Tagged With "ACE treatment"
Blog Post
5 Ways Trauma-Informed Care Supports Children's Development
Happy Friday! Below is an excerpt from an article by Child Trends about how trauma-informed care supports children's development. I think it's a nice overview for the trauma-informed work that you're doing - why it's so important, and how it connects to the broader initiative. To see the full article click here . TIC helps service providers, parents, and systems recognize and respond to the needs of children who experience trauma. Each child reacts to trauma differently, but experiencing...
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7 Ways to Help a Child Deal with Traumatic Stress
Traumatic stress feels awful. Thankfully, there are small things we can all do to help relax a hyperaroused nervous system.
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Addressing historical and childhood trauma: Why native people across the country are gathering in San Diego in October
photo/ CCO Children, in what should be the safety of their homes, experience trauma, and it is ruining lives -- and perhaps entire ethnic groups. Childhood trauma actually alters the structure of the brain – a result of consistent toxic stress, which is why it’s so difficult to heal an individual and help them attain a healthy life. Dr. Anthony Pico The science that was the springboard for making those linkages began with a now famous Adverse Childhood Experiences study of over 17,000...
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Addressing Trauma in Early Childhood: (Issue Brief 61 - (CHDI) Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut, Inc.)
ARC Supports Parents in Helping Young Children Recover from Trauma Through a five year SAMHSA grant awarded to CHDI as part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), the Early Childhood Trauma Collaborative (ECTC) is helping to address this gap by training clinicians to use Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency (ARC), 5 an effective treatment for young children who have experienced trauma and their caregivers. ARC is a behavioral health treatment that supports parents (or...
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CA to reimburse for only one of three ACEs screeners
California health care providers will soon begin to learn how many of the 13.2 million California children and adults in the state’s MediCal program have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). But the state’s proposed decision to reimburse only one of three recommended options for screening children has drawn mixed reactions from pediatricians. “If we have mandated legislation that only looks at one screening tool, it really limits the opportunity to improve that screening...
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Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers
A hug may be comforting to many children, but for a child who has experienced trauma it may not feel safe.
That’s an example used by Julie Kurtz, co-director of trauma informed practices in early childhood education at the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies (CCFS), as she begins a trauma training session. Her audience, preschool teachers and staff of the San Francisco-based Wu Yee Children’s Services at San Francisco’s Women’s Building, listen attentively.
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Early Childhood Is Critical to Health Equity [rwjf.org]
The first few years of life are crucial in establishing a child’s path toward—or away from—health and well-being across the entire lifespan. This report, produced in partnership with the University of California, San Francisco, examines some of the barriers to health equity that begin early in life, and promising strategies for overcoming them. Key Findings Poverty limits childrens’ and families’ options for healthy living conditions. Poverty can limit where children live, and can lead to...
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For Low-Income Youth in California, Much is Promised But Little Received with Mental Health Services (chronicleofsocialchange.org)
Mental health disorders in childhood and adolescence are extremely common. Studies estimate between 13 and 20 percent of American children experience a mental disorder in a given year. National survey data indicates that one in five children and teens will suffer a mental disorder that severely impairs daily life. Common mental illnesses include anxiety disorder, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Yet research also indicates that many children in need of mental...
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FREE WEBINAR: Trauma-Informed Advocacy: Practical Tools for Working with Vulnerable Populations
Working at the intersection of trauma, health equity, and law, attorney Sarah Hess will join the Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative in this free webinar to talk about ways advocates from all disciplines can use a trauma-informed approach to help their clients thrive...
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From Compassion Fatigue to Healing Centered Engagement: Turning Trauma Informed Values into Action
To pave the way for a truly strengths-based approach to full healing and recovery for both service users and burned out staff, we must educate them on (1) the central role of primal body responses to trauma (past and present), and (2) the early development of adaptive thoughts and behaviors in response to
traumatic experience.
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From Trauma-Informed to Asset-Informed Care in Early Childhood [brookings.edu]
By Ellen Galinsky, Brookings Institute, October 23, 2019 The focus on “toxic stress,” ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and trauma-informed care have been game-changers in the field of early childhood development. They have helped us recognize the symptoms of trauma, provide appropriate assistance to children, and understand that prolonged adversity in the absence of nurturing relationships can derail a child’s healthy development. Just look at the media’s and the public’s reaction to...
