Tagged With "family"
Re: Emergency Child Care for Foster Families [saccounty.net]
We need this if CCCounty doesn’t have it already Patricia Duncan Hall, MA Social Casework Assistant Contra Costa County CFS-Court Unit 510.231.8153 [cid:image001.jpg@01D27234.A61D0030]< http://www.ehsd.org/ >[cid:image002.png@01D27234.A61D0030]< https://www.facebook.com/Contr...10623/?hc_ref=SEARCH >[cid:image003.png@01D27234.A61D0030]< https://twitter.com/ContraCostaEHSD >
Re: Emergency Child Care for Foster Families [saccounty.net]
Hi Patricia, Contra Costa County is participating in the Bridge program. I recommend reaching out to Margaret Wiegert Jacobs ( mjacobs@cocokids.org ) at CocoKids (Contra Costa's resource and referral agency) if you're interested in learning more about the program and how it's implemented there. Best, Gemma
Re: Preventing Violence in Our Homes [preventioninstitute.org]
Unfortunately this was posted after the webinar.... it was on the 14th.... do you know if there is a recording avail.? Julie Hatzell Trauma Specialist/Educator Domestic Violence Advocate Plumas Rural Services 711 Main Street Quincy, CA 95971 530 927-5873 On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 5:09 PM ACEsConnection < communitymanager@acesconnection.com> wrote:
Re: Preventing Violence in Our Homes [preventioninstitute.org]
HI Julie- Thanks for pointing that out! Here is the link to the recording: http://www.preventconnect.org/...on-care-and-justice/
Blog Post
How to Help Families and Staff Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak [developingchild.harvard.edu]
From Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, May 2020 The worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a source of unexpected stress and adversity for many people. Resilience can help us get through and overcome hardship. But resilience is not something we’re born with—it’s built over time as the experiences we have interact with our unique, individual genetic makeup. That’s why we all respond to stress and adversity—like that from the COVID-19...
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Equity in IECMHC Webinar 3 - Culture, identity, history as sources of strength and resilience for African American children and Families [georgetown.edu]
From Center of Excellence for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, Georgetown University, June 11, 2020 This webinar examines issues of racialized inequities and bias on the early care and education experiences for African American children and families, explores a strength-based approach to fostering culturally responsive relationships, and identifies and explores practices and policies to strengthen cultural responsiveness in IECMHC in order to reduce disparities and...
Calendar Event
Free Webinar: Neutralize Family Anxiety
Blog Post
These SF teens built a school supplies pipeline for low-income families [sfgate.com]
By Grant Marek, SF Gate, July 29, 2020 Lana Nguyen sits in a closet in her parents’ studio apartment in the Tenderloin. She has a Zoom background of the Bay Bridge, but every time she adjusts her body, the background flickers to reveal the tight confines of the surrounding clothes on hangers. “It sounds sad, but I had to take my AP exams in my bathroom,” she says. “It was the only place with a large flat surface.” [ Please click here to read more .]
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Five Organizations Addressing ACEs in Asian American Communities
NOTE: This summer, the Center for Youth Wellness was extremely proud to host intern Alan Huang, a rising Senior at UC Berkeley double-majoring in Neurobiology and Music. During his internship through the Boston Consulting Group Ambassador program, Alan wrote the following post about ACEs in the Asian American community. Although the link between adverse childhood experiences and subsequent health outcomes has been well-established, there is still much that is unknown about the nuanced...
Blog Post
Sebastopol Peace Bag concept has spread to Southern California
Local Sebastopol non-profit Peacetown is spreading joy and community engagement through the Family Village's project called Peace Bags. Every week for 13 weeks a different local organization "sponsors" a week by providing printed resources and an activity that supports community connection, family engagement, and some fun. The bags are distributed for FREE in collaboration with a local toy store. I happen to come across a conversation on one of the posts I made regarding Peace Bags. The post...
Calendar Event
Supporting Families with Young Children
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Together for Families Conference (October 14-16)
Cost: $375 – $450 The virtual 2020 Together for Families Conference , co-hosted by the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the National Family Support Network, Be Strong Families, and Families Canada, connects stakeholders from across the U.S. and Canada in the family support and strengthening field to focus on best and promising practice for supporting families. Designed for practitioners at the program, systems, and funder levels, the conference will provide valuable opportunities for...
Re: ACEs Aware Network of Care Convenings - Northern California Region Session 1
Hello, the meeting code sent to my email for session 1 is invalid. I'm not sure how to get a hold of anyone.
Re: ACEs Aware Network of Care Convenings - Northern California Region Session 1
Theresa, I have contacted folks I know at Catalyst to see if they can help. I gave them your email address to contact you directly.
Blog Post
Resource: CA Covid -19 Rent Relief Program
Please see attached flyers (English/Spanish) for CA Covid- 19 Rent Relief program. For information on eligibility or for assistance in applying, please visit HousingisKey.com or call the YCCA Family Resource Center at 916-572-0560, staff is available for assistance in English, Spanish, Russian, and Farsi.
