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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

An ACES Presentation as a Sermon


On Sunday, I was privileged to be with the congregation at Redeeming Life Ministries in Rock Hill,  SC to teach them about ACES. My 45 minute teaching was during the normal sermon time.

Bishop Ronnie Duncan from Garden of Shalom ministry accompanied me and together we shared our insight about ACES and had a special time of ministering to members of the congregation after my presentation.

God sure was with us in a powerful way as deep inner healing was experienced by many who were present!

Ronnie and I received Master ACES Trainer training from the Children's Trust of South Carolina in the Summer and afterwards the two of us committed to  working together in the Rock Hill area of South Carolina to inform people in churches and ministries about ACES. In my talk on Sunday, I used several slides and the associated script from ACE Interface that we received in our Master Training class. I also used content from the PathWay 2 Wholeness Bible Study that I have developed.

The mission of Redeeming Life Ministries is "Redeeming Life in a Hurting World." (their logo is used as the image in this post)  And so our message about ACEs was certainly fitting!

In two weeks, we will be starting a weekly series to address the biblical solution for those who might be struggling with spiritual risk factors that stem from being affected by early life trauma. Spiritual issues, or issues of the heart, such as bitterness, shame, anxiety, low self worth, etc. The insight I have gained in the last 20 years as Founder Faith and Health Connection ministry is that important principles of the Christian Faith and a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus is the best remedy for healing and increased resilience for those who have experienced ACES.

If there is enough interest, based on Comments to this post, I'd be happy to share here my Power Point Slides and script that I used on Sunday. 

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Dale,  Thank you so much for the Principles portion of slide 40!  (and the notes).  You have been exceedingly helpful and I appreciate it.


The reference MAY be to me for something I wrote on my internet site ""  in August 2016, Titled "Nowhere to Hide: The Elephant in the [Class]room"  (Daun Kauffman).  I was curious (but not certain) because it seemed so close to home.

Thank you again.


Dale, I think the Link you are looking for is --


I'm sorry for my delay.



Dale Fletcher posted:

Daun, it seems that my reference to Kauffman, 2016 came from this internet page -

It's clear to me now that the complete reference is not included. And I see you may be the referenced author.  Do you have an accurate reference source that should be used?


And attached is a PPT slide with a completed table of Biblical Principles for Risk Factors.

Dale,  Thank you so much for the Principles portion of slide 40!  (and the notes).  You have been exceedingly helpful and I appreciate it.


The reference MAY be to me for something I wrote on my internet site ""  in August 2016, Titled "Nowhere to Hide: The Elephant in the [Class]room"  (Daun Kauffman).  I was curious (but not certain) because it seemed so close to home.

Thank you again.


Donna Chacko, M.D. posted:

Dale, You are continuing to do such great work...not just directly with those in your programs, but by sharing your material so generously. Thank you so much. I was thinking about how each of us reacts to ACEs when we first hear about them--immediately trying to see where we fit in the survey. Have you read anything written about this? Such as specific calls for action depending on where you fit...hi score, low score, children have high score but you don't, etc. 

I hope you are well. I can tell you are busy doing God's work. Don't forget to take care of yourself!!


Thanks for the encouragement Donna! To answer your question, I have not yet developed such a 'next step' document, etc. In doing a quick search I found this  - My ACES are too high, now what

Is this the kind of thing that you are talking about, but from a faith perspective?

And thanks for the encouragement to self care.  I'm on it.... with God's help!

~ Dale

Dale, You are continuing to do such great work...not just directly with those in your programs, but by sharing your material so generously. Thank you so much. I was thinking about how each of us reacts to ACEs when we first hear about them--immediately trying to see where we fit in the survey. Have you read anything written about this? Such as specific calls for action depending on where you fit...hi score, low score, children have high score but you don't, etc. 

I hope you are well. I can tell you are busy doing God's work. Don't forget to take care of yourself!!


Linda Ranson Jacobs posted:

I'll jump on this bandwagon also and would like to see your slides. I've done ACEs training for children's ministers and sent someone my slides and presentation. Can't remember who it was. But my slides are more for children's ministers and I'd like to see the slides for grown up people. Ha, ha. 