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Governor Newsom announces Nadine Burke Harris to be CA's first-ever surgeon general
Governor Gavin Newsom today announced the appointment of Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, a national leader in pediatric medicine, to serve as California’s first-ever surgeon general. There is overwhelming consensus in the scientific community around early warning signs and childhood determinants of serious health outcomes. As surgeon general, Dr. Burke Harris will urge policymakers at every level of government and leaders across the state to consider the social determinants of health, especially...
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Healing Trauma Virtual Summit
Good morning, everyone! I wanted to share this Healing Trauma Summit with you - it's online, free, and there are different speakers presenting a wide range of topics. It starts today and continues every day until next Wednesday, June 13. A recording of each presentation is available on the website 24 hours after it ends. Some of the topics I think might be most relevant to your work: Understanding and Transforming the Legacy of Intergenerational Trauma - Wednesday, June 6 1:00PM Treatment of...
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Mindfulness Stress Reduction Techniques for Healing
Whether you're healing from illness, trauma, or other difficult times, these mindfulness stress reduction techniques can support your healing.
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New Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire debuts for pediatricians, family practice, internal medicine...but anyone can use it
There's a new ACEs-resiliency survey in town! It came out of a conversation between two physicians having a conversation on a bus. Here's the story about how it was developed, and how to use it. Pilots were done in a pediatric clinic, internal medicine, addiction treatment center, group therapy, and psychiatric practice. It's now being used in two community clinics.
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OCAP grants announced - Deadline EXTENDED TO DEC 28th
The Office of Child Abuse and Prevention ( OCAP ) recently announced a funding opportunity that may align with the work of California based ACEs champions. Please see the details below, the OCAP Grants link, and the attached document for further details. Copied from the website : The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) administers federal grants, contracts, and state programs designed to promote best practices and innovative approaches to child abuse prevention, intervention, and...
Blog Post
The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma is coming!
Maybe you have heard about this initiative on one of the social networks or you followed the tour last year. If not, The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma is a grassroots partnership between Calo Programs and three leading, national attachment, trauma and adoption nonprofits; The Attachment and Trauma Network (ATN), The American Adoption Congress (AAC) and Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh). The purpose of this collaboration is to increase compassion and...
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The Children's Advocates Roundtable - Screening of Resilience
RESILIENCE is a one-hour documentary on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the birth of a new movement to treat and prevent Toxic Stress. Extremely stressful experiences in childhood can alter brain development and have lifelong effects on health and behavior. However, as experts and practitioners profiled in this documentary are proving, what’s predictable is preventable . Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, CEO and founder of the Center for Youth and Wellness in San Francisco is featured in...
Blog Post
TIC Training & Coaching E-News: April 2019
E-Newsletter Emergency Child Care Bridge Program Network Updates 2019 Join Network/CAPPA Conference: Call for Presenters The California Child Care Resource & Referral Network (Network) and the California Alternative Payment Program Association (CAPPA), along with our 2019 Joint Conference Committee are excited to announce the 2019 Joint Network/CAPPA Conference. The Joint Conference will be held October 2 – 4, 2019 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Sacramento. We look forward to an...
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TIC Training & Coaching E-News: February 2019
E -Newsletter Emergency Child Care Bridge Program Network Updates Trauma-Informed Care Training & Coaching Curriculum As mentioned in February's TIC Training & Coaching webinar , there will be a total of three core modules, with an additional module which covers historical and intergenerational trauma's impact on family dynamics. The Trauma-Informed Care Training & Coaching Curriculum Module One as well as Historical & Intergenerational Trauma is available for download on the...
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Use Creative Expression to Help Kids Facing ACEs
Join us for the launch of our new webinar on using creative expression to help kids facing ACEs.
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WEBINAR: How to Use the ‘Pair of ACEs’ to Build Community Resilience
New for You: BCR staff will introduce the new Pair of ACEs Infographic template and how to obtain local data to create a Pair of ACEs infographic with details specific to your community. When : Tuesday, September 18 th from 1pm – 2:30pm EST Register at go.gwu.edu/pairofaceswebinar The Building Community Resilience (BCR) collaborative will host a webinar featuring lessons learned using one of our most potent messaging tools: the ‘Pair of ACEs’ - a dverse c hildhood e xperiences in the context...
