is a Child Psychiatrist, children’s author, musician and heart rhythm meditation teacher currently living in Tucson, Arizona. Her mission is to expand the paradigm of Child Psychiatry to embrace a holistic view of mind, body and spirit.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Dr. Kathleen Friend: The Greatness Chair
Kathleen Friend MD is a Child Psychiatrist, children’s author, musician and heart rhythm meditation teacher currently living in Tucson, Arizona. Her mission is to expand the paradigm of Child Psychiatry to embrace a holistic view of mind, body and spirit.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Dr. Kristina Brinkerhoff: Educational Consultant
Dr. Kristina Brinkerhoff, a consultant, keynote speaker, presenter and trainer, leverages over 20 years of experience as a teacher, principal, superintendent and adoptive mom of five foster children, to help educators gain an understanding of the effects Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the importance of trauma informed practice in schools.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Janyne McConnaughey: Brave
Janyne McConnaughey, Ph.D., retired from a forty-year career in education while healing from the attachment wounding and trauma she experienced as a child. During therapy, she wrote her way to healing and now is redeeming her story by helping others to understand the lifelong effects of childhood trauma and insecure attachment.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Lorna Minewiser, PhD: Transformational Coaching
Lorna Minewiser has taught high school, college, and teacher continuing education classes. Her PhD dissertation “Eliciting Mental Models: Images of teaching and learning” has been published and she has had several articles published as well. In the spring of 2008 she conducted a research project on using EFT to reduce Test Anxiety. She was chair of the ACEP research subcommittee on EFT for Research. Recently she participated in the Veteran Stress Research Project.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Sarah Peyton: Your Resonant Self
Sarah Peyton, Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and neuroscience educator, integrates brain science and the use of resonant language to heal trauma. She brings together depth work and self-compassion that integrate relational neuroscience with the transformative potential of language. She teaches and lectures internationally, and is the author of the book 'Your Resonant Self: Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s Capacity for Healing.
Blog Post
The Healing Place Podcast - Shenandoah Chefalo: Garbage Bag Suitcase
What a delightful conversation Teri Wellbrock engaged in with the passionate and compassionate Shenandoah Chefalo, author of "Garbage Bag Suitcase: A Memoir" and faculty member of The Center for Trauma Resilient Communities. They dove into the depths of: the healing work of Crossnore and The Center for Trauma Resilient Communities; growing up in the foster care system; trauma-brain; 3 proven resilience-building factors; compassion approaches; and why they dislike tomatoes!
Re: Adversity Needn’t Thwart or Define You. Here’s How to Cope. [nytimes.com]
hI I am a independent researcher and have just finished my evidence base research of alleviating workplace PTSD, depression ,anxiety/depression in 10 hours. I would like to get these results published with you, how do I do this? Regards Beverley Searle
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Is this film available online? On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 1:44 PM ACEsConnection < communitymanager@acesconnection.com> wrote:
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
The film "Quest–The truth always rises" is not available online yet. Santiago is working really hard to get it into theaters and schools and prisons. If anyone wants to connect with him, I can help make that happen. If you google Quest, another movie shows up, so he said to always put in "Quest–The truth always rises." I would love to help him get it seen by folks who are working with ACEs and trauma informed care. Thank you for asking. Rona
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Please let me know when /how this film is available for online sharing. If there is a need for marketing assistance, I have a variety of resources available.
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Jo Lyn, thank you. The producer does need help with marketing, but he is wanting to get the right person...someone who really gets what the film is about and understands the importance of it. Happy to connect with you. I'm a friend of his, and my daughter had the teacher in the film who saved his life. Rona
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Sounds like a powerful film. Thanks for sharing this, Rona.
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
If someone is interested in connecting with Santiago Rizzo, the film maker and the person the story is about, you can reach him at srizzo@gmail.com . He is looking for support to get this deeply moving film out into the world. I feel like it can raise much needed awareness to the struggles of the people we all see on the streets, and in prison, and the kids who are sent to the principal's office on a regular basis. It is a film filled with compassion and reality. Thank you for your interest...
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Rona, Is this film created from a book? Once the film has a platform of 10,000 people... it can most likely go anywhere and become anything... just like books. If not already in the works, I would encourage the producer to have a launch party, inviting 1000+ trauma informed coaches, therapists and educators to opt in for reduced price viewing. Education is the often the first step toward significant change, so I would also encourage creating an online educational course or masterclass...
Re: QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness
Thank you so much Jo Lyn. You can see from his web site https://www.thetruthalwaysrises.com/ that the film as been around for over a year and has received some awards. The acting is really good. I don't know all of the issues he faces, but he hasn't been able to get distribution, perhaps in part because of the content, but I'm not sure. I will pass on your message to him. Thank you so much.
