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California PACEs Action

Tagged With "journalism"

Blog Post

Twenty Years in the Making: CHCF's Funding of Health Care Journalism []

By Steven Birenbaum and Sally Mudd, California Health Care Foundation, February 21, 2020 For-profit journalism has undergone seismic changes to its business model during the last 15 years. The steady stream of advertising revenue that made the industry profitable for so long is now gone. As a direct result, the infrastructure of local and beat journalism has suffered dramatic losses of capacity and quality. This is one of the prime reasons it is essential for philanthropies, for the...
Blog Post

Making Mental Health Needs a Priority []

By Anna Schussler, The Daily Journal, December 26, 2019 When San Carlos resident Suzanne Hughes formed a nonprofit offering mental health services four years ago, she started out with just three interns and a mission to make them affordable and accessible to anyone who might need them. Trained as a marriage and family therapist, Hughes drew from more than 20 years of mental health experience to identify what she saw as the most pressing mental health needs and build programs to address them.
Blog Post

California Woman is Unable to Get Insurance - So She Took Her Health Into Her Own Hands []

By Yesenia Amaro, Center for Health Journalism, October 24, 2019 A red bandana holds back Judit Garcia’s hair as sweat stains become visible on her pink shirt. Her face and arms are sweaty, and she looks tired. But she’s not giving up. Almost an hour after beginning her workout, the 42-year-old Raisin City resident is still keeping up with all the steps in her Zumba class in the neighboring rural town of Caruthers. It doesn’t help that it’s a very hot evening in the Central Valley, and the...
Blog Post

Criticizing ACEs in Peer Reviewed Professional Journals Impairs Child Abuse Treatment

Jeoffry Gordon ·
Criticizing ACEs in Peer Reviewed Professional Journals Impairs Child Abuse Treatment Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH May 23, 2021 As a family doc practicing in San Diego I was privileged to hear Dr. Vincent Felitti talk about his inspired development of the ACEs questionnaire and its association with many adult mental and physical diseases directly from him only a few years after his original insight. Yet, although I had a lively clinic and learned how to manage a vast array of medical...
Blog Post

Can Journaling Help to Heal Childhood Trauma? What we’ve learned about the effect of expressive writing on traumatic memories?

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
This article summarizes the research on expressive writing and suggests that incorporating neuroscience-based strategies can improve its effectiveness.
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