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Webinar — Moving to universal ACEs screening: Findings from a CA advisory group on screening children for trauma
On April 23rd, 2019 from 12:00pm-1:30pm PST the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) , an initiative of the Center for Youth Wellness, will be hosting a webinar to support efforts to screen all children for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and additional adversities. This webinar will summarize the findings of a state advisory group assigned to review tools and protocols for screening children for trauma, and provide an introduction to two tools the advisory group...
Blog Post
Wrestling Ghosts has a TED Talk for you - and more!
Hi ACEs community! In case you haven’t already seen it, the Wrestling Ghosts team wanted to share with you a TED Talk we recently came across that we love. Called: “Daring to Question the Way We Raise Children,” this talk explores strategies and opinions by Ruth Beaglehole, founder of Echo Parenting . We think a lot of you guys would find it really interesting, so check it out! The Wrestling Ghosts team is so thankful for the connections we’ve already made within the ACEs community. Our film...
Re: WEBINAR: How to Use the ‘Pair of ACEs’ to Build Community Resilience
Will this be available to view online after the scheduled event for those of us who have a conflict?
Re: WEBINAR: How to Use the ‘Pair of ACEs’ to Build Community Resilience
Hi Linda, I recommend contacting Clare Reidy, who made the original post, to see if this is an option.
Blog Post
Understanding the role of cultural stigma on seeking mental health services
By Dr. Sheila Modir , pediatric psychologist; Baleska Alfaro, licensed marriage and family therapist; and Dr. Ava Casados and Dr. Sarah Ruiz, post-doctoral fellows at CHOC For some people, making an appointment with a mental health provider may be a personal and independent decision. For others, the decision to seek therapy services may be influenced by their culture or community, as each culture has its own understanding, interpretation and beliefs around mental health symptoms. Our own...
Blog Post
[Repost] Impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) inspires launch of Number Story national public awareness campaign
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their lasting impacts are the focus of a large-scale national public awareness campaign launching today, May 13th, 2021. ACEs are difficult, potentially highly stressful events or circumstances that occur during childhood or adolescence and include experiences like abuse, neglect, and having a family member with a mental illness or substance use issue. An ACE score, ranging from zero to ten, measures these experiences in ten categories. The higher...
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[REPOST] Amazing Infographic on ACEs, Spanking, and the Benefits of Positive Parenting
Putting the pieces together! Join an upstream approach to ending violence against children! This is an ACEs & Spanking INFOGRAPHIC that helps parents understand the connection between ACEs and the importance of not spanking and instead, using positive parenting techniques. For a free webinar series to support parents: https://stopspanking.org More information on ACEs, Spanking, and Positive Parenting: https://stopspanking.org/aces/
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Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens
The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...
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The Hidden Biases of Good People: Implicit Bias Awareness Training
The Dibble Institute is pleased to present an introductory webinar by Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks Sr. of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity , which will provide foundational information on implicit bias. It will focus at the individual level and discuss how implicit bias affects everyone. Strategies to reduce or manage implicit bias will be discussed. Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice...
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Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice with Special Guest, Becky Haas, Pioneer in Developing Trauma-Informed Judicial Initiatives
Please join us for our new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Dr. Porter Jennings-McGarity, PhD/LCSW, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being...
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Upcoming 6/9 Webinar and New Report and Brief: Community Strategies to Address California’s Digital Divide and Its Impact on Children and Families
PACEs Connection and the Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative, a project of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) have developed two new resources, “Community Strategies to Address California’s Digital Divide and Its Impact on Children and Families” Report and the “Digital Divide Brief: Community Strategies to Address California’s Digital Divide and Its Impact on Children and Families”
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We're renewing PACEs Connection's popular "Historical Trauma in America" series!
Due to its popularity, PACEs Connection's Race & Equity Workgroup is continuing the “Historical Trauma in America Series”. This event examines historical trauma in the United States and its impact on American society in a series of virtual discussions. This series, which began in July 2021, highlights several regions within the United States and outlines how unresolved historical trauma has impacted every aspect of American life and directly shapes the sociopolitical landscape of today...
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New Transforming Trauma Episode: Creating Trauma-Informed Systems with Dr. Sandra Bloom
In this episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Emily is joined by Dr. Sandra Bloom. Dr. Bloom is a Board-Certified psychiatrist, Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy at Drexel University, and the Founder of Creating Presence , an online organization for creating trauma-informed systems. She is the founder of the Sanctuary Model which provides inpatient psychiatric programs for the treatment of trauma-related emotional disorders. Dr. Bloom is the author of a series of books...