Here you go Linda! The slides are at a post at this link.  Let me know if you have any questions. 


Daun Kauffman posted:

How are your Thursday sessions going? 

Are there slides for Thursdays als available?

Hi Daun, we are not using slides for our Thursday sessions. We are slowing addressing the most prevalent spiritual risk factors and issues of the heart and their associated biblical principles/truths.  

This Thursday at least one of the participants experienced a very, very powerful release/inner healing/deliverance.  It was life changing for her, praise God!

Thanks so much for sharing all of this information and all your hard work. Choosing the right words for these discussions is challenging....mind, spirit, soul, heart?? It's not black and white. As a doctor, I first think of the heart as the incredible pumping heart that pumps 1500-2000 gallons of blood each day as it recirculates our 5 quarts of blood. I guess that's why I stick with body, mind, and spirit (soul). However we describe our parts, we can all agree they are God given and interconnected!

Margie Ann Neugebauer posted:

I"m wondering why you list spiritual issues with heart issues.  In my view, they are two separate systems for describing our whole person.  I don't see psychological therapy anywhere as a viable research based approach to shame, guilt, forgiveness, anger, abandonment, etc.  Yes, they can be spiritual, but therapy deals with those issues also.

I prefer to speak of wholeness including heart, mind, spirit, and body.  They are all interconnected and each has its own therapeutic modalities.  Theology and spirituality

is one avenue to address these issues, but that is only one way.  Psychological work is another valued opportunity.

Hi Margie,

Thanks for your comment! My appreciation is that we human beings are at our core, spiritual in nature. All of our relational experiences and circumstances affect our spirit, our inner most nature.... which I think can also be called our heart.

I think it is not possible to separate emotions, heart, spirit and the mind. They are all so intricately interconnected.

I teach that ACEs are issues of the heart/spirit. They are wounds to a person at their deepest level.

As I Christian, I understand that my spirit/heart is connected to God's Spirit who lives in me. 

I also look at wholeness top encompass heart/spirit, mind, body.  I have written a pretty extensive piece on my website on my understanding of wholeness from a biblical perspective.

From what you've written, I think that we are both saying that the 'whole' person must be addressed/considered when it comes to healing from ACEs. 

I"m wondering why you list spiritual issues with heart issues.  In my view, they are two separate systems for describing our whole person.  I don't see psychological therapy anywhere as a viable research based approach to shame, guilt, forgiveness, anger, abandonment, etc.  Yes, they can be spiritual, but therapy deals with those issues also.

I prefer to speak of wholeness including heart, mind, spirit, and body.  They are all interconnected and each has its own therapeutic modalities.  Theology and spirituality

is one avenue to address these issues, but that is only one way.  Psychological work is another valued opportunity.

Hi Folks!  

I'm attaching two documents that I used to deliver the teaching I mentioned in the post above. There is a Powerpoint file that I used on the Sunday that I've converted to a PDF. And the script that accompanies the Powerpoint is also in a PDF document.

This presentation and the supporting documents are a 'work in progress.' As Ronnie and I present this to other churches and ministries in the area, I'm sure that it will evolve.

We are doing our best to share this important material about ACEs and related biblical truths with people who will benefit from hearing it.

I hope that you find what I've shared helpful. If you have any suggestions for improvements I'd love to hear from you!

Blessings to you all!


Hi Dale, What a fabulous opportunity for Redeeming Life Ministries. I would be extremely interested to hear what you had to say. Sometimes studying about ACE's is depressing, but finding ways to link ACE recovery and prevention to our faith offers incredible hope and healing. I am very glad we have had a chance to connect and look forward to continued co-learning!

Dale Fletcher posted:
King Jones posted:

I’d love to see your slides. I live in Union County, NC and have connections to ministries in and around the Charlotte area that could benefit from the info. 


Hi King,  I actually live in Indian Land, SC quite near Waxhaw, just of highway 521.

I technically live in Waxhaw, but I’m closer to Wesley Chapel. That being said, I’d love to meet up sometime and discuss! 

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