Re: Resource: CA Covid -19 Rent Relief Program
Thank you for sharing and posting this. There are sooooo many friends in need who could use this hand-up service. Blessings, Tammy
Blog Post
New website- Strong Families Yolo
We all want Yolo children and youth to be safe, but it’s sometimes hard to know how to prevent child abuse and neglect. Strong Families Yolo is a new website that encourages everyone to play a part in caring for Yolo children and strengthening Yolo families. Whatever our role in the community – friend, educator, business owner, parent, person of faith – there are ways we can support children and families in Yolo County. The website also has resources for parents and youth. There are...
Blog Post
First 5 Humboldt is Meeting Parents Where They Are
The ways that First 5 Humboldt is meeting the needs of families are shifting, just like many services throughout our community. Click the link below to read an article written through the Lost Coast Outpost highlighting some of these programs, Pandemic Parenting: First 5 Humboldt Helps Families Address Stress and Regression In Children Through Online Parent Groups . "“I think parents in our community have been affected [by the pandemic] in a big way,” Allen told the Outpost . “A lot of...
Blog Post
ACE Overcomers and The Family Resource Center of Merced County Named ACEs Aware Grantee!
ACE Overcomers and The Family Resource Center of Merced County are collaborating to inform the community and medical providers about resources to identify and treat adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). A total of $14.3 million was awarded to 100 organizations throughout the state to extend the reach and impact of the ACEs Aware initiative, with nearly $200,000 awarded to the two Merced County agencies. ACEs Aware seeks to change and save lives by helping Medi-Cal providers understand the...
Blog Post
Education Spotlight: Merced County agencies helping those suffering from childhood trauma
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- In ABC30's segment, Education Spotlight, Action News Anchor Landon Burke will talk with Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) officials about some of the biggest topics in education. Two North Valley agencies, Merced County Office of Education and ACE Overcomers, have received nearly $200,000 in grants to help those suffering from childhood trauma. Landon Burked talked with two experts about the importance of treating adverse childhood experiences. To read the...
Blog Post
It's time to heal childhood trauma!
A consensus of scientific research demonstrates that cumulative adversity, especially when experienced during childhood development, is a root cause to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive health challenges facing our nation. But there is hope. We can take action now to change and save lives. The impacts of ACEs, trauma, and toxic stress are treatable. Start by watching the short educational video below. For more information please visit: https://aceovercomers.org/...
Blog Post
It's time to heal childhood trauma!
A consensus of scientific research demonstrates that cumulative adversity, especially when experienced during childhood development, is a root cause to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive health challenges facing our nation. But there is hope. We can take action now to change and save lives. The impacts of ACEs, trauma, and toxic stress are treatable. Start by watching the short educational video below. For more information please visit: https://aceovercomers.org/...
Calendar Event
Supervising for Success
Blog Post
Children, Youth, and Families Who Experience Migration-Related Trauma and Family Separation (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)
Offers information on unaccompanied and separated immigrant youth in the US who have experienced migration-related trauma and family separation. This brief includes information about: who unaccompanied children are and how many are in the US; how traumatic separation affects immigrant children, youth, families, and systems; and what can be done to assist immigrant children, youth, and families who experience traumatic separation. Click here to access this resource.
Re: Forward Together: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Protecting Children from Abuse
Forward Together -such a positive path forward. I hope and trust that any of my words, speaking within this community, will only benefit all of us, our loved ones, and positively strengthen all of us coming and working together, benefit individuals ongoingly. I appreciate every one's experiences, sharing, mutual support for every one's benefit, especially those effected by trauma. Thank you. I trust that any words that I may have shared in today's PACEs webinar are heard from caring,...
Blog Post
A free ebook for parents puts a sweet spin on the holidays
Uplift Press is excited to announce… Our free new ebook for parents can put a sweet spin on the holidays. Self-Esteem: The Best Gift for Your Children...and Yourself is an excerpt from The Winning Family by Caven and thought leader Dr. Louise Hart. A new edition of bestseller The Winning Family is coming out in 2022. More positive parenting resources can be found at www.upliftpress.com . Self-Esteem: The Best Gift (for your children AND yourself!) A free ebook for parents Excerpt from The...
Re: Strengthening Families webinar: Racism, Anti-Racism, and the Social Ecology
i do not see registration information or how to access this webinar...am i missing it?
Blog Post
PACEs Connection needs bold funders who are in this for the long haul!!
So, what’s our ask? We have two: We’re looking for a few bold funders to support us with $3.2 million through this three-year transition.
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Register NOW for Flourishing Families, Centering Justice: Policy solutions for prevention-focused, trauma-informed supports for children and families on 11/1
The California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) invites you to join us for a discussion on Flourishing Families, Centering Justice: Policy Solutions for Prevention-focused, Trauma-informed Supports for Children and Families . This webinar will explore trauma-informed primary, secondary, and tertiary approaches to supporting struggling families and keeping them together. Our expert panelists will: Reframe our understanding of neglect Provide a brief overview of historical and...
Blog Post
Jeoff Gordon sees PACEs science, PACEs Connection playing a vital role in ‘relieving some of the most anguishing pain in our society.’
Note: PACEs Connection is in dire financial straits. We are asking for support, from you, our 57,586 members, to help cover the loss of foundation funding that was promised and did not come through. Pay and hours have been cut for our staff—most of us will be laid off for the month of December. Another grant will pick up in January, but we will still be underfunded. Since sounding the alarm this summer, we’ve raised about $26,000 . Thankfully, about 25% of new donors are making monthly...
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