Blog Post
Lightening the Load We Carry from Childhood: 10 Ways to Forgive the Unkindest Cuts
While the process of forgiving painful offenses from childhood can be very difficult, efforts to forgive bring great rewards. The process begins with acknowledging the pain, applying self-compassion, and taking even small and faltering steps to get the forgiveness ball rolling.
Blog Post
Lightening the Load We Carry from Childhood: 10 Ways to Forgive the Unkindest Cuts
While the process of forgiving painful offenses from childhood can be very difficult, efforts to forgive bring great rewards. The process begins with acknowledging the pain, applying self-compassion, and taking even small and faltering steps to get the forgiveness ball rolling.
Blog Post
Holidays are Hard (You're not alone)
Number Story is an awareness campaign that aims to bring awareness to adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, and childhood adversity and their long-term effects; and provide hope and support to those who have experienced them. This holiday season, Number Story is reaching out with an authentic and resonant message for the holidays - one that can help point people to their own personal journeys of healing. It’s a simple and sad truth. For many of us, the holidays are hard. While others bask...
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How ACEs Impact Unconscious Eating
ACEs—Adverse Childhood Experiences—can impact our unconscious eating habits without us even realizing it.
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How to Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.
Blog Post
How to Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is proven highly beneficial as a daily practice, not just something we save for the holidays. Learn a couple of easy ways to practice gratitude, and find out how to get personalized support to heal from ACEs and live the stress-free life you deserve.
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Mental Health Matters in Early Childhood
Mental Health Matters in Early Childhood La importancia de la salud mental en la primera infancia September 26, 2023 1:00 – 2:30 P.M. PDT This webinar will be presented in English with Spanish interpretation Este seminario virtual se presentará en inglés con interpretación al español Register Here This overview of the foundations of mental health in children 0-5 will cover the signs and symptoms of mental health concerns in infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children. The training will...
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Register Here Tuesday, September 26, 2023 - 9:00am - 3:30pm PST Children's Institute in partnership with the UCLA Pritzker Center brings you the 2023 Trauma-Informed Care Conference. This year's Trauma-Informed Care Conference will focus on creating a culture of wellness & prevention for children, families & community. We are particularly excited about a discussion with California's Surgeon General, Diana Ramos, MD, and UCLA Professor of Psychiatry, Eraka Bath, MD, moderated by LAist...
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NEAR Science-Beyond ACEs-Zoom
October 27, 2023 8:00 AM 10:00 AM PDT Zoom link Email Jennifer.Jesse@Chickasaw.net to register. Objectives: 1) Participants will understand the key concepts of the nervous system and how it interrelates with experiences, both positive and negative, and how people adapt. 2) Participants will understand key components of the Adverse Childhood Experiences study and how to utilize the data to support communities. 3) Participants will become familiar with core protective systems and the...
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Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience [nytimes.com]
An M.R.I. scan of a brain highlighting the posterior cingulate cortex. In a study, traumatic memories appeared to engage this area, which is usually involved in internally directed thought, like introspection or daydreaming. Credit... Geoff B. Hall By Ellen Berry, The New York Times, November 30, 2023 At the root of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a memory that cannot be controlled. It may intrude on everyday activity, thrusting a person into the middle of a horrifying event, or...
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Creating Resilient Communities in 2024: The Year of Cultivating Resilient Networks Through Healing Centered Cultural Wisdom
As we head into our full CRC curriculum this January, we invite current and future CRC Accelerator participants to join us with collective care and self care in mind.
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California PACEs Connection Members: We'd Like to Learn More About Your PACEs Initiative Impact
In an effort to keep our free programs accessible to California during a critical time in the PACEs movement, we'd like to learn more about the role PACEs Connection programs have played in your California PACEs initiatives and the impact of your programs.
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Can I Really Be Happy After a Crummy Childhood? Yes, you can!
A difficult past need not define you, nor determine your future. We explore three paths to building a satisfying life after hardship in childhood.
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True Healing PCE Conference!
An exceptional and extremely affordable conference about creating resilient communities is coming to San Jose 4/20/24!