Re: The Healing Place Podcast - Janyne McConnaughey: Brave
Hello Christina! So glad you found connection in Janyne's work. She is most assuredly a brave soul shining a beautiful light of hope. If you are requesting an interview on The Healing Place Podcast, then I am your girl, as I host the podcast. I would love to have you join me on air. I am scheduling guests for the month of August or after and can send you a scheduling link so you can pick a date/time that works best for you. Please reach out to me at info@teriwellbrock.com if interested.
Re: The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience
So excited about this list! I have read many on the list and dont know about a few - but will definitely look them up! Thanks for sharing!
Re: The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience
Thanks so much for the positive feedback! I know I have a growing list of book suggestions from podcast guests talking about favorite authors and/or books. Plus, I have an amazing collection of books written BY my guests. Looking forward to sitting on a beach in August and diving into a few of them.
Re: The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience
Great list, Teri! I've read some of the books you mention and your list prompts me to read the others. Thanks again!
Re: The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience
I love receiving new reading prompts and my list is growing from readers' suggestions after posting this blog. Glad I could offer some for you, as well.
Re: The Healing Place Podcast - Janyne McConnaughey: Brave
Hello, Jayne. I am very interested in your work. In my book, Let My Legacy Be Love, A Story of Discovery and Transformation: Tracing Adult Issues to Childhood Hurts, I talk about my own story and share my "discoveries" after looking at the stories with curiosity and an openness to a different perspective. You can find out more about it on my website: www.letmylegacybelove.com . If you interview guests, I would love to be considered. On my website, there are samples of previous interviews...
Blog Post
Surviving Spirit Newsletter October 2020
Hi Folks, The October edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - http://newsletters.survivingspirit.com/index.php http://newsletters.survivingspirit.com/pdfs/2020-10-The_Surviving_Spirit_Newsletter_October_2020.pdf To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ mikeskinner@comcast.net or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael. Newsletter Contents : 1] Beauty 2 The Streetz: This woman is beautifying Skid Row one makeover at a time by Alicia Lee 2]...
Ask the Community
Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea
Greetings everyone, I'm wondering if you might be able to help me. I'm the author and creator of an early chapter book series. The first book, "Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea" has been published and on the market, while the other four books are in varying stages of production. I'm curious if you would have ideas for greater distribution: radio shows, email distribution lists, publishers etc. I have a social media presence including Twitter , a blog , YouTube channel etc. But, the work and...
Re: Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea
Hi @Jenna Martin - Please consider adding this Ask on the Practicing Resilience and the ACEs in Education communities here on ACEs Connection!
Re: Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea
@Gail Kennedy thanks so much for your insight! Will do!
Blog Post
Healing the Hidden Wounds of Childhood: Wisdom from a Revered Holocaust Survivor by Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D.
Surviving not only Auschwitz but also a difficult childhood, this courageous woman's story reveals much about healing from Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Blog Post
Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice with Special Guest, Becky Haas, Pioneer in Developing Trauma-Informed Judicial Initiatives
Please join us for our new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Dr. Porter Jennings-McGarity, PhD/LCSW, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being...
Blog Post
“Pirates” - Live at the River Ledge
“ Pirates” - A song I wrote about facing adversity - the 'pirates' in our lives & the journey[s] we embark upon - we are resilient & resourceful. Please do click the Subscribe & Bell button to my You Tube channel - more songs and ' lessons learned ' about healing from Trauma, Abuse and Mental Health to be shared very soon. Thank you, Michael Pirates - Live at the River Ledge - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us6ucfwRAtA “ PIRATES” © Michael Skinner Walking down to the...
Re: Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea
This is what process work looks like. Change the content of consciousness and everything heals or evolves. Fall 2022 LIVE Full Workshop https://www.youtube.com/playli...w4FsUo4FFrIVvyFtxpGA
Blog Post
For Better Relationships and Self-Esteem, Replace Common Mr. Nice Guy Thought Patterns
The Mr. Nice Guy syndrome's dysfunctional thought patterns are common in survivors of adverse childhood experiences. Uprooting these patterns can improve self-esteem and relationships.
Blog Post
Healing from Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Timeless Wisdom of Peter Levine
The body often tells the real story of trauma better than the thinking mind. Before one can verbalize and complete the trauma story, one typically must return to physical equilibrium. Trauma expert Levine explains ways to calm physical and emotional responses to trauma and regain a sense of wholeness.
Blog Post
Can Journaling Help to Heal Childhood Trauma? What we’ve learned about the effect of expressive writing on traumatic memories?
This article summarizes the research on expressive writing and suggests that incorporating neuroscience-based strategies can improve its effectiveness.